Christ & Buddha, Enlightened beings.

Buddha denied being a deity and was not into miracles as he knew they were false hopes, lies and illusion.

Jesus Christ on the other hand was woefully opposite as he claimed to be a deity and perform miracles.

[Deleted], they are as different as night and day.

No, this is not true at all, not even to the slightest, most remote, most infinitesimal extent....although with the Buddhist hippie movement it might appear so, but if you read the actual pali canons it is very clear...

The Buddha said that he was superior to the devas (gods), ghosts, spirits, etc....and mentioned the creator (Brahma) sometimes in the pali the earliest pali canons Gautama Buddha is known as the "teacher of the gods (devas) and men"...anyone who is supremely enlightened is superior to the gods...

The Buddha taught his disciples not to display miracles because it would cause confusion but he definitely accepted them as the truth and as reality...for example in the Kevatta Sutta he discusses things like walking on water...:
"And what is the miracle of iddhi power? There is the case where a monk wields manifold psychic powers. Having been one he becomes many; having been many he becomes one. He appears. He vanishes. He goes unimpeded through walls, ramparts, and mountains as if through space. He dives in and out of the earth as if it were water. He walks on water without sinking as if it were dry land. Sitting cross-legged he flies through the air like a winged bird. With his hand he touches and strokes even the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. He exercises influence with his body even as far as the Brahma worlds" (Kevatta Sutta,

This is precisely the same power Jesus had, clearly indicating that Jesus and others who achieve great power can do such things...
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Buddha denied being a deity and was not into miracles as he knew they were false hopes, lies and illusion.

"After The Buddha returned to his father´s kingdom, some people were still unsure about whether Gautama Buddha was really enlightened or not. Some perceived him as the same Gautama that had abandoned his family to become an ascetic. In response, in order to clear the obscurations to their pure perception, The Buddha displayed the Yamaka-pātihāriya or the "Twin Miracle", called so because of its simultaneous production of apparently contradictory phenomena; in this case, fire and water. Upon seeing this, great devotion arose in the hearts of the King and the people."

You have been somewhat missguided my friend.
Did he?
Please quote me chapter and verse, because I have never seen that.

Oh, I recall something of the virgin birth, raising lazarus from the dead, reattaching a severed ear, turning water into wine, making the blind see, the crippled walk, feeding thousands with three fish and two loaves of bread, admitting that he was the son of god, he and god are one, no one can enter heaven but through him AND I'm sure I've not listed half of it.
"After The Buddha returned to his father´s kingdom, some people were still unsure about whether Gautama Buddha was really enlightened or not. Some perceived him as the same Gautama that had abandoned his family to become an ascetic. In response, in order to clear the obscurations to their pure perception, The Buddha displayed the Yamaka-pātihāriya or the "Twin Miracle", called so because of its simultaneous production of apparently contradictory phenomena; in this case, fire and water. Upon seeing this, great devotion arose in the hearts of the King and the people."

You have been somewhat missguided my friend.

BIG FAT NO! It's people like you who end up twisting [Deleted] don't be a jerk like the fundamentalists okay? That's an interpretation by others. Buddha himself denied his divinity and there are many examples where he showed there is no such thing as a miracle, only cause and effect and to be realistic.
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Oh, I recall something of the virgin birth, raising lazarus from the dead, reattaching a severed ear, turning water into wine, making the blind see, the crippled walk, feeding thousands with three fish and two loaves of bread, admitting that he was the son of god, he and god are one, no one can enter heaven but through him AND I'm sure I've not listed half of it.

Jesus never once claimed to be a diety.
If I am wrong, please cite chapter and verse.
No, this is not true at all, not even to the slightest, most remote, most infinitesimal extent....although with the Buddhist hippie movement it might appear so, but if you read the actual pali canons it is very clear...

The Buddha said that he was superior to the devas (gods), ghosts, spirits, etc....and mentioned the creator (Brahma) sometimes in the pali the earliest pali canons Gautama Buddha is known as the "teacher of the gods (devas) and men"...anyone who is supremely enlightened is superior to the gods...

The Buddha taught his disciples not to display miracles because it would cause confusion but he definitely accepted them as the truth and as reality...for example in the Kevatta Sutta he discusses things like walking on water...:
"And what is the miracle of iddhi power? There is the case where a monk wields manifold psychic powers. Having been one he becomes many; having been many he becomes one. He appears. He vanishes. He goes unimpeded through walls, ramparts, and mountains as if through space. He dives in and out of the earth as if it were water. He walks on water without sinking as if it were dry land. Sitting cross-legged he flies through the air like a winged bird. With his hand he touches and strokes even the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. He exercises influence with his body even as far as the Brahma worlds" (Kevatta Sutta,

This is precisely the same power Jesus had, clearly indicating that Jesus and others who achieve great power can do such things...

