Christan Faith...

Wrong. I believe in K91's God. I believe in a message that is all my own. I believe in my standing with the Lord, and Father. It is my own reason and rational. Im not ready to share it with out a bit of science to back me. It is on its way, its only a mater of time. It is so extreme I would lose you on the background info into the secret society coming to be known as the Illuminati, the Illuminati being a front of the true society.

I believe in women, evolution, and Jesus all the same. :shrug:

In other words, you're talking out of your backside.

Also, this is now the second opportunity to explain your faith that you've balked at. Obviously you don't even know what you supposedly believe in, so spare us.
Wrong. I believe in K91's God. I believe in a message that is all my own. I believe in my standing with the Lord, and Father. It is my own reason and rational. Im not ready to share it with out a bit of science to back me. It is on its way, its only a mater of time. It is so extreme I would lose you on the background info into the secret society coming to be known as the Illuminati, the Illuminati being a front of the true society.

I believe in women, evolution, and Jesus all the same. :shrug:

Ok, you got my curiosity. Please bring the science. An explain away.
In other words, you're talking out of your backside.

Also, this is now the second opportunity to explain your faith that you've balked at. Obviously you don't even know what you supposedly believe in, so spare us.

You can't handle what I believe in. Period. I haven't even given you a taste.
Ok, you got my curiosity. Please bring the science. An explain away.

What im looking for is the origins of the universe. What was first? Nothing? Then what? And what was this nothing, and what followed it?

And reincarnation, I think that is going on.
You can't handle what I believe in. Period. I haven't even given you a taste.


Once you finish the Wiki-sourced collage that is your "religion," by all means, share it with us. No matter how silly it ends up, it will be far less obnoxious than this immature posturing you're doing now.
I may be a Christian, Knowledge is your faith known by anyone else.
An reincarnation sounds interesting to me. I like hearing the many different beliefs on how an what you'll be next. Religion, an different faiths in general amuses me I like learning tid bits of other religions. Helps me understand others.
I may be a Christian, Knowledge is your faith known by anyone else.
An reincarnation sounds interesting to me. I like hearing the many different beliefs on how an what you'll be next. Religion, an different faiths in general amuses me I like learning tid bits of other religions. Helps me understand others.

I wan once Catholic. What are you views on women, and homosexuals? No one knows it but me.
I have expresed my views on, what did you call it, homosexuals. An what do you mean my views on women? An no one knows but you?