Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.
Well, Jesus started breaking laws first. The Golden rule of the conservation of energy, with those five loaves and five fish fingers.
(Ignoring GR here, which wasn't around back then).
Well, Jesus started breaking laws first. The Golden rule of the conservation of energy, with those five loaves and five fish fingers.
(Ignoring GR here, which wasn't around back then).

five fish fingers

Were those the ones with the golden crispy crunchy baked bread crumb coating?

They are nice

Do you think Donald got his inspiration about crowd sizes from JC?


General Relativity?


Golden Rule?

Yes, that is picking in followers of Jesus.

I am asking why they are held to a higher standard than anyone else in the world.

Or is this just the first of many, many threads you are going to start - one for each religion, creed and philosophy that promotes compassionate behavior?

I like compassionate behavior.
Do you see much of that in Christianity and Islam?

I do not.
I see two intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions who do not grant all people equality.

Do you deny that they have those traits?

Sorry, no matter how moral you imagine your life to be, you can't keep Christ from suffering. That is a fact no matter what your religious delusions tell you.

I have no religious delusions and do not even believe in the biblical suffering savior although there might have been a Jesus from Nazareth. But that would be just a man and not a God.

I've always found the concept of a scape goat a bit distasteful. Then again, I think it's all allegory and fictional mythology.

You would be right on both counts.

Seems your morals and reading skills are better than Jesus followers.

That is a very different argument than you present in the OP and the thread title.

I ask again, why are Christians singled out? No other peoples have self-contradictory or questionable teachings their religion, creed or philosophy?

So, all of them. All Christians. You've met all of them. You're OK with categorically labelling a billion people as hypocrites.

If they fly the cross, they are Christians in my book.

You can cherry pick the few who might not be the scapegoat riding types. I do not have the time.

I like compassionate behavior.
Do you see much of that in Christianity and Islam?

You are committing a confirmation bias.
"I see some behavior that is X. I have associated that behavior with certain traits of the person, therefore the traits cause the behavior and cause it disproportionately."

Try this: try substituting another group and another behavior. See if that logic holds.

I see theft and robbery. When I see it, I notice the skin colour of the people. I can now claim that
a] the skin colour is disproportionately associated with the behavior, and
b] the skin colour is the cause of the behavior.

c] I ignore any theft and robbery that does not confirm my view.
d] I decide that correlation (correlation I invented) does imply causation.

I do not.
Ah. So this is an anecdote. See above: "I see..." .

I see two intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions who do not grant all people equality.
Pretty much like everyone else on the planet - if one is going to generalize.

Do you deny that they have those traits?
I do not deny that humans have those traits.
I have no religious delusions . . . .
You believe that Christians "consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment." They can't - it already happened. If you believe anything that Christians believe or say can change that, they you are living in a religious delusion.

You are committing a confirmation bias.
"I see some behavior that is X. I have associated that behavior with certain traits of the person, therefore the traits cause the behavior and cause it disproportionately."

Try this: try substituting another group and another behavior. See if that logic holds.

I see theft and robbery. When I see it, I notice the skin colour of the people. I can now claim that
a] the skin colour is disproportionately associated with the behavior, and
b] the skin colour is the cause of the behavior.

c] I ignore any theft and robbery that does not confirm my view.
d] I decide that correlation (correlation I invented) does imply causation.

Ah. So this is an anecdote. See above: "I see..." .

Pretty much like everyone else on the planet - if one is going to generalize.

I do not deny that humans have those traits.

Indeed, and the vast majority claim to be religious thus religions push those immoral tenets.

As to my confirmation bias, my bias is indeed confirmed by reality.

You believe that Christians "consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment." They can't - it already happened. If you believe anything that Christians believe or say can change that, they you are living in a religious delusion.

They can as they have to accept Jesus as their personal savior in order to be saved.


Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

You do realize that in the case of Jesus H. Baldheaded "Tits" Christ on a Pony, that's a feature, not a bug?

God's will is God's will is God's will.

Arius and Athanasius pitched fits over the humanity and divinity of Christ; the resulting Nicene Creed suffices as a workaround.

As on Earth, so in Heaven; God is Great; all Hosanna unto Him on High.

No, seriously, there are certainly aspects by which your construction is logically valid, but the wildcard here is God. Not only is this dependence His Will, but He also empowered His children to do strange things like invent the Nicene Creed and make it stick.

As in Heaven, so on Earth; God is Great; all Hosanna unto Him on High.
You do realize that in the case of Jesus H. Baldheaded "Tits" Christ on a Pony, that's a feature, not a bug?

God's will is God's will is God's will.

Arius and Athanasius pitched fits over the humanity and divinity of Christ; the resulting Nicene Creed suffices as a workaround.

As on Earth, so in Heaven; God is Great; all Hosanna unto Him on High.

No, seriously, there are certainly aspects by which your construction is logically valid, but the wildcard here is God. Not only is this dependence His Will, but He also empowered His children to do strange things like invent the Nicene Creed and make it stick.

As in Heaven, so on Earth; God is Great; all Hosanna unto Him on High.

So to you, God can die. Interesting.

They can as they have to accept Jesus as their personal savior in order to be saved.
Some do; most don't.

The Golden Rule is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" not "demand that people in the past have things done to them that you want to have done to you." So once again, it does not apply - unless you live in the sort of delusion where you can go back in time and change things.
The Golden Rule is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

You do know and understand that there are people out in the world who are called sadist

They enjoy having pain inflicted upon themselves

So the so called golden rule tells them they have permission to go out and inflict pain on others

You do know and understand that there are people out in the world who are called sadist
They enjoy having pain inflicted upon themselves
So the so called golden rule tells them they have permission to go out and inflict pain on others
Nope. Those would be masochists.

But in any case, pathological sadists (or masochists) don't really care about any sort of moral standards. Often these are criminals.

The more functional sadists/masochists want others to treat them as they want to be treated, and they want to have the right to consent to such treatment. So, following the golden rule to a person like that would mean obtaining consent before they inflicted pain on others (or had pain inflicted on them) - just as they would ask others to obtain their consent before doing so.
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The more functional sadists/masochists want others to treat them as they want to be treated, and they want to have the right to consent to such treatment. So, following the golden rule to a person like that would mean obtaining consent before they inflicted pain on others (or had pain inflicted on them) - just as they would ask others to obtain their consent before doing so.

No no no no

Don't move the goal post (hope you understand the meaning)

In this case you're trying to move them closer together

Narrowing down the definetion

You even specified ' more functional sadists/masochists ' requiring obtaining and giving consent

Golden rule does not mention anything about obtaining or giving consent

Golden rule is at its fundemental base ' a one size fits all ' ' cure all ' fix

Simple pap to feed masses when complicated questions are asked

Designed to short-circuit discussion by deflecting the question back to the questioner and having the questioner reflect on their own values

The effect is the questioner inserts their values which has a flow on effect of the questioner providing the answer themselves and agreeing with themselves

Further the pap golden rule is correct for everyone (everyone agrees with themselves) leading to the impression the provider of the pap to appear all wise and all knowing

Did you hear what he said about treating others as you like them to treat you?

Yes so wise

No one ask the other how the other likes to be treated

A few such discussions would soon expose the range of treatments preferred so the pap golden rule is exposed as pap

You even specified ' more functional sadists/masochists ' requiring obtaining and giving consent . . .Golden rule does not mention anything about obtaining or giving consent
Correct. "Treat others as you wish to be treated" is basically it. Masochists, in general, do not wish that people walk up and punch them in the face; they wish to find a partner willing to hurt them after they consent to it. Therefore, they would treat others this way if they chose to follow that golden rule.