Child Support

When I researched reproductive assistance, I found that sperm and egg donors sign away their rights as parents. Just like parents who give their children up for adoption. They have no legal claims, they legally can't demand visitation rights and you legally can't demand child support from them.

These laws are irritating for lesbian couples who want (for whatever reason medical, idealogical,philosophical, what have you) one partner to donate the egg and the other to undergo the pregnancy. The donor has to sign away their rights as a parent even if they will be raising the child.
When I researched reproductive assistance, I found that sperm and egg donors sign away their rights as parents. Just like parents who give their children up for adoption. They have no legal claims, they legally can't demand visitation rights and you legally can't demand child support from them.

These laws are irritating for lesbian couples who want (for whatever reason medical, idealogical,philosophical, what have you) one partner to donate the egg and the other to undergo the pregnancy. The donor has to sign away their rights as a parent even if they will be raising the child.

I'll bet you a good lawyer could contract around that problem. But what do I know?
I hate how some people feel that the guy gets no say at all. I am a young woman and a strongly pro-choice one, I'd be the first and loudest to argue that she gets to decide whether she remains pregnant or not. But if he gets no say in whether he ends up paying child support for the next 18 years that's just fucking wrong, too. If he didn't consent to having a child he shouldn't have to pay the price.

No, I don't mean it's ok to be an irresponsible douche. I mean you shouldn't get to subject someone to something they didn't get to voice an opinion on. If, hypothetically, I got accidentally pregnant and didn't consult the guy and went ahead and had the kid, I wouldn't even think of asking him for child support. Because he didn't get to choose.
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Just out of curiosity, do you think the opposite is true?

I had an ex who almost certainly got a woman pregnant (before he met me). The woman denied it was his child. The child had red hair-which isn't usual-but is what my ex boyfriend carries around, and she was naturally dark-haired.
He didn't have the money to take this to court, sue for genetic testing to confirm. He would not have cared that this meant paying child support, he would have coughed it up gladly if it meant he could see his kid.
I found that quite sad, ex will probably be a great dad to the kids of whomever he gets married to...but his son is out there somewhere, and he'll never see him. :(
If a women goes out for a one night stand in order to get pregant or goes to a sperm bank for the same purpose why does the law treat these differently? If the women from the one night stand changes her mind she can force the sperm donor to pay child surport but has no claim from a sperm bank

The man should take responsibility no matter howmuch of a whore and deviant the woman is who entraps him. The man should use the brain in his head not the very tiny one in his pants.

The sperm banks erm I can't comment directly on this because I dont know whats more repulsive to me, a bank full of sperm (im eating breakfast) or the fact women would actualy get a turkey bastor full of the good stuff and....

Bottomline the system is corrupt and stupid lol.
