Christians and business ....

Origins of the Christian fish symbol

The origin of the Christian fish symbol, is that in the Greek, the first letters of the words Jesus Christ God's son savior, form an anagram for the Greek word for fish (ichthus).

It was an early form of Christian identification. A person would draw half an elipse on the ground, and a Christian would know to draw the other half, so it formed a fish. Because in the early days of Christianity, there was much violent persecution.

The meaning today, is supposed to be a company that has intergrity, but it has been hijacked by less than reputable companies.
Originally posted by Silivren
Christianity stole practically every pagan holiday, religious symbol, and superstition in an attempt to get them all to convert. Then they burned people. Fun.

haha, "Practically every pagan holiday, religious symbol, and superstition."? That's really quite a lot of material I hope you realize. I think this would be more accurately stated as The Catholic Church adopted and modified several holidays and icons (such as the date which they now celebrate Christmas, and figures like the Easter bunny) from a few other mostly European faiths.

I love how you Wiccans throw around the word "Pagan" and like to get down on the Christians without really having a fucking clue what you're talking about. As an Atheist who enjoys Christian bashing himself that's saying a lot, you're just too brash arrogant about it, and not nearly as knowledgeable as you seem to think.

Originally posted by biblthmp
The origin of the Christian fish symbol, is that in the Greek, the first letters of the words Jesus Christ God's son savior, form an anagram for the Greek word for fish (ichthus).
Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter (I-ch-th-y-s )

I'm always amazed at how many people use this symbol and have no idea what it means.


(edit: P.S. The words that make up the acrostic are actually latin, not greek.)
Free pass

As an Atheist who enjoys Christian bashing himself that's saying a lot, you're just too brash arrogant about it, and not nearly as knowledgeable as you seem to think.
You know ... this one's just too easy. I'll be in the corner, smoking.

MedicineWoman wrote:

Who cares what you think?

Evil Christian carpet cleaners notwithstanding, I don't know, maybe people that have enough common sense in deciphering fact from fiction? Evidently you cared enough about the situation to blab at length about it on a discussion board but not enough to do anything else. You had many avenues open to pursue your rights, that you did nothing is reflective of a problem. Complacency breeds victimization.

Originally posted by Bridge
Evil Christian carpet cleaners notwithstanding, I don't know, maybe people that have enough common sense in deciphering fact from fiction? Evidently you cared enough about the situation to blab at length about it on a discussion board but not enough to do anything else. You had many avenues open to pursue your rights, that you did nothing is reflective of a problem. Complacency breeds victimization.
(You're right. The point was that we were talking about fish advertising. It's not always what you see. Someone could end up with a bad experience like I did. Sometimes, you just need to let things go and get them behind you. Yes, I had many opportunities to pursue my rights, but I didn't want to deal with these characters again. I'd venture to say they were dirty-looking dopehead ex-cons, because they certainly didn't appear to be Xians! You're right, complacency does breed victimization. I should have turned their business down when they first arrived at 9:30 PM! All I'm saying is that when you see a 'fish' advertised in business, you're not necessarily getting a person you'd want to do business with.)
Originally posted by Bridge
So here is a business person who has invested considerable capital on a van (not cheap) with carpet cleaning and extraction equipment(not cheap), licenses(not cheap), employees(training and insurance, not cheap), cleaning products(not cheap) and also likely spent a substantial amount of money advertising his business in the yellow pages. Ever price out an ad in the yellow pages? They ain't cheap. Now this person is going to stake not only their entire reputation, personal and business, but their entire business investment and possible criminal and civil penalties over a frikken cheap ass microwave oven? Give me a frikken break.

Is that what they teach you in the church? To judge people by appearance and how much money they have? No wonder, Mr. Christian bush invested in ENRON, but was smart enough to get insider trader information and sell quickly at the right time to maximize his profits, knowing that millions would loose their retirement and livelihood, while Mr. Bush enjoys doubling and tripeling of his assets and call it good holly chrisitan money and even tithe from it.

Now you give us a break, where do you get off questioning a factual personal incident stated by MW based on baseless assertions. For god sake, she is telling you she got robbed and you turn around and accuse the victim and defend the theif. I sure hope that you don't join our judiciary system.

Next time think a bit outside the box. That same respectable business owner that you describe above in great details happens to love hiring minimum wage highschool dropouts to clean the carpets. His turnover rate on employees is less than a week, because they can't keep their hands off other people property.
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Re: Greek not Latin


I stand corrected; my reference indicated latin but a little searching proves that you are right.


Is that what they teach you in the church? To judge people by appearance and how much money they have?