[Deleted] Buddha was realistic about what he knew to be possible and not possible. Sure there were metaphysical explanations for reincarnation but buddha did not believe he could walk on water or physically go through walls. Many people who follow someone will end up deifying that individual but it does not mean what they say is the truth. Actually then they are using that person to form their own beliefs around it as if it lends credibility. Buddha was remarkably honest and after truth. There is a classic fable of the woman whose son had died and the collecting of enough beans from a home that had no death so buddha could perform the miracle. She understood at the end that no matter how many beans she collected, death was inevitable as every house she went to there was death. She humbled herself and realized she had asked for the impossible. That was the lesson.

There are many offshoots of buddhism and people make their own religion but I don't believe buddha would agree with all the bullshit they attribute to him.
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Jesus never once claimed to be a diety.
If I am wrong, please cite chapter and verse.

Really? Before he was crucified, he was asked if he was the son of god and he admitted that he was. AND if you go around saying things like one can enter heaven only though him and his religion then it amounts to the same thing. It really doesn't matter if he said it directly. The problem is, did he or didn't he? Did he even exist as osiris seems to be a real parallel to him unlike Buddha who we know existed. Is the bible lying in its interpretation of Jesus Christ? That's the question isn't it?
Did he?
Please quote me chapter and verse, because I have never seen that.

[Deleted] do your own work. "you have never seen that" in the bible??? WTF are you talking about? You've never read the miracles jesus performed in the bible? Are you [Deleted]telling me I'm lying?

What kind of people use cognitive dissonance and never see through the religious interpretation by people. In the bible it is blatant, there is no hypocrisy or contradiction when it comes to their god and miracles including jesus christ.

However with Buddha there is contradictory versus and teachings of buddha and the deification of him by others.
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[Deleted] Buddha was realistic about what he knew to be possible and not possible. Sure there were metaphysical explanations for reincarnation but buddha did not believe he could walk on water or physically go through walls. Many people who follow someone will end up deifying that individual but it does not mean what they say is the truth. Actually then they are using that person to form their own beliefs around it as if it lends credibility. Buddha was remarkably honest and after truth. There is a classic fable of the woman whose son had died and the collecting of enough beans from a home that had no death so buddha could perform the miracle. She understood at the end that no matter how many beans she collected, death was inevitable as every house she went to there was death. She humbled herself and realized she had asked for the impossible. That was the lesson.

There are many offshoots of buddhism and people make their own religion but I don't believe buddha would agree with all the [Deleted]they attribute to him.
AHAHAHA its funny you talk a lot about Buddha but back up NOTHING with scriptural evidence....rather your evidence is "Well I sort of think that Buddha says this, and thats good enough for me"

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Before he was crucified, he was asked if he was the son of god and he admitted that he was.
He also said we are all the children of God.
That is not the same as claiming to be a deity.

AND if you go around saying things like one can enter heaven only though him and his religion then it amounts to the same thing.
No it does not.
If he believed that the only way to heaven was to follow what he taught, and live your life with him as an example, then he very well would say that the only way to heaven is through him.

It really doesn't matter if he said it directly.
It absolutely does, because you claimed he did.
All your huffing and puffing and exclamation points don't change a thing.
If he said he was a deity, cite me chapter and verse, or admit you were mistaken.

The problem is, did he or didn't he?
No, he most certainly did not.
As I said, if I am wrong, show me.
Cite me chapter and verse.
You seem to be so knowledgable about the bible, it shouldn't be too difficult.
Or is it that you are not nearly as knowledgable as you portray?

Did he even exist as osiris seems to be a real parallel to him unlike Buddha who we know existed.
Whether or not he existed has nothing to do with this conversation at all.
By the way, there is about as much evidence for the existnce of the Buddha as there is for the existence of Christ and plenty of people do doubt he ever existed.
We have the Pali Canon - the words of those who followed him - and that's it.

Is the bible lying in its interpretation of Jesus Christ? That's the question isn't it?
No that's not the question.
The question is whether or not the recorded words attributed to Jesus show that he ever claimed to be a deity.
You say they do.
I say they don't.
Put up, shut up or admit you were wrong.
He also said we are all the children of God.
That is not the same as claiming to be a deity.

No it does not.
If he believed that the only way to heaven was to follow what he taught, and live your life with him as an example, then he very well would say that the only way to heaven is through him.

It absolutely does, because you claimed he did.
All your huffing and puffing and exclamation points don't change a thing.
If he said he was a deity, cite me chapter and verse, or admit you were mistaken.

No, he most certainly did not.
As I said, if I am wrong, show me.
Cite me chapter and verse.
You seem to be so knowledgable about the bible, it shouldn't be too difficult.
Or is it that you are not nearly as knowledgable as you portray?

Whether or not he existed has nothing to do with this conversation at all.
By the way, there is about as much evidence for the existnce of the Buddha as there is for the existence of Christ and plenty of people do doubt he ever existed.
We have the Pali Canon - the words of those who followed him - and that's it.

No that's not the question.
The question is whether or not the recorded words attributed to Jesus show that he ever claimed to be a deity.
You say they do.
I say they don't.
Put up, shut up or admit you were wrong.

