Christian Terror

Eventhough thats a fact that most of the world has rich and poor classes in there country, I feel asthough the world goverments are corrupt because there society care more about material wealth.

People in the Poor community can't even afford heath care , so they die. Like a said " Jesse said help the poor and the weak".

Geoffp i do look at the history channle and they said that the reason why some empires fall is because of greed and power;for example, why did you think the french started the so called "revolution? because the french empire was corrupt because of the greed of the king and there families who treated the poor people like shit, all of the food was going to them rich king and his families.Because of this , all Hell broke .
This is true. The Saudis are not really our friends; either their Royal family or the extremists.
Then make a hash-mark on the imaginary counting board. Tally up how many each religion has earned, and for what. And do the math.

With regard to the specifics of the case: what are the liberties taken towards abortion in islamic law? In which cases is it permitted? At will? Or otherwise?
Then make a hash-mark on the imaginary counting board. Tally up how many each religion has earned, and for what. And do the math.

With regard to the specifics of the case: what are the liberties taken towards abortion in islamic law? In which cases is it permitted? At will? Or otherwise?

1) This is not about Islam or terrorism in Islam. You need to let that subject go Geoff. You are getting obsessed.

2) Counting how many one group does in comparison to another is not exactly the issue and never should be. Terrorism is terrorism. There no 'tally' points.
Well, there's an incidence rate. It's higher in one area than another. How is it "Obsession" (pardon the pun) to say so.
You could call that state terrorism, but it's clear that it's not religious terrorism.

Hi geoff,

Hummm, i am not sure about that.

Oh well, as the yankies say.

"in God we trust"

"God Bless America"

take it ez

:whoops, i did not realise this thread had another page.
My question to people who thought as madanthonywayne is this: Now that you know the religion of the killer - what do you make of it? Isn't radical Christianity just as dangerous as radical Islam? And why is it that Christian terrorists seem to get a pass when we think of religions that promote hatred and violence?

Guys like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph seem to get a free pass when it comes to canalizing they're theological motivations and I have no idea why.
As the poster boy for right-wing wacknuts, let me respond.

The initial reports mentioned two shootings at opposite sides of the campus, it sounded like an al Qada style attack (multiple sychronized attacks). Also, I noted that the initial reports didn't mention that the killer was a white male (which they always do when the killer is a white male). So I assumed we had synchronized attacks by gunmen who were not white males.

Now we all know that us white males occasionally go off on shooting sprees, but I knew this guy was not a white male. Who else would be likely to shoot up a campus? Especially shoot it up in multiple places at (I thought) the same time.

Well, there is this group of people who've sworn to destroy the US and who are responsible for multiple attacks against us. Maybe it could be them? Naaaaah. If I think that, I'm a right-wing wacknut.

And the reason no one associates Christianity with terrorist attacks is that, outside of abortion clinics, they never happen in the US.

Sure, Tim McVeigh was a Christian (I assume). But his motivation was not religious, but polical. He wanted revenge against what he saw as an overbearing government responsible for the killing at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Islamic terrorists, on the other hand, seek to establish a global caliphate. They kidnap people and force them to convert to Islam. They scream "allah akbar" before they commit their atrocities.

Can you see the difference?
I'd say terrorism includes only the modern era, but as you will. :)

Dear Geoff,

i hav ementioned this before, mauybe not to you but omn the boards..

All religions, countries have terrorirst and do terrorist acts, you have to look through time, rather than the snapshot of time we are in at the moment.

it would be interesting if someone did tally up the number of terrorist acts since the year 1000 for example, i really wonder whether Muslims would be on the top of that list.


Take it ez
Hi geoff,

Hummm, i am not sure about that.

Oh well, as the yankies say.

"in God we trust"

"God Bless America"

Do they force religious minorities to convert to Christianity? Secularism? Judaism? Is it illegal to convert from any of the above in the United States? Are religious minorities there legally harassed by citizens of the religious minority? Do they have religious police?
But Mystech has not shown that Christians were involved in either case. I am not syaing they were or were not but this needs to be prove.

As it stands now he is nothing more than a gestsapo agent. er uh jk....well at least in charatceristic.
Dear Geoff,

i hav ementioned this before, mauybe not to you but omn the boards..

All religions, countries have terrorirst and do terrorist acts, you have to look through time, rather than the snapshot of time we are in at the moment.

Well, that's interesting, but I currently live "in the moment", and am correspondingly more concerned about political affairs of the present day. Call me a Luddite, if you will. One society has renounced the legal exploitation of religious minorities, and the punishment of apostates, atheists and agnostics. Another has not. Which is more deserving of criticism on a domestic level?
They scream "allah akbar" before they commit their atrocities.

Can you see the difference?

dear MadAnthony,

thank you for your analysis as the above post.

i do find the bit above as quite amusing though...

to be honest i hate the way "muslims" say "Allah Akbar", they actually say it for almost every cicumstance.

I have moaned at my wife several times, cos she keeps saying "Allah Akbhar" even for very trivial things" Like she dropped her purse when she got out the car and "allah Akbhar" came out of her mouth, i said to her "why are you saying God is great in this circumstance, are you not devaluing God, saying that for such a little thing"

"Allah Akbhar" - *Sorry i have Just hit the submit button twice!!!*


take it ez
Well, that's interesting, but I currently live "in the moment", and am correspondingly more concerned about political affairs of the present day. Call me a Luddite, if you will. One society has renounced the legal exploitation of religious minorities, and the punishment of apostates, atheists and agnostics. Another has not. Which is more deserving of criticism on a domestic level?

dear Geoff,

thank you for your response above.

time works in cycles my friend, therefore we have tO look at these situations through a much vaster time period.

take care
I disagree. I'm concerned about the immediate cycling and its effects on my progeny and near-to-middle generation descendants. "It'll all sort itself out" is a recipe for societal disaster.