Christianity without hell?

hyperqube said:
The Ultimate Assertion:

Earth created did he? Hmmmm... So sure you are? Judge me by my size, do you? Do or do not. There is no try.

I mean... wow cool.
The Devil Inside:

"im jewish. how many dimensions do i have, new guy? "

I don't know, but I do know that one has some excess skin snipped.
Prince_James said:
The Devil Inside:

"im jewish. how many dimensions do i have, new guy? "

I don't know, but I do know that one has some excess skin snipped.
Awww crap. Now I'm gonna have nightmares of shriveled foreskin floating aimlessly in some hyper-subdimensional realm. Thanks a lot. :(
Pretty graphics though. Otherwise wonderful gibberish.
Carcano said:
It should be well known that the concept of hell as a place of punishment is unknown to the old testament. It was incorporated into biblical scripture by the first christians, who also developed Satan as its ruler and adversary of God. Jesus spoke of punishment after death frequently.

So I wonder, could christianity have flourished without Hell, and if so, what would it look like.

What comes to mind immediately is that the whole principle of 'salvation' would have to be discarded, seeing as there would be nothing to be saved from.

I guess that just leaves you with the standard sufferings of this life then - namely death, old age and disease.
hebrew is written from right to left.

and isaac newton was a student of the practice employed above by hyperqube.
so i guess you would have called him an idiot to his face as well?
oh yes, most definitely, just because someone discovered something does not mean the everything he does is perfect, he can still act like an idiot.even when sense, reason, were smacking newton in the face, he still remained religious aledgedly, what a nut job.

yes I know it's read from right to left, that's what was funny, mirrored and read left to right
"beginning the in created god the heavens and the earth", it's yoda speak, let the force be with you. that's why mine says "nutter i am and yoda 1 shall talk like" understand.
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audible said:
oh yes, most definitely, just because someone discovered something does not mean the everything he does is perfect, he can still act like an idiot.even when sense, reason, were smacking newton in the face, he still remained religious aledgedly, what a nut job.

yes I know it's read from right to left, that what was funny, mirrored and read left to right "beginning the in created god the heavens and the earth", it's yoda speak, let the force be with you. that why mine says "nutter i am and yoda 1 shall talk like" understand.

M*W: You are right. Newton was a genius, but he was also insane. Somehow those two attributes seem to go hand in hand.

He had always been a religious nutter. When he was younger, he tried to set his parents on fire. He became obsessed with the study of gravity, which is not a bad thing, but had he shown just a smidgen of interest, technology might not be as advanced as it is today.
Medicine Woman said:
He had always been a religious nutter.

He doesn't necessarily have to be crazy just because he believed something you don't understand [the way he did]!

When he was younger, he tried to set his parents on fire.

Why? Maybe he had a reason.

First off, modern science has not claimed that there ought to be at least ten dimensions. In fact, there is a great controversy in String Theory - which has no foundations whatsoever in empirical verifications at the present time, by the way, and is best considered a conjecture - over how many. Only one part of M-Theory claims 10, whilst others claim 11, and another set of conjectures postulates up to 26.

Frankly, I think this is the worse case of "multiplying entities" in modern science. Considering the almost impossibility of proving another dimension and the consequences of this...yeah. Call me a skeptic, but I bet against String Theory.

Secondly, "10th heaven" and "10th share" do not equate to "10th dimension". A 10th of the share for a tithe has -nothing- to do with the 10th dimension. Similarly, a "10th heaven" - specifically when heaven generally translates into "the vault of the sky" - cannot be equated to this scientific concept.

You'll also note that any book will have numerical correspondences in it.
hyperqube said:
you forgot ten commandments also.


while we're at it, consider how many references which at first appear to claim that the earth is flat.

of course the 3d universe appears flattened when looking at it from a higher dimensional perspective.

btw, science and god don't really mesh well anyways :D
You seem to be off-topic, hyperqube. Why don't you start a new thread, rather than hijacking an existing one?
no... there are only 7 heavens, Allah and the egyptians say so... and bible says god created it in seven days/heavens.
but you could also say that there are 12 heavens... or 360... if you want to... but that's too many...
c7ityi_ said:
He doesn't necessarily have to be crazy just because he believed something you don't understand [the way he did]!

Why? Maybe he had a reason.

M*W: That's what the History Channel stated. Why should I not believe it? How on earth could anyone ever have a reason to set someone on fire unless they're trying to hide some evidence.

Geniuses are usually mad men.