Christian's beef with Atheists

Am not certain but Sweden may have a system like they do here in Norway. you are automatically a member of the state church unless you actively get yourself removed from the membership list. My wife and I have never belonged to the church here. she and her father both opted out (so she wasn't a first generation non-believer) Nevertheless during a routine check through some papers we discovered that someone had taken the liberty of having my youngest listed as a member of the church :mad:

It's the same system in Finland. Naturally that made me curious. Are all these people atheists who are too lazy to unregister? So I have been asking around. Most are believers just on a very low level: 'there has to be something'. Some are atheists.
Am not certain but Sweden may have a system like they do here in Norway. you are automatically a member of the state church unless you actively get yourself removed from the membership list. My wife and I have never belonged to the church here. she and her father both opted out (so she wasn't a first generation non-believer) Nevertheless during a routine check through some papers we discovered that someone had taken the liberty of having my youngest listed as a member of the church
yes, everyone should take statistics with a grain of salt unless we have access to all of the data gathered in the study, the wording of the question, ect.

for example, a survey could say: are you 100% certain that god is real (yes, no). in which case a lot of people would probably mark no, though they are still religious. however, a different survey could say: are you an Atheist (yes, no). which would likely give you vastly different results.
So where do the swedish get their morality?

The same place Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Cargo Cultists of Melanesia do: themselves.

If we are going to embrace athiests, athiests need to come up with a better religion than satanism, because satanism seems to be one of the main athiest religions out there.

You aren't seriously that ignorant are you? Satan is a judeo-christian god. Atheists have no gods and since satan requires that christian mythology and superstition be accepted as genuine, no atheist gives any more credence to satanism than any other christian cult.

The point is, we need morality, it does not matter if it comes from science, or from religion, but humans as a species cannot exist without rules, laws, and ethics. Athiests might have ways to figure out ethics but they have no language from which to pass their morality from one generation to the next.

Again, you seriously can't be that ignorant. Only the most ignorant and under-educated of the followers of a given religious cult would believe they have a monopoly on morals and ethics.
"Originally posted by Cato
the way you worded that makes it very confusing. how is a person a Christian if they say there is no god? so you are saying that you think that atheists really know there is a god but they say there isn't? if that is what you are saying, I think you are mistaken. I genuinely do not believe in a god."

Kendall-I have heard more then a few christians say they do not believe in god, and some make fun of people who believe in god or are religious, I guess they are not christians then are they! Are they atheists? Tell me what you believe as a atheist? Do you believe in right and wrong, good and bad and truth and lies.
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here is that way I see it in a nutshell:

believer in superstition: someone who thinks that there are forces or spirits that are invisible to observation, yet can have an impact on the world.
theist: someone who believes in an organized religion.
agnostic: someone who questions whether or not a god would be knowable, if one exists.
atheist(weak): someone who does not believe in any gods because they see no reason to.
atheist(strong): someone who believes that there are no gods. (for various reasons)
anti-theist: someone who despises the actions that organized religion has taken, and thus wants to stop those actions.
these are my "nut-shell" definitions, I am not sure what category your friends fall into.
"Originally posted by Cato
the way you worded that makes it very confusing. how is a person a Christian if they say there is no god? so you are saying that you think that atheists really know there is a god but they say there isn't? if that is what you are saying, I think you are mistaken. I genuinely do not believe in a god."

Kendall-I have heard more then a few christians say they do not believe in god, and some make fun of people who believe in god or are religious, I guess they are not christians then are they! Are they atheists? Tell me what you believe as a atheist? Do you believe in right and wrong, good and bad and truth and lies.

M*W: Interesting point. IMO, I think there are many people who 'claim' to be christian, more so out of habit rather than religious belief. I'd like to know the statistics of people who 'claim' to be christian, who really don't believe christian doctrine.

The adherents web site gives worldwide percentages of those declaring their religion of choice. Christians came in at only 33%, but I am convinced that percentage of worldwide christian population is skewed and is probably much less than 33%.
I am not looking down on atheists its just that I notice that a lot of people who I would not trust have a bit of a fascination with making fun or mocking religion and the idea of god and they often exaggerate there side and under-emphasize the other.
well, in their defense, there are plenty of Christians who do the same to atheists =]. "godless" is often used as an insult.