Christian debate tactics

I don't think there are any such texts, but I have read a few forgeries such as the twelve holy apostles(forgery of the Didache).
Proud_Muslim said:
You forgot to add one thing:

When they are cornered and have no answers, they turn to you and say: JESUS LOVES YOU !!! :rolleyes:

That is a lot more preferable to cornered Muslims who turn to you and say: ASSHOLE! YOU ARE AN IDIOT! YOU ARE A LIAR! YOU ARE A FASCIST! YOU ARE IGNORANT! YOU CANT SPEAK ARABIC! YOU ARE A HATER! BLAH BLAH BLAH.
tiassa said:
For such a detailed "analysis" I don't see much accounting for trademark diversity among sects. Arguing with a Catholic is different than arguing with a Jehovah's Witness is different than arguing with a Southern Baptist is different than arguing with a Seventh-Day Adventist is different than arguing with a Lutheran (which is similar to arguing with a Catholic, but still different) is different than arguing with a Quaker ... ad nauseam.
Very true.
Proud_Muslim said:
You forgot to add one thing:

When they are cornered and have no answers, they turn to you and say: JESUS LOVES YOU !!! :rolleyes:

That's a bit better than "Well, you Christians are idiots who have no idea what they're talking about!" though, don't you think?

DoctorNO said:
That is a lot more preferable to cornered Muslims who turn to you and say: ASSHOLE! YOU ARE AN IDIOT! YOU ARE A LIAR! YOU ARE A FASCIST! YOU ARE IGNORANT! YOU CANT SPEAK ARABIC! YOU ARE A HATER! BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Haha, dude we just thought like the same thing lol
I love it when retards fight each other.
It’s like Iraq: one moron killing the other and cleansing the world from the stench.
Now if only we can get them from reproducing so fast, what a wonderful world this would be?
What no debate on issues?
Afraid of following the script, as scripture, and proving me right huh?
I understand.
Now wrestle over whose god is the ‘true’ one.
This if fun.
What no debate on issues?

This if fun.

Youre kinda old fashioned, dude. Youre one of the few athiests left who still enjoy bashing christians.

The latest trend today is Islam-bashing. Now that is more fun! :D
Paula said:
Good points! There is a study being done in California about health care patients who have some people praying for them and some people not. They don't know which group they're in. The patients being prayed for all needed drastically less medical intervention than the ones not being prayed for.
yeah and some people swear that crystals have healing powers..
...some also believe in touch healing,etc,etc
if the power of prayer is so great,why use medication at all? :rolleyes:

Other studies have shown that religious people live longer, recover more quickly from disease and injury and have fewer diseases in the first place.
would you have any links to these "studies"?or is it just hearsay?

I read it in the newspaper a few weeks ago. Of course you may feel free to assume I am a liar because four weeks ago when I was not a member of this forum I did not think to cut out a news clipping, scan it and e-mail it to you, but it was more of a sidenote than anything. If medications are so great, why does prayer help at all? Several studies have been done on the issue, even the New England Medical Journal and Newsweek have had articles on the topic over the last year or so.

My guess is that we have more than one tool at our disposal to help us heal oour minds, bodies and souls.
Proud_Muslim said:
I wish you can speak 1% Arabic what I speak in English !! :rolleyes:
Are you trying to make a point?

DoctorNO said:
The latest trend today is Islam-bashing. Now that is more fun!
And you're such a trend-setter. :rolleyes:

It’s like Iraq: one moron killing the other and cleansing the world from the stench.
Unfortunately a stench will continue to remain (aside from the stench of rotting corpses that is) and that stench will probably be the 'winning' side.

Now wrestle over whose god is the ‘true’ one.
There is no 'true' God. I flushed that a couple of hours ago. God is probably undergoing treatment at the treatment plant as I type.