What are you foaming at mouth about? I questioned MW's story because at first I couldn't understand why she wouldn't pursue her legal rights in the matter. Right or wrong, I made a few assumptions and then jumped to a conclusion of my own. She answered my questions. I don't have a problem with her deciding to drop the matter, I personally would've taken a different approach and gone after the criminal.

No wonder, Mr. Christian bush invested in ENRON, but was smart enough to get insider trader information and sell quickly at the right time to maximize his profits, knowing that millions would loose their retirement and livelihood, while Mr. Bush enjoys doubling and tripeling of his assets and call it good holly chrisitan money and even tithe from it.

Get your facts straight. If there was any fraud, criminal conduct or ethical violations involving George W. Bush and Enron then show us the proof. I'll be right behind you demanding his impeachment and appropriate criminal prosecution.

Now you give us a break, where do you get off questioning a factual personal incident stated by MW based on baseless assertions. For god sake, she is telling you she got robbed and you turn around and accuse the victim and defend the theif. I sure hope that you don't join our judiciary system.

How do you know it's factual anymore than I do? Were you there to witness the theft of her microwave?

Next time think a bit outside the box. That same respectable business owner that you describe above in great details happens to love hiring minimum wage highschool dropouts to clean the carpets. His turnover rate on employees is less than a week, because they can't keep their hands off other people property.

As if you would know anything more than I do about this particular business person. You're speaking in generalities which is exactly what you accused me of doing....judging a person by the type of business they're involved in. You know nothing more than what've read about the matter, just like me. I've accepted MWs account of the story and it's a dead issue.
"haha, "Practically every pagan holiday, religious symbol, and superstition."? That's really quite a lot of material I hope you realize. I think this would be more accurately stated as The Catholic Church adopted and modified several holidays and icons (such as the date which they now celebrate Christmas, and figures like the Easter bunny) from a few other mostly European faiths."

Look up Mithraism. Christinaities festivals coincide almost exactly with it. As does half the rituals, the ideas etc etc. Then across europe, many of the superstitions to do with good and evil and demons and witches etc were fitted in somehow as well, the church fathers went through incredible contortions to fit them altogether into the Christian world outlook. There is no exact line between steal and adopt, but I think we can safely say that Christianity stole most of the pre Christian things in order to increase its popularity. Would you say the Catholic church is christian, or that earlier christian traditions survive today?
Re: Free pass

Originally posted by tiassa
You know ... this one's just too easy. I'll be in the corner, smoking.


Don't be such a coy little bitch, if you have something to say just come out and say it.
Originally posted by guthrie
There is no exact line between steal and adopt, but I think we can safely say that Christianity stole most of the pre Christian things in order to increase its popularity. Would you say the Catholic church is christian, or that earlier christian traditions survive today?

Well I'm not going to argue over "Steal vs. Adopt" my opinion is that taking on a custom is hardly stealing, but there's no way to deny that these customs were integrated within Christianity by whatever means, in order to win over some converts, I never said anything to the contrary.

You've made the same mistake of over qualifying those customs which they acquired, you say that they took "Most of the pre Christian things", and that is what I have a problem with. If you truly believe this I think it's time to go to your local community college and take a world history and culture class or two, because that is a lot of fucking religions, including many with which early Christians had no knowledge of and likely no contact with. Do Christians celebrate the Chinese new year for instance? Did they adopt ancestor worship and a general reverence for nature? How does Christianity incorporate Shiva or Vishnu? You're ignoring a lot of world culture and religion with your statements and trying to demonize Christians on false grounds.

And Medicine woman, for gods sake, I know it's fissionable to be all dismissive and haughty when you, as a wiccan, discuss Christianity, but if you're really so much better than they are then at least respectfully type out "Christian" instead of bitching about "Xians". Either that or don’t get all upset when they call you a Harry Potter wanna’ be.
Fair enough, Mystech

Don't be such a coy little bitch, if you have something to say just come out and say it.
Alright, if you insist:

Shut the fuck up. Don't go fucking my topic up with your second-tier hypocrisy. If you have anything useful to contribute, do so. But short of that, consider very carefully please whether or not you really want to be wasting space in this discussion with your petty self-gratification.

The original title of the post "Free Pass" was "Are you the maggot or the grub?"

Maybe someday when you demonstrate a clue, Mystech, I won't find your attitude problem so ridiculous.

Easy enough, you brash, arrogant, ignorant, chest-beating twit?
Re: Fair enough, Mystech

Originally posted by tiassa
The original title of the post "Free Pass" was "Are you the maggot or the grub?"

