Christan Faith...


many leagues under the sea.
Valued Senior Member
Proving Our Faith

We begin our Christian life in faith; "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith" (Ephesians 2:8). And just as we begin our life in faith, so we must also continue to walk in faith; "Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him" (Colossians 2:6). We are to live in Christ, and continue to walk with Him, in the same manner as we received faith.

We cannot come to Christ without faith and we are unable to live a victorious Christian life without continuously walking in faith. Our faith is of great worth!

1 Peter 1:6-7
"For a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

One of the beautiful truths in God's Kingdom is that everything along our walk has a purpose; "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28). Even our difficult times of hardship and trial are being directed by God "for the good." As we continue to love Him with all our heart, God will use our trials to reveal and strengthen our faith. And a truer understanding of our faith is one of the greatest "goods" we can receive.

Do we really believe our faith is "of greater worth than gold"? Until we've been sustained through times of great trial and testing, it's difficult to understand the true value of faith. Our faith is shown to be real, or "proved genuine," only as we trust Him when no other hope can be seen. We never need to prove our faith to God; He sees deep within our heart and already knows the genuineness of our faith. God gave us our faith and calls us to live "in accordance with the measure of faith God has given" (Romans 12:3).

But our measure of faith is ALWAYS greater than what we believe we have, and it can sustain us through greater trials than we believe possible. As we more clearly see the strength contained in this wonderful gift of faith, we are able to give all praise, glory and honor to God as Jesus is revealed through the testimony of our life. As we trust Him with all our heart, He will cause us to emerge from our trials much stronger and more confident, more "mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4), because we will KNOW He is by our side.

As our faith is strengthened and refined, the presence of God will cease to be an interesting theory or an empty hope; it will become real and an integral part of our life! Let's rejoice that our trials last only "for a little while." But let's also rejoice that our trials are being used for His glory and for the purpose of proving our faith.

Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel

Can you prove faith. Is there anything written by him that don't make since..
Pick apart what HE wrote.
How does one believe in a single god or none at all?
Does any one see, maybe a little bit of philosophy here... Or irony or perhaps some truth. Here or in the bible in general
Take with a grain of salt..
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Faith is belief. One does not need to acknowledge faith in something that is seemingly not there, but possibly all around.

Why would someone believe God created Adam zap Eve zap bird zap tree zap shoe zap?

Evolution indubitably took place. A competent God would understand evolution long before it occurred. He must have been born, hence he evolved.

I would take all mythology, culture, science, and knowledge into account. As far as faith and hope go, all they need to be clear and upfront so science can validate someone.

EDIT: IF God evolved, then evolution had taken place before God understood it.
I'm sorry, I thought there was a site rule against proselytizing.

Save your sermons for church.

Excuse me. Last I checked I am not a preacher. Secondly I don't want to be. This was written. Not spoken. An I will need to look up that rather large word you used proselytizing. Hold on
dang it is a word.

"Religious Proselytizing" ? A Smear Term to Silence Christianity
"Religious Proselytizing" – A Smear Term to Silence Christianity. by Rev. Ted Pike. The term "religious proselytizing" is being used to prejudice the ... crimes/proselyte.html
Oh and
Proselytize - Definition and More from the Free Merriam ...
They are a sport-shirted, discomforted lot, pacing, puffing feverishly on cigarettes, perspiring freely and proselytizing furiously. —Nicholas Dawidoff, Sports ...

An it seems I found this
Proselytizing | Define Proselytizing at
verb (used with object), verb (used without object), pros·e·lyt·ized, pros·e·lyt·iz·ing. to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte ; recruit. Also ...

If you mean any of these you are wrong..
What what did you mean??
There was no point of discussion. You just quoted some guy that wrote about faith being a virtue. That's preaching and there is a rule against it.

The term "religious proselytizing" is being used to prejudice the public against Christian evangelism.
And rightly so. But that article is full of BS, the ACLU isn't anti-Christian.
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Someone seriously needs to lay off the glue... or the crack pipe... or something.

(Re: post 7)

Excuse me. Last I checked I am not a preacher. Secondly I don't want to be. This was written. Not spoken. An I will need to look up that rather large word you used proselytizing. Hold on
dang it is a word.

"Religious Proselytizing" ? A Smear Term to Silence Christianity
"Religious Proselytizing" – A Smear Term to Silence Christianity. by Rev. Ted Pike. The term "religious proselytizing" is being used to prejudice the ... crimes/proselyte.html
Oh and
Proselytize - Definition and More from the Free Merriam ...
They are a sport-shirted, discomforted lot, pacing, puffing feverishly on cigarettes, perspiring freely and proselytizing furiously. —Nicholas Dawidoff, Sports ...

