Christian's beef with Atheists

I don't know man, it seems to be spelled out pretty well that he word of god is "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man." one of the reasons I could never be a Christian is things like this. if I could take any part of the bible and ignore it, simply because its not socially acceptable, would seriously undermine my faith. I would be plagued with questions of what else could be ignored if the social climate changed.
Well, they're now performing gay weddings. Of course you still get the fundies that don't realise homosexuality is also one of those "it don't matter no more" kind of god rules.

I'm sure redefine91 concurs with that.

Only a matter of time before the religious are bonking children because god doesn't prohibit it.. oh wait... too late.
as far as i can tell any homosexual reference is old testament which is very rule based. the new testament expects more out of christians. it is less rules and a lot more about an attitude and way of life.
But if there is a religion that takes defamation of its holy things seriously, it's Islam. And yet they remain timid?
Many people say that atheists are treated better than Christians in Muslim countries. I suspect it's a historical thing. Whatever Islam is supposed to be about in theory, in practice revenge is one of the strongest emotions in its followers. The Sunnis and Shiites are still killing each other over some obscure thing that happened in the seventh century, so it's no wonder that Muslims still have a grudge against Christians because of the Crusades. It's sadly no joke to say that a moderate Muslim is one who only holds a grudge for six generations.

Revenge is arguably the most evil of human emotions, and tribalism is an emotion that works exactly counter to the development of civilization. Islam fosters both revenge and tribalism.
mustafhakofi said:
The first point the idiot stated was that a rapist would rape the girl in the mini skirt, I believe this is totally wrong, rape is all about power, the would be rapist would be more excited by the girl totally covered, more mysterious. it's more empowering for the would be rapist. hell a hundred years ago men used to get excited by seeing a womans ankle, the more a womans cover the more exciting it is for the man, hence why we have the dance of the seven veils.
What you say is the conventional wisdom about rape in Western culture. It is about power and violence, not specifically about sex. In a sense, rapists choose rape as their mode of attack because they don't have to carry another weapon.

Every Muslim with whom I've ever discussed those stupid ninja outfits they want their women to wear said the same thing. If a woman shows her flesh, many of the men around her will lose their composure and will attack her. To me that says that Muslim men are therefore totally evil people who should not be out of prison. I've seen candid camera videos of naked women walking down the street in Western countries just to see what would happen. A few grimaces about the breach of propriety, a few catcalls and lewd remarks and invitations to a more intimate location (pretty much the same thing they get when they have their clothes on), and a number of the men just go back to reading their newspaper once they see what the fuss is about.

Islamic culture is said to be horribly repressive about sex. That's why at Abu Ghraib the prisoners actually considered it "torture" to be forced to watch two Americans screwing. That was certainly over the top, but these are some really messed up folks.
Homosexuality is a behavior, skin color is not.
Where do you come up with this bullshit? And you people really don't understand why so many of us are absolutely fed up with Christians and Christianity? Read any newspaper for two weeks and you'll see the results of the latest research into homosexuality. They've just about got it narrowed down to something that occurs in utero. The answer to the nature versus nurture question turns out to be, "Neither, it's in between."

You are no scientist, dude. I don't know why you come to a "Scientific Forum," but you're as out of place here as a dog at a cat show.
Many people say that atheists are treated better than Christians in Muslim countries.

It also happens to be NOT true.

In several Muslim countries being an atheist is against the law, although being a Christian is still OK....
I've noticed that in the world, and especially here, when an atheist starts talking about the lack of a higher being, the major backlash and arguments come from Christians.

Please don't turn this into a theist vs atheist thread. Christ knows we have enough already.

Why is it that the Hindus, Jews, or Muslims don't join in these debates more often? and why do the ones who do argue do it with much less zeal?

Well I don't think Hindus make up a very large percentage of the people in this forum.

Jews believe they are a chosen people of God. So why should they care if some gentiles think there is no God? Maybe if a person of Jewish decent proposed that The God of Abraham did not exist then you might get a Orthodox Jew responding out of a desire to bring a "lost" brother back to the faith, but why should an Orthodox Jew care if a bunch of gentiles proclaim that God foes not exist? And anyway why would an Orthodox Jew even bother coming into this forum?

Islam has never relied on the Word to propagate their beliefs they have another more effective method called the sword. Of course some muslims might try to counter the blasphemy of atheists by using arguments but they are not as driven as Christians are because TRUE Christians only have the Word at their disposal. Muslims can always reach for the sword and terror when they reach a critical mass in the population.

