Christian Terror


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Hi folks, I haven't been around in nigh on forever because, really at this point what's there worth talking about? With a week of distance from the Shootings at Verginia Tech, though there's a matter I'm very interested to talk about.

madanthonywayne said:
A terrorist. That's what. This guy reported shot over fifty people, thirty of whom are dead at the last report. Also, there are conflicting reports of a second gunman on the opposite side of campus.

This does not strike me as you average spree shooting.

I'm waiting to hear the race/religion of the shooter(s).

I was browsing through some threads on the forum when I stumbled upon this fairly characteristic post by madanthonywayne. The fact that he's a right-wing wacknut aside I've got to say that I heard many people voicing this very same suspicion on the day of the shooting, before the public was made aware of the identity of the shooter. I'll even admit that I briefly wondered myself if these killings were at all religiously motivated.

In the days that followed, and as America got a look at what it considered a fairly unlikely candidate for mass homicide many of the usual theories sprung up regarding what could have motivated Cho Seung-Hui.

Was it Violent video games? Had to be - the kid was Asian. Oops maybe not - turned out he didn't have any video games.

Was it the guns that made him do it? Oh no, seems he was a little crazy before obtaining the guns, and only purchased them a few weeks prior to the shooting, likely specifically to carry it out.

Well in that case was it. . . did he maybe flirt with evil Islam at that liberal southern College? Oh no, turns out he was a good Christian boy - the motive remains a mystery!

So many people secretly suspected that it must have been a Muslim, or that Islam had something to do with the shootings, but then the moment it's revealed that Cho was a die hard Christian, BAMN religion as a motivator in any part evaporated from people's minds as if that couldn't possibly have anything to do with it, yet right in his tapes Cho espouses Christian virtues again and again and compares himself to Jesus Christ.

My question to people who thought as madanthonywayne is this: Now that you know the religion of the killer - what do you make of it? Isn't radical Christianity just as dangerous as radical Islam? And why is it that Christian terrorists seem to get a pass when we think of religions that promote hatred and violence?

Guys like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph seem to get a free pass when it comes to canalizing they're theological motivations and I have no idea why.
Doesn't seem to me that religion played any part in it - nor in any of the other mass-murders that I'm aware of. This kind of thing is totally unlike the sucide bombers that have been brainwashed by some cleric - who, by the way didn't have religious motives, either. Rather, they were making political statements and seeking only to tighten their control over their followers - while doing it in the NAME of religion.
Did they do the above for theological reasons? How much Christian terrorism is there in the world?

In speaking of the propensity to violence, Bill Maher said it best: "All religions are not equal".
The fact that he's a right-wing wacknut aside . . .
and there isn't any left wing whacknuts on this board? :confused:

yet right in his tapes Cho espouses Christian virtues again and again and compares himself to Jesus Christ.

My question to people who thought as madanthonywayne is this: Now that you know the religion of the killer - what do you make of it?
anyone that murders innocent people in the name of their god is a freak, no matter what their religion is.

wasn't it also pointed out that he had a history of mental problems?

this was TERRORISM, period.

Do you allways judge a whole group of people for the actions of a few? If that is the case then pick a side and justify everything they do.
Doesn't seem to me that religion played any part in it - nor in any of the other mass-murders that I'm aware of. This kind of thing is totally unlike the sucide bombers that have been brainwashed by some cleric - who, by the way didn't have religious motives, either. Rather, they were making political statements and seeking only to tighten their control over their followers - while doing it in the NAME of religion.

He did think the other students were spoiled and without using the word ´sinfull´there is a hint of that in his rantings.
You are basically agreeing with his point while missing it.

Is that right?

My question to people who thought as madanthonywayne is this: Now that you know the religion of the killer - what do you make of it? Isn't radical Christianity just as dangerous as radical Islam? And why is it that Christian terrorists seem to get a pass when we think of religions that promote hatred and violence?

Guys like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph seem to get a free pass when it comes to canalizing they're theological motivations and I have no idea why.

What pass Grant? They were hunted down and put away for life.

I think he misses his own point:

Who ever said Cho was a 'die hard Christian'? If he was then i would take another look at his post.
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Maybe you should read up on the Christian Identity Movement for a start.

I note them; disgusting as they are, their scale of violence is not anything like that of the alternative.
You could call that state terrorism, but it's clear that it's not religious terrorism. Or has Haliburton been elevated to a religion?

Well 78% of the USA are Christian, So how can you say that its not religion related?

I think its sickening that the US call themselves christians, I mean Jesse said " help the poor and the weak .

Well if they really are a Christian country, then why do they have so many homeless people on the strees of the US? Why do they have a rich and poor class in there country? why do they care more about Materialize more then anything!

Well answer my questions
Well 78% of the USA are Christian, So how can you say that its not religion related?

I think its sickening that the US call themselves christians, I mean Jesse said " help the poor and the weak .

Well if they really are a Christian country, then why do they have so many homeless people on the strees of the US? Why do they have a rich and poor class in there country? why do they care more about Materialize more then anything!

Well answer my questions

I'll be glad to answer a couple of them.

Homeless? Because most of them choose to be. My wife worked with an agency that attempted to help them. Practically every single one refused jobs and any other type of help - except for handouts only.

Rich and poor? Because many choose to work and many do not. As simple as that.
LOL, i was just saying that if the USA consider themselves Christians then why are they doing something that Jesse told them not to do.
Well 78% of the USA are Christian, So how can you say that its not religion related?

Thankyou for bringing up these points: I was actually waiting (not unlike Chuck Norris) for someone to do so.

It is true that 78% of the USA are Christians. In that respect, one might think it likely that this is a "Christian" crime.

Yet it is also true that 99.98% of bread. In fact, I think if you will examine history as closely as I have, you will find that nearly 100% of all crimes are conducted by known or suspected bread eaters. Not only this: 100% of all crimes in the US and in every country in the world are by those who drink...water. It's true! I think we may be on to something here.

I think its sickening that the US call themselves christians, I mean Jesse said " help the poor and the weak .

...and this has to do with the

Well if they really are a Christian country, then why do they have so many homeless people on the strees of the US? Why do they have a rich and poor class in there country? why do they care more about Materialize more then anything!

I think you mean "material wealth", and you will find if you open your eyes for a moment that this desire is found everywhere from the US to Pakistan, from Russia to the Sudan and beyond. Every nation in the world also has rich and poor classes.

Well answer my questions

I love these insistent demands within the same post. The author seems to be riled up about something. I'm interested to see how this plays out.
I think you mean "material wealth", and you will find if you open your eyes for a moment that this desire is found everywhere from the US to Pakistan, from Russia to the Sudan and beyond. Every nation in the world also has rich and poor classes.
Bit of a stretch to think of Pakistan as a Christian country.