
And if you screw up the way He made you to tend to screw up He'll torture you forever.
But He loves you!
It's like having your father put you in a prison when you're young and says " Alright(insert name) i going to put in a hostile, dangerous enviroment because i love you, and while you are living there i want you to love me without any interjection or doubts and remeber if you don't i'll seed to a place that is even worse than the place i areadly put in while you were alive.
@Knowledge --

You're welcome.
Have you heard of Saint Paul from the NT? He hated the Christians till as he recounted a vision occurred which convinced him to follow Jesus from then on. But it took a while for the others to trust him. It would be like if you became a Christian over night would anyone believe it?
Hey what's up with Arioch he's following that weird Jewish dude, He's taken up eating this dude's flesh. What's gone wrong?
Robittybob1:Hey what's up with Arioch he's following that weird Jewish dude, He's taken up eating this dude's flesh. What's gone wrong?

Eating Jesus...tasty, tasty Jesus.
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@Rob --

Have you heard of Saint Paul from the NT?

Uh huh. The comparison to Saul again, I figured this would be coming soon.

Of course there's a huge difference between good ol' Saul and I. I'm not talking about the fact that my education is light years beyond what he could even imagine, or the fact that I don't hate christians, or the fact that he was never an atheist(in fact he accused christians of being atheists because they didn't worship the Roman gods). The difference is quite sizable....but I'll wait 'till the end of the post to get to it.

He hated the Christians till as he recounted a vision occurred which convinced him to follow Jesus from then on.

He had an epileptic seizure, big deal.

But it took a while for the others to trust him.

I'm still waiting on the relevance to show up. Perhaps you think that this comparison will be enough to make me lighten up on you lot a bit(you have to know that it's insufficient to convert me), but I've got some bad news for you, it's not. To be completely honest, I'm holding back quite a bit when it comes to the sarcasm and on a few statements that I'm absolutely positive would get me banned. I suppose that I could knuckle down and start getting really offensive if that's what you truly want.

It would be like if you became a Christian over night would anyone believe it?

No, it would be like if I became a christian over night again. Do you see what the biggest difference between Saul and I know....other than the fact that I'm not epileptic.
The comparison to Saul again,
...He had an epileptic seizure

A lot of those folks seemed to have health issues.

And the author of Revelations?
was that a fever
-food poisoning?
-an herbal substance?

Imagine resting your whole world view on somebody's hallucinations.
Eating Jesus...tasty, tasty Jesus.
Do you think eating meat will give you life? Even if they could eat Jesus it would have only been enough to feed them for a night.
Even his disciples misunderstood Jesus' saying. He clarified that meat and blood was life and spirit.
Consumme a life like Jesus.
Drink the Spirit of Jesus.

Now they are bordering on the difficulty of explaining gravity and a magnetic field.
Eat his flesh - feel a life like his in your being.
Drink his blood - may your mind be inspired by his life.

If you want blood give me a call, I'll send you a tanker full.:)
Yes but it's poking fun at the phrase, much like eating a man's heart to gain their courage or wearing a freshly skinned bear pelt for strengh. Also where did you collect all that blood and how much for a liter of AB- and don't ask why i need it :jason:
Yes but it's poking fun at the phrase, much like eating a man's heart to gain their courage or wearing a freshly skinned bear pelt for strengh. Also where did you collect all that blood and how much for a liter of AB- and don't ask why i need it :jason:

A person after my own heart...hey! NO! STOP! I need that....

I think my sense of humor doesn't appeal to Robbity...
Yes but it's poking fun at the phrase, much like eating a man's heart to gain their courage or wearing a freshly skinned bear pelt for strengh. Also where did you collect all that blood and how much for a liter of AB- and don't ask why i need it :jason:
I'm not poking fun at anyone, I'm deadly serious.
If you want a specific type of blood you will have to see a blood bank. I just have porcine blood.:)