Christians and business ....


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
I see it all the time, from pest control to carpet cleaning and beyond. In fact, carpet cleaning is the latest place I saw it. As I was sorting mail today, I came across a coupon for carpet cleaning. The picture on the coupon is of a man with a steam-cleaner set against the background of a waving American flag. Next to the flag is a small fish symbol.

Now ... why exactly is this important to a business? Is it to help identify a business owner as Christian so that Christians can purchase goods and services from Christians? Is it a way of enforcing a micro-boycott in the sense that one will take the superior "Christian" business even though it may not be the best business for one's needs? (e.g. Passing over another business for lack of a fish symbol?)

Or is the fish symbol in this case utterly unrelated to Christianity? The first time I ever noticed it, and for some reason I remember this, was over a decade ago when looking in the yellow pages for something. I flipped past a large ad for "Abba pest control", complete with a silhouette of an ant and a small red fish symbol in the upper-right corner of the frame. Being at Catholic school, "Abba" connected well enough with the fish that I never really bothered with it again. But now I'm curious ... what's up with putting the fish all over your business?
Originally posted by tiassa
But now I'm curious ... what's up with putting the fish all over your business?
(Yeah, I know what you're talking about. We see that a lot too, here in the greater Houston area Yellow Pages. They're on cars, bumper stickers, necklaces, tattoos... My guess is the reason business "use" the fish symbol is that they only want to do business with Xians. So, I never call them.)
I knew of a person that had a buisness that used the symbol of the fish in the yellow pages. They had stated they used it because they wanted others to know they would be dealing with an "honest" *choke* business, which in their mind would bring more money in.
Here's my take:

Because the majority in this country (and more importantly, the majority in the areas where these kind of ads show up) is Christian, and most Christians associate their religion with morality and honesty, businesses can convey to Christians that their business is moral and honest by associating it with Christianity. It is a calculated maneuver based on the assumption that the business they gain from Christians will be more than that which they lose from atheists. They are in business to make money, so evidently, the use of religious (and/or patriotic -- same effect) symbols is making them money.

On a side note, it's kind of interesting that tiassa and Medicine*Woman came to basically opposite conclusions about why businesses use the fish symbol. Tells you something about assumptions:D
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Too bad Enron and WorldCom didn't use a fish symbol, think of all the ammunition that would've given the regular Christian bashers.
Fish symbol in business

Originally posted by Bridge
Too bad Enron and WorldCom didn't use a fish symbol, think of all the ammunition that would've given the regular Christian bashers.
(Whooh, boy!)
I seem to recall reading that fishes in the meditteranean over 2,000 years ago were fertility symbols, statues of them that resembled phalluses being carried in processions. Then Christinity came along....

But now you can get a wee car sticker that is a fish with legs and 'Darwin" spelled out inside the body.

I think also that various other groups have operated a buy only form members policy, possibly the rotary, and suchlike. Its another way of keeping all the business and benefits within your personal group.
Selective selling

Originally posted by guthrie
I seem to recall reading that fishes in the meditteranean over 2,000 years ago were fertility symbols, statues of them that resembled phalluses being carried in processions. Then Christinity came along....

But now you can get a wee car sticker that is a fish with legs and 'Darwin" spelled out inside the body.

I think also that various other groups have operated a buy only form members policy, possibly the rotary, and suchlike. Its another way of keeping all the business and benefits within your personal group.
(Yeah, I like those Darwin fish with legs! Businesses who display the fish symbol probably want to service or sell to Xians only. That's how I see it. I certainly wouldn't want to offend any business by seeking their services since I'm not an Xian. Know what I mean?
Re: Selective selling

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Businesses who display the fish symbol probably want to service or sell to Xians only. That's how I see it. I certainly wouldn't want to offend any business by seeking their services since I'm not an Xian. Know what I mean?

Oh you just want to have an excuse to feel persecuted, admit it. You know they don't care where the money comes from :p

Anyway where the hell did the Jesus fish come from, anyway? I've pondered that many-a time as I sat in back of a giant SUV or minivan in traffic with one of those things bolted on the back. Hmm, also are they intended to convert tailgaters?
The fish symbol probably originated from the scripture that talked about Jesus making the disciples "fishers of men" That could be why, I don't know.

I think the reason why somebody would put that symbol on to be recognized as a christian business is because a lot of christians know that if you give your money into that business, then most likely, it is somehow connected back into the church. Christians give 10% Tithe to God. If you pay a christian, you know that some of it will roll back into the church so that the church can accomplish its vision for the community.

I would probably be more inclined to buy from a christian if it were within reasonable prices of another like store.

Medicine woman..

