You see, this is why I know that you haven’t spent any Time at all studying Religion. For one thing, you still make a distinction between Religious people and Atheists, and for another you persist in a Hypocrisy that is invisible to you.
There is a distinction, just like there is a distinction between a person who believes in astrology and reads his horoscope and a person who doesn't do either.
I mean sure, Atheists message boards, chat rooms, books by Prometheus Press or written by Richard Dawkins, and other outlets all say Religious people offer no real Evidence and its nothing but stories in a book or personal feelings, but how do I take anyone seriously that said this right after I pointed to seminal Philosophical figures like Aquinas or Des Carte who didn’t?
They are promotional, not indoctrinator posters - like god loves you or join our church or god needs your money. They are no different from political promotional posters - if you can define religion such that political ideologies become religions, you really need to refine your definition.
What you are presenting is a Caricature, not a Reality of “the Religious”. The idea of Religious people being uninformed as to what constitutes Real Evidence and never submitting their beliefs to any sort of critical examination is a staple in the Modern Atheist Movement and is a Tried and True old cobbler to pull out but its really not True.
When applied to intellectuals and theologians, of course its a strawman. But for the common average person it is actually how things really are.
Meanwhile, dogma that teaches you that Religion is all nonsense and that Religious people can never have real reasons to believe what they do is believed blindly. You never subject your own beliefs to any critical examination, assured in the Truth of them based on the word of other Atheists and the expounding of the benefits of Reason over Religion. You never question if the statements made by such Atheists or beelived by you and now expounded by you are valid.
If some atheist actually is stupid enough to do that after being smart enough to let go of god, he deserves all your critique.
Should I start linking to Amazon and showing you book Titles where “Religious people” do offer such evidence? I doubt you’d read the books and if you did it’d not do much as you want to believe in your own Religion, er, “Non-Religious Philosophy”, but that too is what you condemn. You Are so certain of your own beliefs you never allow them to be questioned, and you never subjected them to Critical Scrutiny.
Of course not. Go ahead, convince me or prove me wrong. I am ready to accept the better arguement, whether it comes from you or me, whether it supports you or me.
You, sir, are no Rene Des Carte.
Ad hom alert!
You’ve just proven my point further. To you “Religion” is “Belief in gods and supernatural beings”, so you misdefine the word. You then claim Buddhism is Scientific at its core. You obviously don’t know a whole lot about Buddhism sicne it began in the East before Science was created in Europe by Christians.
That definition is essential because without it any grand ideology is religious. Should I go to the curch of gravity?
Incidentally, you can say the same thing about Christianity. If you remove the Miracles and God and all, you still have the core ethical Teachings of Jesus. So what? You still would condemn Christianity. Buddhism is not a simple life Philosophy and only an ignorant westerner who was never exposed to it would be able to say it was.
No. Take the creationist and miracle stories out and trust me, no atheist will ever bother a christain again. That is the reason why atheist support, rather than condemn buddhists.
So do Christians. I mean, Paul Tillich made his Career out of it and he was one of the leading Theologians of the 20th Century. Am I suppose to think that he didn’t exist? Or maybe I should pretend his books simply said “Believe in God folks, yup, have faith. No evidence required”. I mean, really, its not like you’ve read anything on Buddhism by actual Buddhists, and you haven’t really studies Theology either. The idea that Religious people never question the existence of God is asinine absurdity. ( And again, being Religious is not the same as belief in God. Atheism is not really the same as non-religion. Its rather tiresome to repeat, but it seems it doesn’t sink in)
Atheism is a STAND. Its not a belief. A stand is an opinion on an existing belief. A belief is that claim that god doesn't exist. Atheist take the stand of not believing the belief that claims that existence of god but they dont maintain that god doesn't exist - he might.
But there are several Logical arguments for God’s existence, ranging from Aquinas ( No Dawkins did not defeat them, Dawkins didn’t even understand them) to Des Carte ( Works are Public domain and online by the way) to Tillich to Flew. Kurt Gödel even presented a Mathematical argument for God’s existence.
Any argument for god doesnt in any way prove that jesus is the god or allah is the god that might be proven. It doesnt even prove that god cares or intervenes in the life of humans. It only proves, if it does, that there might be, given certain assumptions, a cosmic superpowered being - its not something any religion can go on.
I know its another tenet of your Religious Faith to say that there is no evidence for God and no Logically arguments exist, but I won’t pretend that none have ever been advanced just to make you feel better.
Ad hom alert 2! No faith in irreligion, not even a speck. If we cant be proven something, we dont believe it. You call that faith, dogma? Go ahead, its useless. That is the basic assumption required to make a rational, sensible argument.