It looks like you need to reread the bible especially the events before his crucifixion and after and the things jesus is said to have admitted according to the bible when asked if he was god.
It looks like you need to reread the bible especially the events before his crucifixion and after and the things jesus is said to have admitted according to the bible when asked if he was god.

I have read it.
Have you?
I don't think you have.

If you are so knowledgable about it, cite me chapter and verse.
He never once claimed to be God - not once.

No matter how many times you say it, it doesn't prove a damned thing.
It does not exist in the bible.

Put up or shut up.
Buddhism 4º precept:

Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I undertake the precept to refrain from incorrect speech.

Buddha tought self-awareness and love.

"Hatred does not cease in this world by hating, but by not hating; this is an eternal truth"
~ Buddha

"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."
-- Siddhartha Buddha

Dude, nobody in this post seems to be attacking you, but I quote you:

... Hey dummy, don't be a jerk like the fundamentalists okay? ...
Bullshit!! Real bullshit! ...
Screw yourself and do your own work. "you have never seen that" in the bible??? WTF are you talking about? You've never read the miracles jesus performed in the bible? Are you fucking telling me I'm lying?...
Dummy, buddha never said those things. Idiot. It's his followers dumbass...
It's people like you who are the moron. HAHA..You might as well be fundamentalist christian!..

You are a real buddhist aren´t you? ;)

You can call me stupid but a person that breaks everything the Buddha considered to be virtues, and tries to prove that he knows so much about him, lacks all credibility to me.

God bless you my friend
It's alarmingly simple, and a common suggestion to make: That Jesus either a) never made any claims to deity; b) that His claims were altered by His biased followers; or, c) His claims were misunderstood by His ignorant followers. Do these ideas hold any water?


Question: "Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?"

Answer: Jesus is never recorded in the Bible as saying the exact words, “I am God.” That does not mean, however, that He did not proclaim that He is God. Take for example Jesus’ words in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” At first glance, this might not seem to be a claim to be God. However, look at the Jews’ reaction to His statement, “We are not stoning you for any of these, replied the Jews, but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God” (John 10:33). The Jews understood Jesus’ statement to be a claim to be God. In the following verses, Jesus never corrects the Jews by saying, “I did not claim to be God.” That indicates Jesus was truly saying He was God by declaring, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). John 8:58 is another example. Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was born, I am!" Again, in response, the Jews take up stones in an attempt to stone Jesus (John 8:59). Why would the Jews want to stone Jesus if He hadn’t said something they believed to be blasphemous, namely, a claim to be God?

John 1:1 says that “the Word was God.” John 1:14 says that “the Word became flesh.” This clearly indicates that Jesus is God in the flesh. Acts 20:28 tells us, "...Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood." Who bought the church with His own blood? Jesus Christ. Acts 20:28 declares that God purchased the church with His own blood. Therefore, Jesus is God!

Thomas the disciple declared concerning Jesus, “Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Jesus does not correct him. Titus 2:13 encourages us to wait for the coming of our God and Savior - Jesus Christ (see also 2 Peter 1:1). In Hebrews 1:8, the Father declares of Jesus, "But about the Son He says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom."

In Revelation, an angel instructed the Apostle John to only worship God (Revelation 19:10). Several times in Scripture Jesus receives worship (Matthew 2:11; 14:33; 28:9,17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38). He never rebukes people for worshiping Him. If Jesus were not God, He would have told people to not worship Him, just as the angel in Revelation had. There are many other verses and passages of Scripture that argue for Jesus’ deity.

The most important reason that Jesus has to be God is that if He is not God, His death would not have been sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21), die, and be resurrected - proving His victory over sin and death.
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As far as I am aware, peta9 is correct about the Buddha not performing miracles, nor teaching his monks such...

See: Kevatta (Kevaddha) Sutta

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Nalanda in Pavarika's mango grove. Then Kevatta the householder approached the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down, sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: "Lord, this Nalanda is powerful, both prosperous and populous, filled with people who have faith in the Blessed One. It would be good if the Blessed One were to direct a monk to display a miracle of psychic power from his superior human state so that Nalanda would to an even greater extent have faith in the Blessed One."


...but I have to agree whole-heartedly with:
You can call me stupid but a person that breaks everything the Buddha considered to be virtues, and tries to prove that he knows so much about him, lacks all credibility to me.
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Siddhartha did claim to know how to do miracles, but he did not do them for people, teach others how to do them or sway followers with them.

Perhaps a subtle difference, but a difference.
It looks like you need to reread the bible especially the events before his crucifixion and after and the things jesus is said to have admitted according to the bible when asked if he was god.

First, Jesus was not asked if he was God, and neither on the crucifiction. Prior to the crucifiction, Caiphas, the High Priest asked him if he could build the temple in 3 days, and to that, Jesus answered:

64"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven." (Mathew 26:64)

Pilate asked Jesus, again, prior to the crucifiction, if he was the king of the jews:
"Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."" (John 18:36)
you never answere my question.
Have you read the bible?

It seems you take everything from second-hand sources.
The same with The Buddha's words - how much of the Pali Canon have you read?

Were you once Christian?