Child Support


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
If a women goes out for a one night stand in order to get pregant or goes to a sperm bank for the same purpose why does the law treat these differently? If the women from the one night stand changes her mind she can force the sperm donor to pay child surport but has no claim from a sperm bank
If a women goes out for a one night stand in order to get pregant or goes to a sperm bank for the same purpose why does the law treat these differently? If the women from the one night stand changes her mind she can force the sperm donor to pay child surport but has no claim from a sperm bank

If 2 people join in risky behaviour (unprotected sex) then they both are responsible for the outcome. If a woman goes to a sperm bank to for the express reason of getting pregnant why would someone else have any responsibility. Seems pretty obvious to me.
If 2 people join in risky behaviour (unprotected sex) then they both are responsible for the outcome. If a woman goes to a sperm bank to for the express reason of getting pregnant why would someone else have any responsibility. Seems pretty obvious to me.

yes it takes 2 people to commit the act.. but only 50% of thoes people have 100% of the say about waht happens... so me and you go decide to buy a car.. we go look at cars.. the next day i buy the car a ferrari and you have to pay the car note.. the law states you have to but if you dont you go to jail. its complete bullshit
yes it takes 2 people to commit the act.. but only 50% of thoes people have 100% of the say about waht happens... so me and you go decide to buy a car.. we go look at cars.. the next day i buy the car a ferrari and you have to pay the car note.. the law states you have to but if you dont you go to jail. its complete bullshit

Your example sounds good but is bogus. If I went shopping for a car with someone that I knew could then buy a car on their own and stick me with the payments. What kind of fool would I be?

Every man knows before he gets into bed, what the consequences could be. Just like the guy going to a party, knowing he's going to drink then drive himself home. He knows what the consequences could be, yet he chooses to do it anyway.
Your example sounds good but is bogus. If I went shopping for a car with someone that I knew could then buy a car on their own and stick me with the payments. What kind of fool would I be?

Every man knows before he gets into bed, what the consequences could be. Just like the guy going to a party, knowing he's going to drink then drive himself home. He knows what the consequences could be, yet he chooses to do it anyway.

And that's not even what I was talking about. Lets make this even simpler. Your friend (female) asks you to be a sperm donor so she can have a kid, if you both go to a sperm bank to do it she can't claim child surport later but if you both just go to bed and donate sperm naturally you still never see the Child for 12 years until she gets in financial strife she can have the government come after you for child surport.
And that's not even what I was talking about. Lets make this even simpler. Your friend (female) asks you to be a sperm donor so she can have a kid, if you both go to a sperm bank to do it she can't claim child surport later but if you both just go to bed and donate sperm naturally you still never see the Child for 12 years until she gets in financial strife she can have the government come after you for child surport.

You can either make a legal contract or you can't. A good lawyer can tell you and make the arrangements and she's the one asking, so she needs to pay for the lawyer or go look for another sucker. But if you think this looks like a good safe way to dip your wick safely. Think again, your word is no better than hers and from a third party point of view you have as much reason to lie as she does. Then the courts are going to be on the side of the kid who didn't have any choice at all.
You can either make a legal contract or you can't. A good lawyer can tell you and make the arrangements and she's the one asking, so she needs to pay for the lawyer or go look for another sucker. But if you think this looks like a good safe way to dip your wick safely. Think again, your word is no better than hers and from a third party point of view you have as much reason to lie as she does. Then the courts are going to be on the side of the kid who didn't have any choice at all.

so before i sleep with random chick im going to write a contract saying if you do get pregnant I _______random chick______ state that sifreak21 will not have to pay child support. I random chick here buy state that if i do become pregnante sifreak21 is not responsable for any financial expendetures
so before i sleep with random chick im going to write a contract saying if you do get pregnant I _______random chick______ state that sifreak21 will not have to pay child support. I random chick here buy state that if i do become pregnante sifreak21 is not responsable for any financial expendetures

You should hand that out on the first date as it will probably prevent any chance of an accidental pregnancy....
so before i sleep with random chick im going to write a contract saying if you do get pregnant I _______random chick______ state that sifreak21 will not have to pay child support. I random chick here buy state that if i do become pregnante sifreak21 is not responsable for any financial expendetures

In your case spend a couple of bucks for a raincoat and don't worry about the lawyer.
If a women goes out for a one night stand in order to get pregant or goes to a sperm bank for the same purpose why does the law treat these differently? If the women from the one night stand changes her mind she can force the sperm donor to pay child surport but has no claim from a sperm bank

This is because the sperm at the sperm bank was given freely and specifically with the intention to impregnate women, there is no unclarity or deception about anyone's intentions or roles in the matter.