So Christians respond with words because Christians are restricted to Word.
Christians respond with words because they care about the eternal salvation of the ones they are talking to.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
They behave more like a physical army, developing constituencies in the populace, then when there are enough of them, they start razing hell.

Swedish atheists make up over 80% of the countries population... I don't see much hell being raised over there. It all seems to be coming from the US and the Middle East - the two most crusading regions on the planet.
as far as i can tell any homosexual reference is old testament which is very rule based. the new testament expects more out of christians. it is less rules and a lot more about an attitude and way of life.

While jesus states that all the old laws must be obeyed - not one dot or stroke is to be removed from them and anyone that goes against them yada yada...
I've noticed that in the world, and especially here, when an atheist starts talking about the lack of a higher being, the major backlash and arguments come from Christians.

Please don't turn this into a theist vs atheist thread. Christ knows we have enough already.

Why is it that the Hindus, Jews, or Muslims don't join in these debates more often? and why do the ones who do argue do it with much less zeal?

It's not that. It's more that athiests don't want for a God to exist, athiests are anti-God, and it's difficult for thiests to accept. Athiests are not agnostic.
Swedish atheists make up over 80% of the countries population... I don't see much hell being raised over there. It all seems to be coming from the US and the Middle East - the two most crusading regions on the planet.

So where do the swedish get their morality? If we are going to embrace athiests, athiests need to come up with a better religion than satanism, because satanism seems to be one of the main athiest religions out there.

The point is, we need morality, it does not matter if it comes from science, or from religion, but humans as a species cannot exist without rules, laws, and ethics. Athiests might have ways to figure out ethics but they have no language from which to pass their morality from one generation to the next.
Swedish atheists make up over 80% of the countries population... I don't see much hell being raised over there. It all seems to be coming from the US and the Middle East - the two most crusading regions on the planet.


Today about 78% of Swedes belong to the Church of Sweden. Apparently the atheists are infiltrating the church

It's not that. It's more that atheists don't want for a God to exist, atheists are anti-God, and it's difficult for thiests to accept.
no, its not that at all. atheists don't believe in god, and don't want to theists imposing their doctrine upon them/us.

So where do the swedish get their morality?
morality is a natural trait, early morality would have come from empathy, but societal morality is nearly ubiquitous. you don't need a god to be moral. most people can figure out what is moral and what is not. in addition to that, there are time-tested ways to be moral, such as the classical virtues, social contract ethics, utilitarianism, ect. it is a myth that ethics come from religion, how else do you explain that religions have changed and adapted their moral codes?

If we are going to embrace athiests, athiests need to come up with a better religion than satanism, because satanism seems to be one of the main athiest religions out there.
WTF? are you drunk? I don't even know where to start pointing out flaws in that statement.

Athiests might have ways to figure out ethics but they have no language from which to pass their morality from one generation to the next.
if you mean that atheists have no major brain-washing institutions, you would be correct. if you mean that atheists can't teach morality, then you are sadly mistaken.
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"Originally posted by cato"
it seems to be spelled out pretty well that he word of god is "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man." one of the reasons I could never be a Christian is things like this

Kendall-Where did you get that from?

I have no beef with atheists, but I do find that people(christians or atheists) who say there is no such thing as God, or look down at people who are religious or believe in god are not people who I would trust, I find it is usually related to them wanting to believe something that they know is not the truth. It is the love of the truth or denial of that shows what a person is.
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Today about 78% of Swedes belong to the Church of Sweden. Apparently the atheists are infiltrating the church


Am not certain but Sweden may have a system like they do here in Norway. you are automatically a member of the state church unless you actively get yourself removed from the membership list. My wife and I have never belonged to the church here. she and her father both opted out (so she wasn't a first generation non-believer) Nevertheless during a routine check through some papers we discovered that someone had taken the liberty of having my youngest listed as a member of the church :mad:
Kendall-Where did you get that from?
I cited it in my previous post. (timothy 2:11, TNIV)

I have no beef with atheists, but I do find that people(christians or atheists) who say there is no such thing as God, or look down at people who are religious or believe in god are not people who I would trust, I find it is usually related to them wanting to believe something that they know is not the truth. It is the love of the truth or denial of that shows what a person is.
what? the way you worded that makes it very confusing. how is a person a Christian if they say there is no god? so you are saying that you think that atheists really know there is a god but they say there isn't? if that is what you are saying, I think you are mistaken. I genuinely do not believe in a god.