Christianity is based on substitutionary atonement. Is it a moral religion?

What is "unconscious law"

You would know what “unconscious Law” if you would know “what is an electron?” A Neutron decays to form an electron, a positron, and a neutrino. Electron if I were to be asked, is a decayed neutron, (unconscious law) We are in the realm of “Electron”

and where do you come up with that concept?

Well, just put everything together an figure my way outer here!

"God is consciousness", what is your source for that?

Logic. We are all conscious beings, so as an Image of God, God must be consciousness.

Why create the universe just to be able to create Earth?

Incredible! And just imaging, God could not help creating you. He just had! You are His Son.

Why create the universe 14 billion years ago, create Earth 4.5 billion years ago and not get around to creating man until 100,000 years ago or so?

No, actually, Man was created a long time ago, The Human Spirit is the Devil. There is not Devil out there. And he is called “The Ancient Dragon” So conscious wise, unfortunately, we are Reptilian. Its not comforting especially when we thing that Apes are “lower animals” As Mark Twain remarked, Man evolved from “Higher animals” to lower animals.

What is the "purpose" of creating the universe and why make it so big just to be able to "create" Earth?

The earth is merely a nursery. Besides, since Man God and Christ is the same Spirit, Man cane never over populate the earth, or heaven. Its mare greed, and selfishness that he thinks so.
Jesus does not save anybody just because he claims to follow Jesus. Jesus requires results. And you pretty much, have to work for your salvation. So, its not a matter of Jesus saving you. Rather, its a matter of Jesus showing you the way to salvation, so that you work it out yourself. Its pretty much a Do-It-Yourself kind-a-thing.

Save from what?
So, you think its foolish? Well that is what he said;

“Meanwhile, let the sinner go on sinning, and the unclean continue to be unclean; let those who do good, continue to do good, and those who are holy continue to be holy. Very soon, now, I shall be with you, again, bringing the reward to be given to every man, according to what he deserves. I, am the Alpha, and the Omega, the First, and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Happy are those who will have washed their robes clean, so that they will have the right to feed on the tree of Life, and come through the gates into the city" Revelation 22:11-13

Why is your God creating sinners and unclean people?

BTW. If you think quoting old garbage will convince anyone you should rethink.

Quoting myths is silly. Except the way I do it. You quote to enslave while I quote to free.

Look at what you literalists have done. Then look at what you should have done.

The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized.

This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus, in the esoteric sense.

When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. Becoming a God is to become more fully human.

Why is your God creating sinners and unclean people?

BTW. If you think quoting old garbage will convince anyone you should rethink.

Quoting myths is silly. Except the way I do it. You quote to enslave while I quote to free.

Look at what you literalists have done. Then look at what you should have done.

The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized.

This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus, in the esoteric sense.

When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. Becoming a God is to become more fully human.


Why is your God creating sinners and unclean people?

God does not create sinners. Man is an Intelligent Spirit, who creates himself as Intelligent Man. Failure to which he punishes himself.

BTW. If you think quoting old garbage will convince anyone you should rethink.

Christians can’t help it. Its just silly.

Quoting myths is silly.

If only they were myths.

When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. Becoming a God is to become more fully human.

God called himself “I am” so that in the end, you should figure that as an Image and Likeness of God, you are also I am. So, you are Yahweh, Son of Yahweh. God figure
I can't picture a god that should be worshipped even if a god existed. Why worship a god or anything else?

Yes. 1 of many things in religion that just clearly does not make any sense. Any being who would accept it certainly would not deserve it, IF any being could deserve it.
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Why is your God creating sinners and unclean people?

God does not create sinners. Man is an Intelligent Spirit, who creates himself as Intelligent Man. Failure to which he punishes himself.

BTW. If you think quoting old garbage will convince anyone you should rethink.

Christians can’t help it. Its just silly.

Quoting myths is silly.

If only they were myths.

When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. Becoming a God is to become more fully human.

God called himself “I am” so that in the end, you should figure that as an Image and Likeness of God, you are also I am. So, you are Yahweh, Son of Yahweh. God figure

So what are you waiting for?