Which Atheists never do, nope. Atheists are 100% intellectually honest, that’s why they are Atherists. Its also good you identified me as Delusional. Yes the conversation really advances from there. We now know that anyone who does not reach the Logical conclusion that God doesn’t exist is delusional, and if they do claim to use Logic and Reason and claim to ask about God’s existence, and remain convince of God’s existence, they never really tried and began with presuppositions. Of course no Atheist ever asks these questions and ends up believing in God, and all people who start as Atheists if they are Logical must end up Atheists again if they ask them.
Agreed. Most atheists would never become theists if they reason and think about god's existence without any bais. Because god is not necessary, much less indespensible. Gravity is indespensible to keep planet in orbits, the bulletproof glass is essential to the pope - God isnt. Why do you think that might be? Maybe....we are correct, eh?
Now back to planet Reality. Calling someone Delusional for not agreeing with you is not valid argumentation. Its another Reason I have no respect for Dawkins, and people like you who follow him. You stalwart refuse to accept the possibility that omeone can bd both Sane and intellectually honest yet arrive at a differing conclusion. How on earth can anyone have a dialogue with another party when that party insists that everyone agree that he is Right?
Agreed. No use of delusional unless proven so. Point taken, apology given.
The real Irony is, of course, that you are guilty of what you bash “Religious people” of. You start with the presupposition that Atheism is True, and never honestly seek the Truth. The only thing you are interest in is proving your own Atheistic conclusions.
How does that differ from what you claim “Religious people” do?
There is no irony. The seeking of truth is exactly got atheists to not believe in religious deities - which is another distinction theists dont make. Atheists do not belief in the religious deities - they are still open to the proposal that some other kind of god might exist. Which is why atheists are largely apathetic to spinozist, pantheists, deists, panentheists and non deity religions like buddhism. I am an atheist but also an apatheist and a spinozist.
Christianity is not a Religion. Christianity is a Relationship with your Creator and a way of Life. Islam is not a Religion, it is a Spiritual exercise in overcoming Evil. Judaism is not a Religion; it’s a Culture and a way to connect to the world.
Oh no! First you stretch the definition of religion to include marxism and then you claim all religions to not be relgions. These logical and semantic acrobatics are not helping my twisted ankle at all.
I can go on and on, but its stupid. Even though you want to live in the delusional fantasy that Religion can have nothing to do with Reality and thus want to pretend that since Buddhism has some benefit it must not be Religion at its core doesn’t change the fact that Religion always ties into the Real World and ho its understood and Buddhism’s distinction is not really a distinction. All Religions offer the adherents practical benefit of some sort and all of them speak to the Human Condition in some way.
Which does nothing to actually prove that the religion is true, that god exists and the religious scripitures are the word of god. It only shows that which we all know - religion is useful, [for both good and bad, I must add.]
Then prove it. Proved that Religious Writers have always connotated Faith differently than the general populace and that they meant “Belief without Evidence”; Because if the actual writers did not mean to convey “Belief without evidence” then you saying Faith means belief without Evidence is not convincing.
Faith in the religious sense means undying trust and belief in your deity. By definition, in a confrontational situation it becomes a belief despite contrary evidence.
The only thing you have convinced me of is that you praise reason whilst simultaneously disregarding its use. Simply defining Faith as “Belief without Evidence’ and demanding everyone else accept this definition as if it’s the only one the word has ever known, and projecting this onto the whole of History simply because you choose to believe that Religious people are Delusional for using Faith instead of reason and in order to support the Paradigm of the Modern Atheists like Dawkins doesn’t make you come across as a deep thinker who is honest. You are right here before our eyes rejecting a claim based simply on the fact that it undermines your argument. You don’t look at facts to find Truth, you simply try to conform everything to your own predetermined conclusions.
Straw man alert!
It is evident when you read the Bible that the Authors did not mean “Belief without Evidence” each Time they used the word, an it is equally apparent for latter generations. Many says things like “We have seen the Evidence of our Faith” or “Blessed is he who has seen, and had Faith”. Augustine said that we have Faith precisely because we are Rational and said Faith must derive from Reason. Its apparent that Augustine didn’t mean “Belief without Evidence”. No one who reads his Confessions or the City of God could feasibly make this argument.
Faith in the religious deity can only be achieved through ignorance of the things we now know about the universe and life or through non-parsimonious, baised reasoning. Faith in god can come from reason, but it cannot be applied to a religion or its deities.
I will not accept the definition of Faith as belief without Evidence when it comes to Religion because that is wrong. If you object, then just answer this: On what real, valid basis do you have to make the claim that the Definition of Faith, when speaking of Religion, is belief without Evidence then?
Its not belief without evidence. Its trust without knowing. Its belief that something is true, regardless of whether it can be proven as such. Its the belief that something is true even if there may be some evidence to the contrary.
Quoting Voltaire is meaningless. It doesn’t prove your point.
The quote wasn't to prove a point. It was making a point, which, if he wants to, spidergoat might substantiate or ignore from this conversation. Besides, it only says "Faith is the belief and trust in something which we cannot understand or prove". Do you not agree with this definition?