Christians bitch about lack or religion in schools

Question....Why is everyone so uncomfortable with religion in schools?
Why teach it you say? Why not teach it? The foundation of almost every law of every nation is based in some way on religious precepts.Much of the law our world organisations (such as the UN) are grounded in the Bible.Wouldn't you want the children of the future to grow up in the spirit of love and care for his fellow man?
Boufman said:
Question....Why is everyone so uncomfortable with religion in schools?
Why teach it you say? Why not teach it? The foundation of almost every law of every nation is based in some way on religious precepts.Much of the law our world organisations (such as the UN) are grounded in the Bible.Wouldn't you want the children of the future to grow up in the spirit of love and care for his fellow man?[/QUOTE
M*W: Why would I want my children to know about the bloodiest religion of all time--Christianity? I want my children/grandchildren to know that Humanity is well into the process of evolving to be the face of God on Earth. We are now living in the last day of creation, and we will all have been created as a very special part of the One Spirit of God. In the end, there will be NO divisions in religion, gender, race, color or ethnicity. We will be one, both male and female, androgynous, a blend of all the races and ethnicities, and this is what God will look like. We will be the One Spirit of God.
You're definitely a minority, MedicineWoman.

The reason people are uncomfortable is that all religions cannot be given equal attention in schools and cannot be taught without bias.
Therefore, religious equality is maintained by prohibiting teachers from teaching it at all.

It is a peace, and those who would end it for their own religions' interests are fools.
Religion, as such, should not be taught in schools because of conflicting opinions in today's world of *freedom*.

I say this even though I am a Christian, I wouldn't want children being taught Mormonism in school.

I have already addressed MedicineWoman on her ludicrous claims in a different thread, I am too tired to even object.