Your literal reading of your myth is hampering you. Why do you not use your myth and follow it as the mythical archetypal Jesus asks you to do?

I can't picture a god that should be worshipped even if a god existed. Why worship a god or anything else?


I think that the worship is more for the sheeple and church longevity us than for God.

It is well known in sociology that the more one sacrifices himself to any religion or cause, the longer that cause or religion can maintain itself.

Note that even as we speak, fundamentalist right wing churches are the only ones doing well and they are the ones who demand more from their sheeple than the left which is slowly dying.

Yes. 1 of many things in religion that just clearly does not make any sense. Any being who would accept it certainly would not deserve it, IF any being could deserve it.

Please see and opine on what I put just above. If you are into sociology you will know of what I speak. If not, I can link you to scholars.

It seems the old testament god and 'jesus christ' are two separate representative deities. Somehow they were contrived together into one religion. There is no way a father would sacrifice their only child in the name of 'love' for the guilty party and have them take the blame. If anything, the old testament god is a representative 'predator' of jesus christ. The metaphor of not taking responsibility for one's own actions is synonymous with elitism/subjugation, no different than the multiple facets of abusing power for profit, comfort or in this case even undeserved absolution/redemption at the expense of another. If a prophet was sacrificed, this just may have been away to explain why god with "powers" would allow such to happen to themselves and that it was their choice.
It seems the old testament god and 'jesus christ' are two separate representative deities. Somehow they were contrived together into one religion. There is no way a father would sacrifice their only child in the name of 'love' for the guilty party and have them take the blame. If anything, the old testament god is a representative 'predator' of jesus christ. The metaphor of not taking responsibility for one's own actions is synonymous with elitism/subjugation, no different than the multiple facets of abusing power for profit, comfort or in this case even undeserved absolution/redemption at the expense of another. If a prophet was sacrificed, this just may have been away to explain why god with "powers" would allow such to happen to themselves and that it was their choice.

According to the story & christian belief, Jesus came to Earth for the sole purpose of dying & he knew that after he died he would go back to heaven to live happily ever after. Where the heck is the sacrifice? IF anything was sacrificed, it seems to me living on Earth for 33 years as a human (well, somewhat human?) rather than in heaven would be much more of a sacrifice than dying & going back to heaven.
Fathers today beat the shit out of their children, kill them & other such. Do you actually think no father would sacrifice their child or did your train of thought accidently pass the station? The old testament clearly shows its god is insane enough to do anything you'd think a good father would not do.
The old testament is more based on judaism. The new testament was an attempt to turn judaism into something completely different.
It seems the old testament god and 'jesus christ' are two separate representative deities. Somehow they were contrived together into one religion. There is no way a father would sacrifice their only child in the name of 'love' for the guilty party and have them take the blame. If anything, the old testament god is a representative 'predator' of jesus christ. The metaphor of not taking responsibility for one's own actions is synonymous with elitism/subjugation, no different than the multiple facets of abusing power for profit, comfort or in this case even undeserved absolution/redemption at the expense of another. If a prophet was sacrificed, this just may have been away to explain why god with "powers" would allow such to happen to themselves and that it was their choice.

Well put.

To the Christian love angle.
It is a special distorted Christian view of love that sees, --- as the greatest act of love possible, --- their God condemning them, and then turning and demanding his son’s deaths and thus corrupting God's perfect justice. A bribe set by God as judge himself for himself. This is of course ridiculous.

Christians have an insane view of love, IMO.

As to the two Gods you see.

In 2 Samuel 12, god makes David's baby suffer for a week & die because of what David did.


Christians who believe that myth tell me that God can do whatever he likes because he owns us.
I then ask the usual slavery question and morality question and they disappear.

It must be hard on the mind to remain a Christian and have to swallow the shit they do.


Christians who believe that myth tell me that God can do whatever he likes because he owns us.
I then ask the usual slavery question and morality question and they disappear.

It must be hard on the mind to remain a Christian and have to swallow the shit they do.


Part of the reason I mentioned that is it is substitutionary punishment.