Christain God vs Muslim God

You can only seriously ask this if you take for granted that the Abrahamic salvationist/exclusivist template is the one and only right one.

IOW, only a Christian could ask what you're asking.

I think it applies to all theistic religions, if there is a god or gods that care about communicating a certain message to the people, why were all the religions so local? You would think a universal god would communicate a message universally.
I think it applies to all theistic religions, if there is a god or gods that care about communicating a certain message to the people, why were all the religions so local? You would think a universal god would communicate a message universally.

What makes you so sure He hasn't done so?
I think it applies to all theistic religions, if there is a god or gods that care about communicating a certain message to the people, why were all the religions so local? You would think a universal god would communicate a message universally.

He does. He who hath a ear.