Christians: Your Thoughts


I saw the Light
Registered Senior Member
This is to anyone. To any person who reads this please answer.

What is a Christian? What do you think they believe? Please give any other thoughts on Christianity that you might want to say.

I know everyone has got something to say so please don't hold back.

Thank you,
His Son,
I Peter 3:15
So I'm reading this thread and I says to myself, I says "What's with this guy?" Then, he sits me down and tells me how it is, he says "I'm starting this thread, you know, it's about christians, so like what do you think?" So I, being the generous guy that I am, I set him strait, I tells him "What the fuck kind of question is that?" I says "When you're dealing with these types around here, you know the types I'm talking about...when you're with these types, you have to be more specific, they won't let you slide on that vague shit you know what I'm saying? Yeah, you know what I'm saying...but hey. Let me explain it deeper, because I get the feeling that you might just be that stupid. Now if you want these people to give you a serious answer, you'l have to be more see, these people...they're all about the specifics, if you throw in some vague shit, you're gonna get some vague shit back-" Then this guy, can you believe this he interupts me mid-sentence and shit and he has the balls to ask me what do I think about christians. So then I looks him dead in the eye and I tells him "You better listen good broad... if you ever interupt me again.. I PROMISE,"no that's not what I said to him, "I GUARANTEEs that I will smack the shit out you." In the midst of all this, he again asks me the same question. This time...I'm not going to lie to you guys, I was pretty mad by this point... so I takes him out back and I gives him two options, I tell him either he can shut the fuck up or he can have a taste of the Colt 45. Then... this shit's ridiculous... he asks me I'm a nice guy, but by this time I'm really frustrated, so I put the gun up to his head and I tell him, I says "I'm not playing with you, you can leave now , or you can die right here." So he walks up into the front, and out into the road, and he gets hit by a deli truck.

Thank you,
His Son,
I Peter 3:15
So I'm reading this thread and I says to myself, I says "What's with this guy?" Then, he sits me down and tells me how it is, he says "I'm starting this thread, you know, it's about christians, so like what do you think?" So I, being the generous guy that I am, I set him strait, I tells him "What the fuck kind of question is that?" I says "When you're dealing with these types around here, you know the types I'm talking about...when you're with these types, you have to be more specific, they won't let you slide on that vague shit you know what I'm saying? Yeah, you know what I'm saying...but hey. Let me explain it deeper, because I get the feeling that you might just be that stupid. Now if you want these people to give you a serious answer, you'l have to be more see, these people...they're all about the specifics, if you throw in some vague shit, you're gonna get some vague shit back-" Then this guy, can you believe this he interupts me mid-sentence and shit and he has the balls to ask me what do I think about christians. So then I looks him dead in the eye and I tells him "You better listen good broad... if you ever interupt me again.. I PROMISE,"no that's not what I said to him, "I GUARANTEEs that I will smack the shit out you." In the midst of all this, he again asks me the same question. This time...I'm not going to lie to you guys, I was pretty mad by this point... so I takes him out back and I gives him two options, I tell him either he can shut the fuck up or he can have a taste of the Colt 45. Then... this shit's ridiculous... he asks me I'm a nice guy, but by this time I'm really frustrated, so I put the gun up to his head and I tell him, I says "I'm not playing with you, you can leave now , or you can die right here." So he walks up into the front, and out into the road, and he gets hit by a deli truck.

Really funny story honestly I got your point. You have a great imaginition, but why a Colt 45.? Why not a sawn-off shotgun? I mean really that would be my choice. Or why not go Lucas on it and pull out a lightsaber or two. Our a shoe, in austin powers the hitman had a shoe. "I mean honestly who throws a shoe?" You call my stuff crap?! Your imagination doesnt leave the weapons of the mafia. If you are going to waste your time being sarcastic by writing a story dont end it where someone dies like that. I mean really at least sound brave and fire a couple of shots. In all the time you did that you could have just answered the question. so to put a spin on things (tap into your imagination again and use the voice of mike meyers in austin powers for this next statement. "Honestly who throws crap."
Is my question really vague though? DId you not understand the question? Do you have any thoughts on the matter besides stories? But really all sarcasm aside I really did like your story, it was good, still in my opion I would have pulled out a tommy gun or something and made the other guy have at least a spoon, because when you threaten an unarmed person it doesnt make you look tough it makes you look stupid. LOL to quote the oh so great Will Ferrel in austin powers "I'm not dead yet!"

My goal is not to tick you off but for you to answer the question. You don't have too really. Just don't say anything. If you want me to be more specific about something let me know I really dont mind. But really answer the question.

His Son,
The Nicene Creed encapsulates Christianity:

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, of things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the begotten of God the Father, the Only-begotten, that is of the essence of the Father.
God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten and not made; of the very same nature of the Father, by Whom all things came into being, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
Who for us humanity and for our salvation came down from heaven, was incarnate, was made human, was born perfectly of the holy virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit.
By whom He took body, soul, and mind, and everything that is in man, truly and not in semblance.
He suffered, was crucified, was buried, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven with the same body, [and] sat at the right hand of the Father.
He is to come with the same body and with the glory of the Father, to judge the living and the dead; of His kingdom there is no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, in the uncreated and the perfect; Who spoke through the Law, prophets, and Gospels; Who came down upon the Jordan, preached through the apostles, and lived in the saints.
We believe also in only One, Universal, Apostolic, and [Holy] Church; in one baptism in repentance, for the remission, and forgiveness of sins; and in the resurrection of the dead, in the everlasting judgement of souls and bodies, and the Kingdom of Heaven and in the everlasting life.
Spider: Fucking excellent 'toon. It like sums up the entire idiocy of christianity in 3 small boxes. Wicked.
Interestingly an anagram of 'the christian' is 'he antichrist'....although I must stress this is a joke and I am tolerant of most (except in sci forums)....and I have no beef with Jesus or people like him if they existed. I think he was a right-on socialist hippie and circumstantial evidence suggests he took magic mushrooms...right-on dude...crrr-azy.
I don't mean this as any offence to anyone and it is only my own personal opinion.

Also, why is Jesus never depicted laughing?
To Warrior61:

Christians are those who are united in God through Jesus.

No matter which Christian you meet and what they believe, you can be sure they'll fit into that definition.
Christians are a group of people who found a source of happiness and joy in their life, real or not, and show it off often, wanting to share it. Angry, prideful pathetic people then attempt to ridicule them out of jealousy.
I know Christians can be good people, sincere and honest in their beliefs, some of them are my friends, but they have to expect some ridicule.
Like any other group, there is more variation of good and bad within the group than between other groups.
My only problem is the fact that they think everyone should believe the same as them (subconscious/sublimated insecurity about belief)...this is facism.
Actually I ridicule them because they are like kids going on about their invisible friend.

M*W: Well, why not ridicule them? If you saw a kid on the street corner with a crack pipe, wouldn't you say something to him? I would. I think most christians want and expect ridicule, just like children starve for discipline. It shows somebody cares when others make fools of themselves.

As for ridiculing christians in general, no, I won't do that, especially if I were somewhere in their "territory" and not in my own, like a public place, for instance. I will respect their choice to believe what they want to believe, but when christians come to sciforums, that's a whole nother story. When they come here to a science-based forum proclaiming their invisible friend is real, they set themselves up for ridicule. I'm convinced that's why they come here -- to convert the atheists and to preach to us to confirm what they erroneously believe. Sciforums is open to the public, but when christians come here, they are begging for ridicule... and they usually get it!