Christan Faith...

Tried to watch them honestly. But my phone didn't do to well with the play back.. It is interesting what people believe in, "god" wise S.P. I knew what you meant when you said fuck faith but I was being a little sarcastic. But what is FSM? Fuckin' scary monsters?
I know you don't mean that. You drive over a bridge. You have some faith that the builders built it properly an it won't fall...
My propose for this? Hmm... let's see... I made a.. comment, then it turned into a debate... about faith. I think. Then I was accused I think of proselytizing. Or paralyzing. I think that the contents of the op. So far. Good conversation so far. Did I help you S.P.?

That's not the same at all. We have evidence that the bridge was standing for years before we crossed it. We can see the other cars crossing it safely. We have a tentative trust in the bridge and it's engineers.

Religious people have no reliable evidence for their faith, otherwise they wouldn't be asserting it as a virtue, they would instead be emphasizing evidence and reason. But they can't so they don't.
That was very interesting. 1st I have heard that. You a "secret member"?
Thanks for sharing that.
Maybe I did "excrete some verbal diarrhea". But why do I have to prove any type of my faith to be factual?
I will announce my apology for starting this thread an I guess wasting every ones time.
Mods if you wish to lock it. I don't care....ok
Back to the drawing board.....

Ok, sorry if I was harsh. But I ask again, what is the point of this thread? Why did you start it and how are we to contribute? I said you have to prove your faith because you are making an argumentative thread and as such substantiation is necessary for an objective, rational third party [which this forum represents] to respect the conversation and arrive at some conclusion.
I added this to the opening post at the end.

Can you prove faith. Is there anything written by him that don't make since..
Pick apart what HE wrote.
How does one believe in a single god or none at all?
Does any one see, maybe a little bit of philosophy here... Or irony or perhaps some truth. Here or in the bible in general
Take with a grain of salt..
I never like replying to people who cut and paste other peoples thoughts. If you want to discuss a belief you really must discuss it with the person who holds it.

People should put down what they think, Then your dealing with the author.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Faith beds ignorance and we are all ignorant, none of us omniscient of anything as we might think. We are all brothers and sisters bound to a common condition. Atheist, agnostic, and theist alike need to come to terms. The thing that can bridge the gap is honesty.
Faith beds ignorance and we are all ignorant, none of us omniscient of anything as we might think. We are all brothers and sisters bound to a common condition. Atheist, agnostic, and theist alike need to come to terms. The thing that can bridge the gap is honesty.

I honestly believe in God. You consider me WRONG to have faith. We will always be at odds if you call me WRONG blindly. I BELIEVE, I can't be ignorant telling the truth. I will be his holy prophet.
I honestly believe in God. You consider me WRONG to have faith. We will always be at odds if you call me WRONG blindly. I BELIEVE, I can't be ignorant telling the truth. I will be his holy prophet.

Interesting that you can say you are telling the truth. I believe you are telling what you know to be the truth. Does that make you not ignorant of the truth? Some would say no you are not and have a case. Others would say yes and have a case. So, what is the truth of that?

I am asking you and everyone with faith in god, "Can faith blind you of the truth and make you ignorant of it?" How can it or how can it not?
I honestly believe in God. You consider me WRONG to have faith. We will always be at odds if you call me WRONG blindly. I BELIEVE, I can't be ignorant telling the truth. I will be his holy prophet.

I don't believe it is wrong to have faith. It is what you do with that faith that can make you or break you. I'm only wondering how I lost the fight and lost faith and yet others manage to keep it. Am I really that all that different? It seems that reason won in the end for me. When I woke up to an epiphany that I have been merely fooling myself. When I doubted my faith in god I lost it....or perhaps never had it. When I saw that devout believers, deacons, church leaders, priests, church goers, closet theists, hypocrites, and everyone else who believed make mistakes in their faith and thinking, I questioned my own beliefs. That was the beginning of the end. If their faith and belief is flawed, how is mine any stronger because I believed as strongly as strongly as you. Perhaps I was blinded by faith. If I ever choose to have faith, it will be for a good reason. The Christian bible reads, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." I didn't realize how unjust this statement, and others like it, was and how much it stroked my ego as a Christian and helped me keep the faith. There certainly is a power that exists in people who have faith. It just makes me pity believers to think of the possibilities of what that power might be to them if they would see it.

If folks spent just half their time doing good works instead of reading good works and saying good works, this world would be a better place.
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I honestly believe in God. You consider me WRONG to have faith. We will always be at odds if you call me WRONG blindly. I BELIEVE, I can't be ignorant telling the truth. I will be his holy prophet.

This is the same Faith that people all over the world use to believe in many different gods just like yours that are clearly not real.