From Wiki:

Men who choose to donate sperm through a sperm bank also have the security of knowing that they are helping women or childless couples to have children in circumstances where they, as the biological father, will not have any legal or other responsibility for the children produced from their sperm. Whether a donor is anonymous or not, this factor is important in allowing sperm banks to recruit sperm donors and to use their sperm to produce whatever number of pregnancies from each donor as are permitted where they operate, or alternatively, whatever number they decide.
Sperm supplied by a sperm bank may be used where a woman's partner is infertile or where he carries genetic disease. Increasingly, donor sperm is used to achieve a pregnancy where a woman has no male partner, including among lesbian and bisexual mothers-to-be.

In cases of casual sex, however, there potentially is such unclarity or deception; therefore, the Law takes the bottom line and foresees parental responsibility on both the man and the woman.
Hint: It's about the kids

Sifreak21 said:

so before i sleep with random chick im going to write a contract ....

Yeah, sure. But in the end that may not be enough. One problem with these discussions is that too many people seem to think parenthood is about the parents.

• • •​

General Solutions:

Men do have some general solutions to the quandary:

(1) Place a personal advertisement: "SM seeks SF for sex and maybe friendship. Must be barren, since I'm not snipping myself, using a condom, or otherwise taking any precautions against knocking you up."

(2) Go gay. I recently (yesterday) encountered the term "power bottom". Find yourself one of those, and pound the ... uh ... er, right. You get the picture.

(3) Horndog, gratify thyself!

(4) Move to the desert, become a mystical hermit.

(5) Get yourself snipped.​
Your example sounds good but is bogus. If I went shopping for a car with someone that I knew could then buy a car on their own and stick me with the payments. What kind of fool would I be?

Every man knows before he gets into bed, what the consequences could be. Just like the guy going to a party, knowing he's going to drink then drive himself home. He knows what the consequences could be, yet he chooses to do it anyway.

your kind of missing my point everyones defense as yours is.. it takes 2 to tango..
the problem with that is I 100% agree it does take to

but only 1 person gets to make the decision the other.. or man in this case has absolutly 0 say in what happens
If a women goes out for a one night stand in order to get pregant or goes to a sperm bank for the same purpose why does the law treat these differently

Simple, the sperm bank can't be held liable because she signs a consent agreement between her and them not to take any legal actions against them when she buys there product. If she doesn't sign they won't supply her with the sperm.

On the other hand when a man gets a woman pregnant she can, by law, sue him because the law says she can because there's no contract with either of them stating anything at all.
Yeah, sure. But in the end that may not be enough. One problem with these discussions is that too many people seem to think parenthood is about the parents.

• • •​

General Solutions:

Men do have some general solutions to the quandary:

(1) Place a personal advertisement: "SM seeks SF for sex and maybe friendship. Must be barren, since I'm not snipping myself, using a condom, or otherwise taking any precautions against knocking you up."

(2) Go gay. I recently (yesterday) encountered the term "power bottom". Find yourself one of those, and pound the ... uh ... er, right. You get the picture.

(3) Horndog, gratify thyself!

(4) Move to the desert, become a mystical hermit.

(5) Get yourself snipped.​

condoms are 100% effective.. and my problem with the whole deal is yes i know it takes 2 people to make a child 1 man 1 woman. yet when it comes to having a child or aborting the child the man has absolutly NO SAY what soever in what happens. yet if the woman chooses to the man has to pay. and in many cases pays about 90% of all the childs needs as childsupport is done on income..

hence my car example.. which may sound bogus but its not. lets do some math.. on childsupport for a man

for 18 years the man has to pay 300$ a month.. which is WAYYYYYYY low
so 12 x 300 3600$ a year x 18 years = $64000 dollars now lets go up to the normal around 700 a month at 8400 a year x 18 years 151,200
Simple, the sperm bank can't be held liable because she signs a consent agreement between her and them not to take any legal actions against them when she buys there product. If she doesn't sign they won't supply her with the sperm.

On the other hand when a man gets a woman pregnant she can, by law, sue him because the law says she can because there's no contract with either of them stating anything at all.

so can a man get the same type of contract for a random chick to sign?
so can a man get the same type of contract for a random chick to sign?

Well now I really do not think that a man should ask a woamn to be signing a contract evertime he wants to get laid or he never will....don't you?
well would u rather right up a contract or pay around 150k for the 18 years of the child?

Then expect not to get laid. I've never met a woman who I'd even think of asking to sign anything like that in my life for I know that I wouldn't see her again.
so every woman u have ever slept with if they got pregnant ud be happy and pay?

The women I've slept with are dignified enough , I'd think, that they wouldn't sue me but would rather have an abortion which I would pay for. That, of course, is up to them.