Q25 said:
if the power of prayer is so great,why use medication at all?
Because they need to have all bases covered.... incase God is busy clipping his/her/its toenails when the prayers go out to make little Jimmy beat that persistant case of herpes.
I'm no more fond of rigid interpretations than you are. But there's a difference between interpreting and contradicting, and interpreting our new lives as reincarnation contradicts our being "dead to this life". A life that can be/was/is reincarnated is one still bound to sin, and that hasn't been born again, because it is still perishable
1 Peter 1:23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.​

But that's the thing though, how do you know that there is a form of purgatory or punishment after death? We live our lives in a common manner because we know that there is accountability, not in the religious context, but in the legal and social context.

How do you know anything?
Would you want to give birth to a child that is going to be shot in a drive-by?
Would you not have any children in order to avoid this happening?
You think there is a chance this won't happen?
Do you KNOW that it won't happen?
So you are gambling with your potentialy unborn childs life?

My point is there are things you do not know, but you hope that things turn out fine. Logic and probabilities are only tools which help to develop this hope, they are by no means absolutes. Anything can happen at anytime.

I've often asked people who are religious how they know that God really exists and the reply has nearly always been, 'I just do'. Not meaning to be insulting, but I don't understand that.

Why do you need to understand it?
Why would you give birth to a child, knowing that at some stage the child is going to be destroyed? Are you that calious and selfish? Or is there something more to it, which needs no understanding?
My advise, try and understand what you can.

How can possibly you know for sure that your belief in your religion or your God is right or even exists? Such blind faith always has me questioning and asking quite simply, why?

Are you so insecure that you need to be assured at every step of the way?
Is it that you are sure about everything in the world, except God, or are there other things you are unsure of?
Is everything you do, say, feel, think, dream, hope, eat, drink, shag, based on logical rational reasoning, why you pick this one subject as questionable.

Religions represent the views of a certain group in society and they spread their views to other societies by way of missionaries, etc.

The basis of all religions is God. You read the Bible, the Koran, or the Vedas, the centre is God. The veiw of religion you are portraying, is someones idea of religion.

Each religious tenet is different,

That is because it is distributed according to time, place and circumstance. The essence of all religious text is ONE.

therefore each of these group's interpretation of God is different.

That's fine. God is Great, haven't you heard.

Each interpretation is different, but similar in that it has a blind following.

Every belief system or universal ideal, has blind followers, but there are also followers who can see clearly. Why do you focus only on the blind?
Do you think every single human who follows some religious code is blind to reality?

No one has ever been able to show me or prove to me that God exists and until I know for sure,

What would be sufficient proof of evidence that a trancendental, purely spriritual, omnicient and omnipotent being exists? What exactly would you expect to see with your eyes?

I would rather believe in what I can see, feel, touch and smell.

Why would you rather BELIEVE in something, that is aparently real? Aren't you sure they exist?

If there were no religions in the world, would people still believe in God or a higher being?

There is absolutely no question of "no religion in the world". As long as there are human beings their will always be religion. What happens is that "religion" becomes "irreligion" but it is not the same as "no religion."

Jan Ardena.
How would religious people explain this.
When I was little, I WANTED to believe in God. I didn't want to think that death was it, that it was the end. I wanted to believe, but I couldn't. I didn't seem to have the capacity to shut off all those nagging little questions.
As a child I did all I could to 'invite God into my heart' but he just wouldn't stick, and he went the same way as Santa and the fairies.
Surely if there was a God, he would not have made me with an inability to believe in him? And yet that is what I have.
How much did your belief rely on those nagging questions being answered? You tried to believe in an answer to those questions, and couldn't. God doesn't make all your questions go away. And if they were quesitons about Him, they certainly won't be answered by moving away from Him.

What makes God "stick" is living the way He wants you. The answers come like anything in life: slowly and with effort.
But I live by Christian morals. I'm kind to strangers, love my family etc. Yet I still don't believe in God.
My lack of belief comes before my justifications for it, just as your faith comes before all justifications. It's very much like a switch.
My God switch is in the OFF position.
Science can explain us having a God switch, and can explain yours being turned ON.
But religion can't explain mine being turned OFF.
Hmm... maybe because science invented the "God switch", with its default position turned OFF. You can't turn it on without God, otherwise it would not have been a "God" switch, would it?

Maybe what you don't believe is what you're not willing to receive?