Religious faith is the antithesis of rational thought. This is why so many religious leaders actively preach against rational thought and even advanced education. They realize that rational thought and education can destroy religious faith and result in fewer followers and less money for them. They know that children are best indoctrinated — before the brain is developed enough to separate fantasy from reality.

“If faith is a valid tool of knowledge, then anything can be true 'by faith,' and therefore nothing is true. If the only reason you can accept a claim is by faith, then you are admitting that the claim does not stand on its own merits.”

The kind of intellectual dishonesty that is religious faith isn’t unique to religion, but it’s in its religious form that most widely disseminated, and how it’s validated, normalized, and institutionalized to the point that, traditionally and according to traditional religious doctrine, it’s considered the highest virtue (the bigger the lie ... ), and without it one is not considered trustworthy. This undermines the way humans effectively learn about, understand and even perceive the cosmos. It corrupts our basic operating system, so to speak.

Churches are the institutions in which we most encourage (socially almost require), train and develop the intellectual dishonesty and mental corruption that is religious faith, by far, and they set the social climate in which we live ... though that seems to be changing. The church schtick is losing its power over society. Now we have to see if we can grow out of faith in the same way we’ve been growing out of violence. I’m not sure how intellectual dishonesty like faith can be penalized by law, but it could still be socially penalized much as violence is now. We may see a significant shift in fairly short time here, soon—seems as if we’re seeing the kind of protestation that comes with rejecting failure—the last ditch pushes of effort before an ideology dies or becomes significantly less relevant—looses its place atop a pedestal—etc.
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I honestly believe in God. You consider me WRONG to have faith. We will always be at odds if you call me WRONG blindly. I BELIEVE, I can't be ignorant telling the truth. I will be his holy prophet.

I personally think you're making it up. You've mostly been vague about your belief, but the few times you've been forthright, it's just a mishmash of other established religions. I think I remember something about Zeus being in there.
Proving Our Faith

We begin our Christian life in faith; "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith" (Ephesians 2:8). And just as we begin our life in faith, so we must also continue to walk in faith; "Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him" (Colossians 2:6). We are to live in Christ, and continue to walk with Him, in the same manner as we received faith.

We cannot come to Christ without faith and we are unable to live a victorious Christian life without continuously walking in faith. Our faith is of great worth!

1 Peter 1:6-7
"For a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

One of the beautiful truths in God's Kingdom is that everything along our walk has a purpose; "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28). Even our difficult times of hardship and trial are being directed by God "for the good." As we continue to love Him with all our heart, God will use our trials to reveal and strengthen our faith. And a truer understanding of our faith is one of the greatest "goods" we can receive.

Do we really believe our faith is "of greater worth than gold"? Until we've been sustained through times of great trial and testing, it's difficult to understand the true value of faith. Our faith is shown to be real, or "proved genuine," only as we trust Him when no other hope can be seen. We never need to prove our faith to God; He sees deep within our heart and already knows the genuineness of our faith. God gave us our faith and calls us to live "in accordance with the measure of faith God has given" (Romans 12:3).

But our measure of faith is ALWAYS greater than what we believe we have, and it can sustain us through greater trials than we believe possible. As we more clearly see the strength contained in this wonderful gift of faith, we are able to give all praise, glory and honor to God as Jesus is revealed through the testimony of our life. As we trust Him with all our heart, He will cause us to emerge from our trials much stronger and more confident, more "mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4), because we will KNOW He is by our side.

As our faith is strengthened and refined, the presence of God will cease to be an interesting theory or an empty hope; it will become real and an integral part of our life! Let's rejoice that our trials last only "for a little while." But let's also rejoice that our trials are being used for His glory and for the purpose of proving our faith.

Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
Can you prove faith. Is there anything written by him that don't make since..
Pick apart what HE wrote.
How does one believe in a single god or none at all?
Does any one see, maybe a little bit of philosophy here... Or irony or perhaps some truth. Here or in the bible in general
Take with a grain of salt..
if believing in Imaginary friend makes your life better,so be it,
just dont expect rational folk to join in your delusions.

btw bible is a load of Krap
Interesting that you can say you are telling the truth. I believe you are telling what you know to be the truth. Does that make you not ignorant of the truth? Some would say no you are not and have a case. Others would say yes and have a case. So, what is the truth of that?

I am asking you and everyone with faith in god, "Can faith blind you of the truth and make you ignorant of it?" How can it or how can it not?