I think the fact that you don't buy from them is a statement of personal belief that you don't care to do business with someone that would advertise a specific religious orientation, but I will agree with Mystech, you know they don't care where the money comes from.
Quigly, you may not be seeing it from the same eyes because you appear to be Christian. If you saw an advertisement for something you needed that sounded like a great deal, like a brand new computer for only $400 dollars! And then you spot a picture in the corner of considerable size that says "May all praise Buddha for eternity." You might just give you a second thought. Anyway my dad said that the fish represents Jesus walking on water. He's not religious so he's not 100%.
Show Xians the money

Medicine woman..

I think the fact that you don't buy from them is a statement of personal belief that you don't care to do business with someone that would advertise a specific religious orientation, but I will agree with Mystech, you know they don't care where the money comes from.
(I don't care to do business with them because of their arrogance in advertising a 'fish' in the yellow pages. In this country (USA), there is separation of church and state. Religion should be a private matter. Advertising the 'fish' is sometimes 'false' advertising. For example, I called a carpet cleaner who used a fish in the yellow pages. By the time he was through with my carpets (and I had a coupon on which he had advertised the 'fish,' the guy didn't honor the 1/3 off coupon (with the 'fish'), and I ended up paying 3 times more than what the coupon said. He cleaned my whole house, and by the time he and his assistant were finished, it was late, late at night. I was glad to get them out of there, but when I was trying to put my house back together, I noticed that they stole my microwave! Okay, this is just one guy advertising the fish so he could get into people's houses to steal something. Overall, I think using the 'fish' to attract customers is false-advertising unless they are advertising something Xian, like a church or something. I stay away from them because Xians believe in lies. Why would I want to hire someone who believes in lies? That makes them liars. That also makes the stupid. Why would I want to buy something from a stupid liar?)
Holy shit they stole your microwave! Hahah! Seriously if you're going to steal something make it worthwhile.
Thieving Xian bastards!

Originally posted by ScrollMaker
Holy shit they stole your microwave! Hahah! Seriously if you're going to steal something make it worthwhile.
(Well, I had done a good job of watching them when they were moving furniture around and all. But after they finished and were putting up their equipment in the van, I was writing a check to the boss while the helper came back in to get the rest of his equipment, and then I went back in the house while they hauled-ass. I was gonna put a stop payment on the check the next morning, but they beat me to the bank and cashed it! They were in a real hurry alright!)
It's too bad you can't sue. They won't take a case under like $5,000 anymore.

My dad had $2,000 worth of ancient egyptian books stolen from him and they wouldn't take allow him to go to court!
MedicineWoman wrote:
. I was glad to get them out of there, but when I was trying to put my house back together, I noticed that they stole my microwave! Okay, this is just one guy advertising the fish so he could get into people's houses to steal something.

I'm surprised they didn't rape you. You know those Christian carpet cleaners have repressive sexual desires. This sounds like an incredible amount of BS for a number of reasons. Microwaves are a not exactly a hot commodity, you can buy one anywhere for around 50 to 100 dollars. Why not go for the jewelry box, a gold necklace or your wallet? Secondly, you stated:

I called a carpet cleaner who used a fish in the yellow pages.

So here is a business person who has invested considerable capital on a van (not cheap) with carpet cleaning and extraction equipment(not cheap), licenses(not cheap), employees(training and insurance, not cheap), cleaning products(not cheap) and also likely spent a substantial amount of money advertising his business in the yellow pages. Ever price out an ad in the yellow pages? They ain't cheap. Now this person is going to stake not only their entire reputation, personal and business, but their entire business investment and possible criminal and civil penalties over a frikken cheap ass microwave oven? Give me a frikken break. If anything, carpet cleaners are usually insured and bonded (I know because once they cracked a table leg vacuuming around it and they replaced it within the week).

Ok. So lets say I give you the benefit of the doubt and this guy actually hired a crack head who stole your microwave oven to cook his dope in or trade for a rock. Why wouldn't you file a police report? Call the owner? Call the BBB (better business bureau)? Write a letter to the editor of the local paper? Sue him in small claims court? Or take any number of steps any rational person would to get justice?

Sorry but this story doesn't add up one iota.

Quigly wrote:
The fish symbol probably originated from the scripture that talked about Jesus making the disciples "fishers of men" That could be why, I don't know.

Correct. Some Satanists and atheist fundies will tell you the fish symbol was originally a Pagan one. It actually may have been but the Chrsitian symbol arose independent from that one. The theme of Jesus' disciples was "fishers of men"--- that and the Greek word for "fish" made an acronym that spelled out a title for Jesus Christ.
Rose independent? Maybe, probably actually, but i don't blame them for believing it. Christianity stole practically every pagan holiday, religious symbol, and superstition in an attempt to get them all to convert. Then they burned people. Fun.

Back on topic, sort of... That's really arrogant. Seriously. I will never trust anyone just because of their religion, that's stupidity. There're are posers, people who don't follow it but fall back, and slightly crazy people who think they know right but don't. Plus, if i saw a fish in a window, i'd begin to think i'd get preached at or worse. Maybe they'd try to hurt me 'cause i'm- Gasp!- Wiccan! I've had enough preachiness at my school, i don't want to deal with it in business.