An it seems I found this
Proselytizing | Define Proselytizing at
verb (used with object), verb (used without object), pros·e·lyt·ized, pros·e·lyt·iz·ing. to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte ; recruit. Also ...

If you mean any of these you are wrong..
What what did you mean??

I may have mistaken "proselytizing" for a term interchangeable with "preaching." That's my mistake. However, you are still preaching--whether the words are your own or simply copy-pasted from another source is irrelevant--and that is against site rules. So I say again, save it for the church.
As for me, all i have to say is Fuck Faith! by Saturnine Pariah;
I know you don't mean that. You drive over a bridge. You have some faith that the builders built it properly an it won't fall...
My propose for this? Hmm... let's see... I made a.. comment, then it turned into a debate... about faith. I think. Then I was accused I think of proselytizing. Or paralyzing. I think that the contents of the op. So far. Good conversation so far. Did I help you S.P.?
I may have mistaken "proselytizing" for a term interchangeable with "preaching." That's my mistake.

Wait... what?! (Is this ... infectious?) "Preaching" and "proselytizing" are hardly synonymous, but they're hardly dissimilar--if anything, I'd suggest that "proselytizing" generally includes "preaching."

(IOW you weren't mistaken.)
Ok, wait! No one is picking apart Steve's words, or debating them.. now? Why not?
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Ok, wait! No one in picking apart Steve's words, or debating them?!?

Ok then,

You come here on sciforums and start a thread with no defined argumentative structure. You not only quote scripture [others will let you know what we think of this and why] but also contradict yourself and refuse to engage in a logical debate, instead relying on a lot of vague talk and deflection.

YOU position yourself in a baised and irrational situation favouring christianity rather than making a case for it and then you dare make the fatal error of the fundies - switching the blame and being the pot who calls the kettle black.

As for the argument itself, you hold the christian postion, the burden of proof is on you to prove your faith to be factual [which you say you dont need to do but proceed to do nevertheless]. Do tell me, what exactly is the point of the post? You do not state what you are doing, why or what you except from us. All you did was excrete some verbal diarrhea, without context, structure, function or convention. Then you counter us call you on your bullshit with useless one liners.

Good luck substantiating all of those claims, convincing us and being taken seriously.
Ok then,

You come here on sciforums and start a thread with no defined argumentative structure. You not only quote scripture [others will let you know what we think of this and why] but also contradict yourself and refuse to engage in a logical debate, instead relying on a lot of vague talk and deflection.

YOU position yourself in a biased and irrational situation favoring christianity rather than making a case for it and then you dare make the fatal error of the fundies - switching the blame and being the pot who calls the kettle black.

As for the argument itself, you hold the christian position, the burden of proof is on you to prove your faith to be factual [which you say you don't need to do but proceed to do nevertheless]. Do tell me, what exactly is the point of the post? You do not state what you are doing, why or what you except from us. All you did was excrete some verbal diarrhea, without context, structure, function or convention. Then you counter us call you on your bullshit with useless one liners.

Good luck substantiating all of those claims, convincing us and being taken seriously.

Maybe I did "excrete some verbal diarrhea". But why do I have to prove any type of my faith to be factual?
I will announce my apology for starting this thread an I guess wasting every ones time.
Mods if you wish to lock it. I don't care....ok
Back to the drawing board.....
Wait... what?! (Is this ... infectious?) "Preaching" and "proselytizing" are hardly synonymous, but they're hardly dissimilar--if anything, I'd suggest that "proselytizing" generally includes "preaching."

(IOW you weren't mistaken.)

It does, but proselytizing is an attempt to convert; preaching is a part of that, but one cannot proselytize to the converted. This thread was obviously meant for believers.
Witch I forgot there seems to not be any. An I have enjoyed my time here. When I can spare it. I did not wish to offend. So I edited my starting statement a little..

An I was not trying to Preach...
Witch I forgot there seems to not be any. An I have enjoyed my time here. When I can spare it. I did not wish to offend. So I edited my starting statement a little..

An I was not trying to Preach...

There are plenty of believers here. That's not the point.
As for me, all i have to say is Fuck Faith! by Saturnine Pariah;
I know you don't mean that. You drive over a bridge. You have some faith that the builders built it properly an it won't fall...
My propose for this? Hmm... let's see... I made a.. comment, then it turned into a debate... about faith. I think. Then I was accused I think of proselytizing. Or paralyzing. I think that the contents of the op. So far. Good conversation so far. Did I help you S.P.?

I mean as in fuck Religious faith. there is a difference. If you watched the videos you could understand why i cannot have faith in the man-maid gods of old. I simply will not put blind faith into an enitity that is as real as faries, dragons(both western and orient) trolls, goblins, orces, Elves, or even the FSM.