Christ & Buddha, Enlightened beings.

Regarding all those quotes you just pulled from some website somewhere, allow me to reply with a quote...

Dummy, buddha never said those things. Idiot. It's his followers dumbass. Don't you understand the dynamic of a real person versus the deification people project on that individual to form their religion or savior.

Just replace "buddha" with "Jesus". ;)
Dummy, buddha never said those things. Idiot. It's his followers dumbass. Don't you understand the dynamic of a real person versus the deification people project on that individual to form their religion or savior.

It's people like you who are the moron. HAHA..You might as well be fundamentalist christian!

So you believe if someone who says they can walk on water or through walls it must be so and you call me a moron. Okey dokey, insane idiot. this is VERY funny post...

Let me get this straight, some how you know exactly what Gautama Buddha says and exactly what he doesn't say right? Hey guys we've figured it out, its simple "if something doesn't agree with what peta9 thinks Gautama should've said, then he didn't say it" it doesn't matter if its mentioned innumerable times in the pali canons, you know why? Because peta9 says so, and peta9 some how knows exactly what Gautama said and what he didn't....AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this is very typical of these Buddhist hippie types who enjoy perverting Buddha's real teachings just to fit it into what they WANT Buddhism to be.....their own personal propaganda...

As for my sources, go check out all the innumerable places in the pali canons where iddhi powers are mentioned:
Samaññaphala Sutta
Kevatta Sutta
Lohicca Sutta
Maha-sihanada Sutta
and INNUMERABLE others (BTW the pali canons are known to be the earliest most accurate scriptures on Buddhism, but don't follow what it says, peta9 knows more than Gautama Buddha some how)

Ah here is something VERY interesting the Buddha mentions, it is directly relevant to this discussion:
"Sariputta, this misguided man Sunakkhatta will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'That Blessed One is accomplished, fully enlightened, perfect in true knowledge and conduct, sublime, knower of worlds, incomparable leader of persons to be tamed, teacher of gods and humans, enlightened, blessed.'

"And he will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'That Blessed One enjoys the various kinds of supernormal power: having been one, he becomes many; having been many, he becomes one; he appears and vanishes; he goes unhindered through a wall, through an enclosure, through a mountain, as though through space; he dives in and out of the earth as though it were water; he walks on water without sinking as though it were earth; seated cross-legged, he travels in space like a bird; with his hand he touches and strokes the moon and sun so powerful and mighty; he wields bodily mastery even as far as the Brahma-world.'

"And he will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'With the divine ear element, which is purified and surpasses the human, that Blessed One hears both kinds of sounds, the heavenly and the human, those that are far as well as near.'

"And he will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'That Blessed One encompasses with his own mind the minds of other beings, other persons. He understands a mind affected by lust as affected by lust and a mind unaffected by lust as unaffected by lust; he understands a mind affected by hate as affected by hate and a mind unaffected by hate as unaffected by hate; he understands a mind affected by delusion as affected by delusion and a mind unaffected by delusion as unaffected by delusion; he understands a contracted mind as contracted and a distracted mind as distracted; he understands an exalted mind as exalted and an unexalted mind as unexalted; he understands a surpassed mind as surpassed and an unsurpassed mind as unsurpassed; he understands a concentrated mind as concentrated and an unconcentrated mind as unconcentrated; he understands a liberated mind as liberated and an unliberated mind as unliberated.' (Maha-sihanada Sutta, 5-8)

Looks like according to Gautama Buddha, peta9 is what is called a 'misguided man'
I believe Buddha had what we may call "supernatural powers", but for Buddha, those are not miracles, for Buddha, a normal person that becomes Enlightened is the real miracle.
Yeah that fat image is Hotei, not Buddha.

buddhism in china/japan has incorperated the laughing buddha, "hotei" his name is sometimes known as bu-dai, i know he is one of the seven gods, the legends and lore have been mixed up over the centuarys now they are kind of blended into one.

he is known as the laughing buddha around most of the world.

peace. this is VERY funny post...

