Christians and business ....

Well ... duh!

Again I'm at a bit of a loss; I just don't know what the big deal is
Of course you don't.

I'm reading through the posts and trying to press a few posters about some rather silly remarks whitch are clearly nothing more than reactionary bleats of indignation
Quite the effective method, eh? :rolleyes:

Bleat on, Mystech.
If you want to talk about irrelevant posts how about "I was once robbed by a Christian"?
How is it irrelevant? You ought to try establishing that. I, for one, see it as very relevant; we can cross the "Christian honesty" off the list of reasons why people use the fish, perhaps? Or at least bear in mind, perhaps, that the symbol is no guarantee of honesty?

Go ahead, Mystech, establish the irrelevance.
Yes, and perhaps if you weren't foaming at the mouth you'd have noticed that I didn't complain about the fact that you gave an answer, nor did I suggest that you change your tone, simply that I thought it was rather uncharacteristic of you.
I figured you intelligent enough to get the hint the first time. I was obviously wrong. Why not give nitwit dialect a try in order to accommodate you?
I'd rather that this thread not become an unchallenged Christian-bashing thread, and so that's my part.
Well, it seems that aside from you everybody's chipping in their two cents here and there while we wait for a Christian with a clue to come along and give us their two cents, which might just clarify the value of all of our two cents ... frankly, I don't see how taking out some arcane bigotry against Wiccans serves anybody's purpose.

If you perceive an injustice, why not seek justice? Why seek petty revenge?

Barring any more reasonable answer, I can easily conclude that petty revenge is what's important to you.

I mean, you almost had a valid point in addressing Silivren's sentence, but you opted for the petty instead of the substantive.
"Well I'm not going to argue over "Steal vs. Adopt" my opinion is that taking on a custom is hardly stealing, but there's no way to deny that these customs were integrated within Christianity by whatever means, in order to win over some converts, I never said anything to the contrary."

But the point i'm not making very well here, is that surely taking over the customs of other faiths kind of devalues, muddles and generally renders pointless Christianity and any claim it might have to speciality.

"You've made the same mistake of over qualifying those customs which they acquired, you say that they took "Most of the pre Christian things", and that is what I have a problem with."

I'm not saying they took all of the pre christian things. i dont know enough to be able to present lists, but I think major feasts, bits of ritual and so on, are enough to show a disregard for the original religion. Furthermore, i took it for graned that you wouldnt think Christianity took over everything else from all teh otehr religions in the world. That would be blatantly silly. Like most other religions, it helps to absorb the previous ones when the new religion is small and not very powerful, then when it is big and powerful, and finally meets say hinduism etc, it has no need to absorb them, it can simply present its own brand of religion and say "this is IT".

I prefer to aovid religion bashing, thats my agnostic nature, but I will still point out problems and so on. I'd do so with other religions but I know more about Christianity being brought up in a christian country etc.
Re: Well ... duh!

Originally posted by tiassa
Bleat on, Mystech.How is it irrelevant? You ought to try establishing that. I, for one, see it as very relevant; we can cross the "Christian honesty" off the list of reasons why people use the fish, perhaps? Or at least bear in mind, perhaps, that the symbol is no guarantee of honesty?

Go ahead, Mystech, establish the irrelevance.

Do you really have to ask, Tiassa? Playing dumb isn't very flattering.

The way this conversation has been going we have been attempting to establish why many Christian business owners feel the need to advertise that they are Christian. Medicine Woman's anecdote was presented along those lines, yet in the end didn't mean a thing, as it deals with a single supposed Christian business owner in a single incident, which doesn't tell us a damned thing about the trend that we are trying to look at. It's like saying that we can draw a useful conclusion from an anecdote such as "I once met a black ex-convict who had served his time and went right back to a life of crime after being released". What is the point that is trying to be made here? If were to accept the anecdote as being relevant I suppose that it would mean black people are irredeemable, and should not be released from prison. Pretty silly isn't it?

Originally posted by tiassa
it seems that aside from you everybody's chipping in their two cents here and there while we wait for a Christian with a clue to come along and give us their two cents, which might just clarify the value of all of our two cents ...

I really don't see how that would help the situation very much, especialy at this point in the thread.

Originally posted by tiassa
frankly, I don't see how taking out some arcane bigotry against Wiccans serves anybody's purpose.

I haven't been speaking out against wiccans but instead defending Christians from viewpoints which I characterized as distinctly wiccan, use a little reading comprehension. I'm not sure how to interperate the idea of "arcane bigotry", but if there is any bigotry to be found in this thread it's certainly against those damn filthy Christians who would as soon steal your microwave as do an honest day's work.

Originally posted by tiassa
If you perceive an injustice, why not seek justice? Why seek petty revenge?

For the same reason you jump right to Ad Homonym attacks: it's easier a lot easier, especially through this medium.
Originally posted by guthrie
But the point i'm not making very well here, is that surely taking over the customs of other faiths kind of devalues, muddles and generally renders pointless Christianity and any claim it might have to speciality.

I agree with that quite a bit, and there's a lot of hypocrasy involved in it as well. If your religoin is so sacred and right then how is it that you can just keep adopting the customs and rituals of other religions outside of your "true faith". It does serve to degrade the religion.