christians its not your fault


I believe you are emphasizing my point quite well. The example you give is a good example of a valid syllogism with a correct inference based on the stated premises, but I would hope your teacher also emphasized that valid logic depends entirely on valid premises. A valid premise is based on a prior proof, i.e. the conclusion in a syllogism assumes the premises are true. If the premises are untrue then the conclusion will be invalid, as in your example, even though the inference and construction was correct.

Please do not confuse valid logical constructs with valid logic. They are different considerations.

I think this is what duendy meant by "hard logic".

I’m quite sure he wasn’t. His intent was to diminish the value of logic by implying it is cold and heartless and that humans have feelings and emotions that are somehow outside of logic. This is unfortunately a perception horrendously and erroneously portrayed by such characters as Spock from Star Trek fame.

But to say that theistic belief is illogical is... illogical.

Are you sure? Think it through a little more. If you understand your logic lesson then you should be carefully examining the premises, not only for their validity in construction but also their truthfulness (i.e. the proofs on which they are based). Theism asserts that a god exists. What proven premises can you quote that would allow a valid inference for this conclusion? I know of none, there are none. Hence, theists cannot construct any valid logical argument for their claims.

Theism attempts to hide this problem by emphasizing “faith” as if it some form of magical and superior method for revealing truth where proofs and logic cannot work. This is of course utter nonsense. Faith simply means a conviction of a truth despite absence of any proof. It is a blatant attempt to avoid the logic problem.

Your premise in making this statement is that they have correct information and are putting it together in a way which is illogical.

No that is exactly not what I am saying. I am saying they have no valid proven premises on which to base a valid logical conclusion. Hence their assertions cannot be logical; i.e. must be illogical.

What if they (or you) have mistaken information? They (or you), may be "wrong", but not necessarily illogical.

Remember not to confuse a valid logical construct with a valid logical argument. The premises must be true for a valid conclusion. My primary premise is that there are no proofs that can support any premises that can lead to the conclusion that a god exists. I am quite prepared to dismiss that premise if anyone can provide an appropriate proof.

Cris is an angry, lonely, disappointed closet believer.
Now, since he's been that for so long, it has become to define his personality, so that he isn't much aware of his anger and all that anymore.

LOL. You've missed the ballpark by several planets.
Of course a logical argument demands true premises. Howver, if logic demands proof, as you have stated, then the following would be an illogical thing to say-

P1 joey comes home with lipstick on his shirt every night
P2 joey doesn't want to have sex with his wife
P3 joey gets overtly sexual emails from ladies at his office which he tries to hide from his wife
C1 joey is probably having an affair

Nothing has been proven, so C1 would be an illogical presumption.
Sorry, but proof is not required. I will still say that, if the theists premises are wrong, their conclusion is probably wrong. However, without proof, one can still make a reasonable, logical, assumption (like the one outlined above).

.. the best thing for some people is religion.

I agree, but that doesn’t mean that religion is the right thing or the best thing available. I cannot see that believing something that is not true can have a long-term value.

I believe in god because of the unlikely chances of evolution, and I believe because of spirits.

There are a number of threads here and several websites that can demonstrate the factual nature of evolution – which should never be a problem. As for spirits: this is derived from the word for air or breath. In ancient times it was observed that dead people have no breath and hence their breath (spirit) must have been their life force that has departed. We now know this is nonsense and it is confusing why such beliefs in spirits still exist.

So I am curious – what evidence can you present as proof of spirits that cannot be explained by more mundane natural phenomena?

BTW – welcome to sciforums.

Each of the three premises can be proven and as stated we assume they are proved and true. The problem now lies in the method of inference used in the conclusion. This is not a deductive inference, you are using induction, i.e. a probabilistic approach and that will promote quite a different discussion. But since it is 1:38am and I am tired I will leave this for another time.
TheHeretic said:
When your brainwashed the most completly irrational thoughts seem rational. So to you christians its ok that you believe god exists obviously you need that security blanket to go on in life. As a young child i beleived in Santa and God. as a grew older santa lacked rationality so i easily dismissed the idea of santa as credible. I grew a little older and did the same with god. Both ideas are based on the same principles except god is stressed more in ones childhood so it is harder to dismiss. So christians its not your fault that you believe in god, you were simply conditioned to think that way when your mind was a ball of clay.

No mind exists other than the irrational brainwashed mind.

"I think therefore I am"

No Rene (Descartes), "I therefore I". All assumptions are based on faith. Every time I jump up I seem to come back down therefore something like gravity is proved to exist, right?. I say "no", nothing can be proved. My belief that I actually jumped up was based on faith. The concept "I" is based on faith. That I came back down is based on faith. The truth of the existence of the concepts "Up" and "down" is based on faith and the truth of unstated principle of "cause and effect" is based on faith.

What does self-evident (as used by Descartes) mean? It means something that we can not help but have faith in.

The very successful magic prophesizing thought process tradition that we call "Logic" only begins after some assumptions have been accepted through faith. Without assumptions there is nothing for logic to do. Accept two or more assumptions based on faith and logic will tell you what else would be consistent with those assumptions being true.

Most of everything that we believe, we believe because it was told to us rather us believing stuf because of our own experimentation. Why we believe the things that we believe is part of a big psychological muddle. Perhaps belief in God serves Darwin's theory by creating societies that are more capable of surviving or perhaps god is as real as the concepts of "up" "down" and "I" are; who knows?!?!

Happy delusions, it's all we have.
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“ .. the best thing for some people is religion. ”

I agree, but that doesn’t mean that religion is the right thing or the best thing available. I cannot see that believing something that is not true can have a long-term value.

I have to agree as well, many people need religion to keep going and to have purpose. It may actually be the best thing for some people, and I know for sure it does have long-term value for so many, you can't count them. Many many people go their whole lives believing in God and having that as the only thing that keeps them going. I think a lot of people would break if they were proven wrong about God.
Sorry Cris that I don't have scientific proof for the existence of spirits. All my belief comes from my experiences with ghosts and yes with what i think could have been a "demon." I'm not just some delusional retard because my friends witnessed the same thing. Well buddy, sorry i dont have any scientific proof...just experience, but you may be thinking everything I said is just poopy because you weren' there. O well thanks for the warm welcoming...=-)
Sdotter I don't think people will ever be able to prove that there is a god or there isn't a god. To me well... there has to be a god of some form. I decided this just on my own thinking, and christianity is my way of believing.
qwerasdfzxcv said:
Sorry Cris that I don't have scientific proof for the existence of spirits. All my belief comes from my experiences with ghosts and yes with what i think could have been a "demon." I'm not just some delusional retard because my friends witnessed the same thing. Well buddy, sorry i dont have any scientific proof...just experience, but you may be thinking everything I said is just poopy because you weren' there. O well thanks for the warm welcoming...=-)
not so, your friends could not of witnessed the same as you, I'm glad you feel you had this experience, under questioning you friend would tell a different story.
no two people see the same thing, check police ident kits, when the policeman asks two or more people questions they end up agreeing and disagreeing.
which proves that in there own minds they saw slightly different things, this happens in all walks of life, sometimes just peer pressure, causes someone to agree with another, or just to appease them, they may not have seen anything.
dont ever be that sure of your facts you could be wrong, however having evidence helps you case. (evidence that can be verified)