Christian Terror

Well, there is this group of people who've sworn to destroy the US and who are responsible for multiple attacks against us. Maybe it could be them? Naaaaah. If I think that, I'm a right-wing wacknut.

Islamic terrorists, on the other hand, seek to establish a global caliphate. They kidnap people and force them to convert to Islam. They scream "allah akbar" before they commit their atrocities.

Can you see the difference?

Did you hear them say directly, or is this what Fox News told you they said?

Terrorism is driven by political motives. Even your own adviser to the FBI Robert Pape has pointed out that the root cause is resistance to foreign occupation, and that religious background plays little in their mind. Islam, to them, is just something to rally around.
The central fact is that overwhelmingly suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland

Of course you can keep on peddling BS, if it helps you justify stupid wars.
Dear geoff,

I never actually said that...

take it ez

Well, that's what it sounds like.

Nick, if you want to call religion the rallying point for rabble, that's fine, but it's not true.

What islamic terrorists are doing today is in arguable accordance with a literal interpretation of their religious texts - the Quran, the hadiths and the traditions drawn from them. And the expression of their mandate fits right in with the legal history of sharia, and thereby with the fate of oppressed religious minorities within their nations. Now, I'm not a theist (although I find theology interesting, mostly because it's a question that can have no logical or satisfactory answer) and so I don't have any stake in the protection of one or another minority in far-flung Wheresthatistan, but I recognize the right to believe and worship as you like without recourse to state-mediated or -enabled harassment and violence. There is a desire for the instigation of a global Caliphate, and that includes all of dar-al-Harb, too. I don't think it means we should be occupying anyone; but at the same time Qutb (if you want to blame him alone, which is ludicrous really) really got his ideas from visiting the US per se, and in isolation from the idea of foreign occupation. (Yes, yes, I know, Sam: Suez Crisis. But that was long after his little treatise, so no dice. He'd long since made up his mind.)
Geoffp Do you know why the mid-east hate the US, because we came in and took some of there holy land, ( when they told us not to) ,for oil intrest.
Its not fair that the US goes around and take something that does not belong. Yes christianity is more controlled then most of the other religions, but that doesn't change a thing about how they are effecting the world.
Christianity is the scurge of society, it must be brought to an end.

The only people in the world that has the knowledge and power to take down all religion, and those people are atheism.

Atheist all over the world use sicence and logic, and thats something no body can fuck with.
Geoffp Do you know why the mid-east hate the US, because we came in and took some of there holy land, ( when they told us not to) ,for oil intrest.

Mmmmmmaybe. But how do you explain the constant and consistent limitations on religious minorities there? They weren't taking anything. The entire affair - sharia, dhimmitude and jihad - relates back to the literalist impressions of political islam. As for territorial concerns, should Europe and Western civilization then hate islamic civilization per se because of islamic invasion just following the Dark Ages? This would seem to follow from your proposal.

Its not fair that the US goes around and take something that does not belong. Yes christianity is more controlled then most of the other religions, but that doesn't change a thing about how they are effecting the world.

How are the Christians affecting the world? In what religious sense? There are, of course, international concerns by nations that call themselves Christian (but which are more Secular-Christian), but in what sense do they see it as a religious issue?
"It's under control" because it doesn't preach global theocracy.

Well, it does preach taking the message around. It doesn't say you need violence to do this, however; and yet violence has been used, which is inarguably opposed to its theology. I'm happier it's controlled than not.

And for fucks' sake, no one cite Luke 18, all right? Please. Seriously. It's an allegory.
How do you propose, darksidZz, to "bring Christianity to an end?" What's your plan?

We must develop a virus that will meld with the mental area of the brain associated with religion, specifically Christianity. Only after it eats that part of their brains can we truly be free of this curse abomination!
How are the Christians affecting the world? In what religious sense? There are, of course, international concerns by nations that call themselves Christian (but which are more Secular-Christian), but in what sense do they see it as a religious issue?

Ok I think I kinda overreacted alittle bit about that. In the USA , all kinds of Christian groups are poping up with different ideas that seems to be the opposite of the real christian believe in. you got some Christian who state that men should have the right to more then one wife and can rape there children. Other christian group support the KKK , and well you don't want to know what the other nuts out there think .

As christians spread there religion all over the world( like in China ), I can't help be feel that Christianity is changing for the worse.
We must develop a virus that will meld with the mental area of the brain associated with religion, specifically Christianity. Only after it eats that part of their brains can we truly be free of this curse abomination!

Thats not effective enough, plus that will cost some money. fight knowledge with ignorance, the Atheist are the only ones that can shut the religions nuts up.;)
Christianity is a nonviolent religion, hands down. But I think that in Cho's case, he wasn't in the state of practicing Christianity while he was shooting people. My assumption is that Cho was simply overcome by rage (as in, a meltdown of his already unnatural brain) and didn't think about what he was doing. Most don't realize it but the things kids and even adults go through in college is just as bad as Middle or High School. I can see why he would do it. This is just another Columbine, on a larger scale. As long as society deems it fit to judge one another, fury will always be a problem for the ones not accepted by the larger, and maybe better, clique. Just my opinion.