That's unavoidable sometimes... We have a FISH radio station. Dead serious. People drive around with FISH bumper stickers. Sorry, no, i'll stick to my good 'ol WMMS. ><
Who cares what you think?

Originally posted by Bridge
I'm surprised they didn't rape you.
(Don't think I wasn't worried about that. Those guys were sleazy and I was alone with them in my house!)
You know those Christian carpet cleaners have repressive sexual desires.
(All Xians have repressed sexual desires, didn't you know that?)
This sounds like an incredible amount of BS for a number of reasons. Microwaves are a not exactly a hot commodity, you can buy one anywhere for around 50 to 100 dollars. Why not go for the jewelry box, a gold necklace or your wallet?
(True, and it was an old one at that! But it would bring $10-$20 from a pawn shop which I am sure that is what they did with it.)
Secondly, you stated: So here is a business person who has invested considerable capital on a van (not cheap) with carpet cleaning and extraction equipment(not cheap), licenses(not cheap), employees(training and insurance, not cheap), cleaning products(not cheap) and also likely spent a substantial amount of money advertising his business in the yellow pages. Ever price out an ad in the yellow pages? They ain't cheap. Now this person is going to stake not only their entire reputation, personal and business, but their entire business investment and possible criminal and civil penalties over a frikken cheap ass microwave oven? Give me a frikken break. If anything, carpet cleaners are usually insured and bonded (I know because once they cracked a table leg vacuuming around it and they replaced it within the week).
(This "business person" was an independent worker not affiliated with any well-known carpet cleaning companies. It was the coupon that attracted me. He had his own equipment, but I'd venture to say that if this guy (who looked like an ex-con, you know the type), had no license of any kind, maybe not even a driver's license! Yes, I know how much yellow page advertising in Houston, TX. It's not cheap, but now I recall that it was the dang coupon and not the yellow pages that lured me to call. As far as this guy's reputation, I'd be afraid to know where he'd been! I know this was a one-time experience, but it was a nightmare, not because of the stupid microwave, I needed a new one anyway, but I was really afraid to be alone with these creeps late at night in my home! From now on, when I have my carpets cleaned again, I'm going to use a well-known reputable company and forget about the coupons. In this city, there are kinds of independent contractor types that do any number of businesses independently. Carpet laying has become a strictly Hispanic business in this town. I'm not complaining about it. I'd trust any Hispanic worker than those two white trash carpet cleaners.)
Ok. So lets say I give you the benefit of the doubt and this guy actually hired a crack head who stole your microwave oven to cook his dope in or trade for a rock. Why wouldn't you file a police report?
(For a microwave? Do you think the police in this city would take a report for a microwave? They don't respond to calls unless there's blood involved. I am NOT kidding.)
Call the owner?
(He was independent.)
Call the BBB (better business bureau)?
(Have you ever tried to call the BBB? Did they help you? Do you live in a large city? The only thing I can say about the BBB is that they respond faster than the police.)
Write a letter to the editor of the local paper? Sue him in small claims court? Or take any number of steps any rational person would to get justice? Sorry but this story doesn't add up one iota.
(When I did call him, his number was disconnected. I didn't want the aggravations, nor did I ever want to see him again! I think you were right about buying a rock. That's what they looked like they'd been doing before they got there. Now, in all honesty, if a business had a good reputation that I confirmed, and they had the fish symbol, I wouldn't hesitate to call them. All I'm saying is that the fish symbol used for business advertising is not always what it may seem.)
I'd never trust a business that advertised with a jesus fish.
When they fucked you over they could just point to the sky and say "HE works in mysterious ways"
And christians are too good at ignoring evidence. I could say "my carpets still dirty" and point to my dirty carpet and they could just say "nope, its clean"
Most people would buckle after you rubbed their face in the stinking carpet but not christians. They are the only type of person that could continue saying and believing a filthy carpet was clean no matter what evidence you brought forth.
Perhaps the jesus fish is an obligatory warning?
Being at Catholic school, "Abba" connected well enough with the fish that I never really bothered with it again. But now I'm curious ... what's up with putting the fish all over your business?

Interesting. Never noticed. Sounds like Ayn Rand that presto sophists hide behind this wretched book to symbolize something not there: Thinking.

And so the fish to stand for something not there likewise: honesty.

The fish symbol probably originated from the scripture that talked about Jesus making the disciples "fishers of men" That could be why, I don't know.

Yes, that is why. And its true- pagans contending that its a phallic symbol are either lying or don't really know.

Medicine Woman
Xian.........XIan.XIan.....XIan.XIan.XIan.XIanXIanXIanXIanXIanXIanXIan....XIan......XIan.........XIan.XIan.XIan.........XIan....blah blah XIanXIan........XIan

I'm sick to death of your fucking "Xians" littered all over sciforums. I swear. Have you nothing else to say besides?
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