Let me get this straight, some how you know exactly what Gautama Buddha says and exactly what he doesn't say right? Hey guys we've figured it out, its simple "if something doesn't agree with what peta9 thinks Gautama should've said, then he didn't say it" it doesn't matter if its mentioned innumerable times in the pali canons, you know why? Because peta9 says so, and peta9 some how knows exactly what Gautama said and what he didn't....AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this is very typical of these Buddhist hippie types who enjoy perverting Buddha's real teachings just to fit it into what they WANT Buddhism to be.....their own personal propaganda...

As for my sources, go check out all the innumerable places in the pali canons where iddhi powers are mentioned:
Samaññaphala Sutta
Kevatta Sutta
Lohicca Sutta
Maha-sihanada Sutta
and INNUMERABLE others (BTW the pali canons are known to be the earliest most accurate scriptures on Buddhism, but don't follow what it says, peta9 knows more than Gautama Buddha some how)

Ah here is something VERY interesting the Buddha mentions, it is directly relevant to this discussion:
"Sariputta, this misguided man Sunakkhatta will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'That Blessed One is accomplished, fully enlightened, perfect in true knowledge and conduct, sublime, knower of worlds, incomparable leader of persons to be tamed, teacher of gods and humans, enlightened, blessed.'

"And he will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'That Blessed One enjoys the various kinds of supernormal power: having been one, he becomes many; having been many, he becomes one; he appears and vanishes; he goes unhindered through a wall, through an enclosure, through a mountain, as though through space; he dives in and out of the earth as though it were water; he walks on water without sinking as though it were earth; seated cross-legged, he travels in space like a bird; with his hand he touches and strokes the moon and sun so powerful and mighty; he wields bodily mastery even as far as the Brahma-world.'

"And he will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'With the divine ear element, which is purified and surpasses the human, that Blessed One hears both kinds of sounds, the heavenly and the human, those that are far as well as near.'

"And he will never infer of me according to Dhamma: 'That Blessed One encompasses with his own mind the minds of other beings, other persons. He understands a mind affected by lust as affected by lust and a mind unaffected by lust as unaffected by lust; he understands a mind affected by hate as affected by hate and a mind unaffected by hate as unaffected by hate; he understands a mind affected by delusion as affected by delusion and a mind unaffected by delusion as unaffected by delusion; he understands a contracted mind as contracted and a distracted mind as distracted; he understands an exalted mind as exalted and an unexalted mind as unexalted; he understands a surpassed mind as surpassed and an unsurpassed mind as unsurpassed; he understands a concentrated mind as concentrated and an unconcentrated mind as unconcentrated; he understands a liberated mind as liberated and an unliberated mind as unliberated.' (Maha-sihanada Sutta, 5-8)

Looks like according to Gautama Buddha, peta9 is what is called a 'misguided man'


Gods: Originally, Buddhism recognized neither a godhead nor an immortal soul. In Mahayana Buddhism (a later development), however, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are worshipped and take on aspects of divinity.

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I try to not make assumptions, but the impression I get of peta9 is that peta9 has read very little, if any, of the Pali Canon - rather second-hand accounts about what the Buddha meant, just as (s)he has read very little, if any, of the Bible, rather second hand accounts.

Are your parents Christian, peta9?
How much did you know about Buddhism before you decided you were a Buddhist?
How much of the Pali Canon have you read?
Have you ever heard of the Pali Canon before today?
I believe Buddha had what we may call "supernatural powers", but for Buddha, those are not miracles, for Buddha, a normal person that becomes Enlightened is the real miracle.
Indeed, these miracles are typical things, very typical....only ignorance or a lack of knowledge makes things appear mystical, supernatural, etc....

You just can't accept that the Buddha repeatedly acknowledges supernormal powers being real so in order to get things to fit into YOUR own notion (which that they are not real) you have to attempt to pervert Buddhism, like many others have in the past....

So basically, you want to believe in Buddhism, but ignore parts that you find unlikely or supernatural...why? Because it brings up doubt, mental agony, and insecurity within you so you have to find a way out of it...
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You just can't accept that the Buddha repeatedly acknowledges supernormal powers being real

Oh he certainly does that over and over again.
He acknowledges heaven and hell.
He acknowledges Devas, Gods and Demons.
Hell, he even wrestled with Mara.
I try to not make assumptions, but the impression I get of peta9 is that peta9 has read very little, if any, of the Pali Canon - rather second-hand accounts about what the Buddha meant, just as (s)he has read very little, if any, of the Bible, rather second hand accounts.

