Christian's beef with Atheists


I piss excellence
Registered Senior Member
I've noticed that in the world, and especially here, when an atheist starts talking about the lack of a higher being, the major backlash and arguments come from Christians.

Please don't turn this into a theist vs atheist thread. Christ knows we have enough already.

Why is it that the Hindus, Jews, or Muslims don't join in these debates more often? and why do the ones who do argue do it with much less zeal?
But if there is a religion that takes defamation of its holy things seriously, it's Islam.

And yet they remain timid?
I've noticed that in the world, and especially here, when an atheist starts talking about the lack of a higher being, the major backlash and arguments come from Christians.

Please don't turn this into a theist vs atheist thread. Christ knows we have enough already.

Why is it that the Hindus, Jews, or Muslims don't join in these debates more often? and why do the ones who do argue do it with much less zeal?
What about samcd, and lightgigantic?
Muslims can't speak english now?
Most people in the English-speaking world are christians, or used to be christians, correct?
Actually there are some Muslim vids on YouTube where different folks talk about atheism. The funniest line I heard in one was that it was easier to convert an atheist to Islam than a Christian because the job is half done, alluding to the Muslim phrase, "There is no god but Allah." The Muslim said that since the atheist is already saying, "There is no god," all he has to do is show the atheist that Allah exists.
Actually there are some Muslim vids on YouTube where different folks talk about atheism. The funniest line I heard in one was that it was easier to convert an atheist to Islam than a Christian because the job is half done, alluding to the Muslim phrase, "There is no god but Allah." The Muslim said that since the atheist is already saying, "There is no god," all he has to do is show the atheist that Allah exists.

yea! that idiot cracked me up! Here's his video:
thanks for the vid a laugh a minute.

the first point the idiot stated was that a rapist would rape the girl in the mini skirt, I believe this is totally wrong, rape is all about power, the would be rapist would be more excited by the girl totally covered, more mysterious. it's more empowering for the would be rapist. hell a hundred years ago men used to get excited by seeing a womans ankle, the more a womans cover the more exciting it is for the man, hence why we have the dance of the seven veils.
shariah law as he said may reduce rape, but it will increase subjugation of woman, honour killings (taking the law into your own hands, meaning your allowed to kill whom ever you wish as long as you can justify it in shariah law)
thats my tupen'th.
He did not preach Biblically, God doesn't "hate fags," He hates all sin, and wants to save the gay people.

Some gay people are real Christians, but are still struggling with their bad habit, just like other Christians struggle with other bad habits, Christians are human, but they have an inner guiding light which they hopefully usually follow.

But as Paul said, the more mature you are in Christ, the more you realize the wickedness of your natural condition, which is battled against 'til the day you die (if the Lord doesn't come back first).

Some Christians draw very near to the Lord, and so, are able to stop their bad behaviors, this is a relative thing among the body of believers.
He did not preach Biblically, God doesn't "hate fags," He hates all sin, and wants to save the gay people.

Some gay people are real Christians, but are still struggling with their bad habit, just like other Christians struggle with other bad habits, Christians are human, but they have an inner guiding light which they hopefully usually follow.
You have no idea how disturbing your thoughts are on this matter.
I truly pity your narrow mindedness, whether you want that pity or not.
He did not preach Biblically, God doesn't "hate fags," He hates all sin, and wants to save the gay people.

Some gay people are real Christians, but are still struggling with their bad habit, just like other Christians struggle with other bad habits, Christians are human, but they have an inner guiding light which they hopefully usually follow.

But as Paul said, the more mature you are in Christ, the more you realize the wickedness of your natural condition, which is battled against 'til the day you die (if the Lord doesn't come back first).

Some Christians draw very near to the Lord, and so, are able to stop their bad behaviors, this is a relative thing among the body of believers.

So, you're not high when you dream up this stuff?