Christianity without hell?

so why pick on the christians for the concept of hell, the notion goes all the way back to the earliest monotheistic religion, zoroastrianism.
Zoroastrians believe that after life on earth, the human soul
is judged by God as to whether it did more good or evil in its life.
Those who chose good over evil go to what Zarathushtra referred to
simply as the "best existence," or heaven, and those who chose evil
go to the "worst existence," or hell
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: That's what the History Channel stated. Why should I not believe it?

It duzn't have to be tru just cuz u saw it on TV! best to remain neutral -- open minded, yet sceptical, to everything!!

How on earth could anyone ever have a reason to set someone on fire unless they're trying to hide some evidence.

there is a hundred reasons to set someone on fire.

and setting someone on fire to hide evidence doesn't have to be so mad.

Geniuses are usually mad men.

madness is a word people use to describe something they don't understand. mad people aren't usually "mad" at all..

a genius isn't mad only because he is different.