Maybe someday when you demonstrate a clue, Mystech, I won't find your attitude problem so ridiculous.

Easy enough, you brash, arrogant, ignorant, chest-beating twit?

Just out of curiosity, what the hell are you talking about?

Are you pissed off because you know from past threads that I don't buy into the whole wicca thing very much? It seems more like you're getting upset over my ascertain that Christianity didn't steal everything from everyone which I find to be rather odd, and unlike you.
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Silly Mystech

Are you pissed off because you know from past threads that I don't buy into the whole wicca thing very much? It seems more like you're getting upset over my ascertain that Christianity didn't steal everything from everyone which I find to be rather odd, and unlike you.
Are you actually stupid? If not, stop licking yourself long enough to get your head out of your ass and read.
As an Atheist who enjoys Christian bashing himself that's saying a lot, you're just too brash arrogant about it, and not nearly as knowledgeable as you seem to think.
Remember this? You wrote it, I cited it? And then you called me a bitch?

Now then, I'll explain it to you as simply as I can in order to accommodate your needs:

(1) First off, you're just one of the last people around here that should be using the phrase and not nearly as knowledgable as you seem to think. This was the point that was too easy, that I gave a deliberate free pass. I was actually surprised, though, that the usual acuity that accompanies your sense of argument and conflict abandoned you to incomprehension. Of course, perhaps I shouldn't have made a free pass out of it. Perhaps I should demand an answer: Are you the maggot or the grub?

(2) Don't get on me about "getting upset". That's a progressive accident resulting from your continuing vandalism of this topic. You're irrelevant the whole way through. As for the tone of my prior post, Hey, you asked. No ... wait, you demanded. I accommodated; get the hell over yourself.

(3) Your continued irrelevance to this topic is problematic to me. I'm actually amazed that a relatively simple topic like this one can't be left free of someone who just needs to spend a few minutes confirming their ability to be an asshole. However, that's not entirely your fault. I was amazed at the ripple effect of making a random point about colors the other day, so it's not just you. In the case of this topic, though, it is you.

(4) Generally you're pretty sharp. But if all you're bringing to this topic is that sad excuse for an attitude problem, take your head out of your ass and then you'll have a place to stuff the attitude.

(5) I can even cope with the digression to what Christianity has or has not adapted, stolen, whatever as far as cultural influences are concerned if you were to mount that argument from the position of having a clue. I reiterate point #4 here, as well.

Hell, if you'd matched the idea of point 5, Mystech, I would have given it a complete free pass at worst--e.g. not mentioning it at all--or even participated in a constructively educational conversation. But you didn't.

Now wouldn't this have all just been much less unpleasant if you'd just taken your free pass and gone on with life?
And returning to the real topic at hand, with as much subtlety as I can muster -

It all smells very fishy to me.
A wiccan wannabe?

Originally posted by Mystech
And Medicine woman, for gods sake, I know it's fissionable to be all dismissive and haughty when you, as a wiccan, discuss Christianity, but if you're really so much better than they are then at least respectfully type out "Christian" instead of bitching about "Xians". Either that or don’t get all upset when they call you a Harry Potter wanna’ be.
(What does "fissionable" mean? You call me a wiccan, but I've never identified myself as such. Calling Xians "Xians" is not disrespectful if you knew the origin of "X", which you don't, so you make a smart ass comment which shows your ignorance. It's unfortunate that I don't have any young children to read or see the Harry Potter movies, so I don't know what you mean. Furthermore, if I am "bitching" about Xians, it's because I hope they read what I write and hopefully follow-up with their own research about what I state. You know, a person could bitch until their blue in the face about the lies of Xianity, but Xians don't want to read or believe it. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink, etc. I take that same approach. I like to slap Xians upside the face with my words, so they'll pay attention. If it riles them up, then maybe they'll read what I have to say.)
Re: Silly Mystech

Originally posted by tiassa
Now wouldn't this have all just been much less unpleasant if you'd just taken your free pass and gone on with life?

Again I'm at a bit of a loss; I just don't know what the big deal is. I'm reading through the posts and trying to press a few posters about some rather silly remarks whitch are clearly nothing more than reactionary bleats of indignation. If you want to talk about irrelevant posts how about "I was once robbed by a Christian"?

Originally posted by tiassa
Hey, you asked. No ... wait, you demanded. I accommodated;

Yes, and perhaps if you weren't foaming at the mouth you'd have noticed that I didn't complain about the fact that you gave an answer, nor did I suggest that you change your tone, simply that I thought it was rather uncharacteristic of you.

I'd rather that this thread not become an unchallenged Christian-bashing thread, and so that's my part.