Tell me your version of God.
if believing in Imaginary friend makes your life better,so be it,
just dont expect rational folk to join in your delusions.

btw bible is a load of Krap

Okie dokie. Word learning time. Faith is belief, same thing. Believing in "imaginary" friends is one thing, believing in something out there beyond knowledge, science, and understanding... is beautiful.
I personally think you're making it up. You've mostly been vague about your belief, but the few times you've been forthright, it's just a mishmash of other established religions. I think I remember something about Zeus being in there.

Zeus, most likely phony. Ares, that might be another story. Seth, and Osiris I outright believe existed. My faith is extreme, don't ask if you can't handle it. I might not share.
Zeus, most likely phony. Ares, that might be another story. Seth, and Osiris I outright believe existed. My faith is extreme, don't ask if you can't handle it. I might not share.

As I recall, I offered you the chance to share before and you disappeared.

You claim Seth, Osiris, Ares, and the Abrahamic God all exist. I think that warrants some deeper exploration, but again I feel like you know this is a farce and the shroud of mystery you assume is the goal.
Based on my own experiences and experiments with the mind, the human personality is based on personality firmware, formerly called the archetypes of the collective unconscious by Carl Jung. Personality firmware is just a modern term for genetic based forms within the unconscious mind which define humans as a species, i.e., collective human behavior common to all humans.

Faith in God creates the proper alignment between ego or conscious mind and the collective unconscious mind, since the firmware is older and roots the ego with the path of evolution. If the ego places itself first, it is like the spoiled child who leads his parents. If you do it the natural way, you can take advantage of the natural programming, while also learning to take advantage of extras the firmware have to offer.

The fanatical religious zealot uses faith to hook up with some aspects of the firmware. He uses that connection to drive them places where ego willpower will break down. This is not optimized, but it is a demonstration of possibilities within the firmware.

The progression of individual personality firmware can be understood with an analogy. These firmware are empty at birth. They are analogous to the seeds of a plant which contain the DNA needed to direct the progression toward the characteristic mature plant. The firmware progress internally toward their genetically defined integration with each other, which we call human nature. Each stage of life is like the stages of a plant.

But like growing a plant from a seed, the external (neural) environment will have an impact on how the plant will develop. This is why it is called firmware. These have a hardwired genetic goal but it is also plastic to the environment; neither entirely software or hardware. With a seedling, the temperature, water, nutrients, light, mold, bugs, virus, pH, etc., can all impact the final result. These external conditions for the firmware are a function of social and individual experiences including internal and external sensory and imagination inductions.

Where faith comes in is within the acknowledgement that the little firmware plants have very specific needs which, like a plant, can be communicated (inferred) by means of comparison to a standard. If we see yellow leaves, that sign means low nitrogen, etc (signs of the times). One can improve on nature but making use of an ideal circumstance.This is called evolution of human consciousness.

Mythology is a projection of the firmware and tells how these relate while growing genetically and socially. Nature worship makes use of the lowest level firmware connected to instinct. This firmware is acceptable to atheism. The firmware layer will project into nature giving it the animation called mother earth. But since it is ego-centric also, it can't define natural but prefers relative.

Other religions use other firmware layers. The compulsive and/or natural quality connected to religion is because it touches firmware deep inside which create the foundation for our drives and motivations.

This position puts me at odds with both sides. On the one hand, it turns an ethereal connection into a biological connection (on the surface) On the other hand, it gives credibility to what religion says, which is an atheist taboo.
I don't believe it is wrong to have faith. It is what you do with that faith that can make you or break you. I'm only wondering how I lost the fight and lost faith and yet others manage to keep it. Am I really that all that different?

Who do you believe? One of many "good" books? Which group with the answer is for you? Or did you come to a personal understanding of God, and lose faith? Money is on you lost faith with religion, it is silly.

It seems that reason won in the end for me. When I woke up to an epiphany that I have been merely fooling myself. When I doubted my faith in god I lost it....or perhaps never had it. When I saw that devout believers, deacons, church leaders, priests, church goers, closet theists, hypocrites, and everyone else who believed make mistakes in their faith and thinking, I questioned my own beliefs.

What is their belief? Their belief is a church of men over women, a a self explained unwise God, and children apparently being offered to these church leaders. My faith is God, and his children. My faith is a bouncy red ball, and a beautiful woman. My faith is a wonderful son, daughter, and dog. My friends and family, love. Throw in sunrise

When my faith is fulfilled, then what? Will I have only been lucky? At odds with coincidence? How can speak out against faith, when you believed to post that message, and then posted it?

If I ever choose to have faith, it will be for a good reason.

Its no choice, faith just is. Faith is not belief in God, it is simply belief.

If folks spent just half their time doing good works instead of reading good works and saying good works, this world would be a better place.

And you stop bashing good faith. I believe in the greatness of a starry night.