Are your parents Christian, peta9?
How much did you know about Buddhism before you decided you were a Buddhist?
How much of the Pali Canon have you read?
Have you ever heard of the Pali Canon before today?

Christians?? I am asian and my family line has been steeped in shinto and buddhism. I am an atheist and was never a christian.
Buddha also said you should not debate. hmmmmm
Actually Gautama Buddha sent out many of his disciples Kassapa, Ananda, and others just for the purpose of debating with other brahmanas, and other spiritual scholars.......he did this just for the purpose of converting others to his dharma

What he discouraged was speculation....because its useless and only leads to mental agony, doubt, etc....and doubt is considered the worst habit according to Gautama Buddha....
he did this just for the purpose of converting others to his dharma

Ok, I wouldn´t call it "convert", but aid them in their spiritual path. I don´t think Buddha was looking to create a new "belief system", but to teach others how to find their "paths".
Actually Gautama Buddha sent out many of his disciples Kassapa, Ananda, and others just for the purpose of debating with other brahmanas, and other spiritual scholars.......he did this just for the purpose of converting others to his dharma

What he discouraged was speculation....because its useless and only leads to mental agony, doubt, etc....and doubt is considered the worst habit according to Gautama Buddha....

Debate or discuss?

I wish I could find the quote right now, but I recall reading that the Buddha reprimanded a monk (I think it was Ananda) for debating with someone who disagreed with him.
He said that you should simply state, "This is what I thik is the truth, and this is why." and if they disagree with your reasoning then there is no need to debate it further.

When I have more time I will search for the Sutta.
I think that being born of a virgin, is symbolism of "being born again", that is "awakening", becomming enlightened.

I don´t oppose to Jesus being born of a virgin, but I don´t encourage the fact either. I just think as an enlightened being has no ego, then we say "His spirit is born of a virgin".
Okay child, I see this is too difficult for you to understand but I doubt Buddha walked on water or believed he could.
He claimed that he could.
Did you not read what I quoted from the Pali Canon?

Of course, no one knows for sure what buddha said but from his original teachings I think I'm more on the incline of correctness than you, aiight? However you deny it by scripture this or that.
What is closer to his actualy teachings than the Pali Canon?
What makes you more correct?

No dear, I don't believe christ or buddha walked on water. LOLOLOL.
Regardless of whether you believe he did or not, he claimed that he could.

And however you or anyone tries to pervert, change or add to buddhas original teachings, the divine crap doesn't hold any credibility to me. I don't care how many scriptures are going to be added or how many offshoots of buddhism will become of it.
Added nothing, the Pali Canon is the oldest collection of the Buddha's lectures.
It was compiled by his monks during the first conference.
Anything that does not agree with the Pali Canon has been added or changed.

And besides christ or buddha. Buddhism did not originally acknowledge a soul or heaven or hell. Quite different from christianity, christ or the bible.
He most certainly DID acknoledge Heaven and Hell.

All your claims mean nothing if you can't back them up.
Tell me, if you have not read the Pali Canon, how did you learn of the Buddha's words?
As I keep saying.
Prove what you say or it is as worthless as any other ridiculous rant.
I could jump up and down and scream that Buddha claimed to be a martian - but no matter how loudly I scream it, it means nothing.
Unless I can show that Buddha claimed to be a martian (by quoting the Pali Canon) then my claim is worthless.
He most certainly DID acknoledge Heaven and Hell.

Not an eternal heaven or hell like christianity. It's a temporary incarnation based on your level of enlightenment.
If you put together all of buddhist teachings and you believe he walked on water? Doesn't that seem to contradict many of buddhist teachings regarding profound buddhist teachings to be wise and truthful and to not live in delusion? You don't think if he were alive today, he would say you were ridiculous for believing it? Okay.

Please dude, I´m begging you, as other people in this post: QUOTE the Buddha in your posts, not your opinion and personal claims; that by the way, seem to be very discriminating, not very Buddha-like man.
this is not good, all this hostility is not what buddha or jesus promoted or preached, they would not be proud of the attitudes that are bieng displayed.

and peta dont put all of your eggs in one basket, they are better off in all 3 baskets :D (maybe raven will get that)
