Challenge to atheists....

- unborn
- eternal
- the cause of all causes
- the origin of reality
- the basis of all
- existing everywhere, yet independant
- beyond time
- within you

Hey...what does this sound like again??? Exactly...
Where is the evidence that Gods or Goddesses were "unborn". What do you mean "Unborn"? If you mean "eternal" then say eternal? What is the diference between eternal and unborn? Do you just like the sound of the word "unborn"? Gods and Goddesses are UNborn? Prove it.

Where is you evidence the Gods and/or Goddesses didn't end yesterday?

the cause of all causes
Where is your evidence that Gods and/or Goddesses are the cause of pain and suffering, murder and rape?

the origin of reality
Where is your evidence of this "Origin"? Prove that reality hasn't been here forever.

the basis of all
Prove that Gods and/or Goddesses are the bases for Pain and Suffering, Murder and Rape. Also, didn't you also ready state this? So for you've repeated yourself twice in as many words!

So far you have proven nothing. You rambled off a bunch of words with no qualification for any of them. So again we are back what I said: "there really is no evidence for the existence of (or coexistence) God(s) and/or Goddesses".

Settled and Done,
See I can do the same:

God(s) and/or Goddesses are not unborn.
They are not the cause of anything.
They are not the an origin of anything
The are not the bases of anything
They do not exist
Time is a measure of change
The only thing that exists in you is a faulty wired neural net

Where is the evidence that Gods or Goddesses were "unborn". What do you mean "Unborn"? If you mean "eternal" then say eternal? What is the diference between eternal and unborn? Do you just like the sound of the word "unborn"? Gods and Goddesses are UNborn? Prove it.

Where is you evidence the Gods and/or Goddesses didn't end yesterday?

the cause of all causes
Where is your evidence that Gods and/or Goddesses are the cause of pain and suffering, murder and rape?

the origin of reality
Where is your evidence of this "Origin"? Prove that reality hasn't been here forever.

the basis of all
Prove that Gods and/or Goddesses are the bases for Pain and Suffering, Murder and Rape. Also, didn't you also ready state this? So for you've repeated yourself twice in as many words!

So far you have proven nothing. You rambled off a bunch of words with no qualification for any of them. So again we are back what I said: "there really is no evidence for the existence of (or coexistence) God(s) and/or Goddesses".

Settled and Done,
Michael a good laugh reading this...if you had any type of intelligence or you had read any scripture this is how God is defined as...unborn, eternal, the cause of all causes, within you, etc....I hope this doesn't disturb your atheistic faith...
So basically you got nothing better, then. It's true because it's what's writen in the bible! Pointless. Move on. Next!
So basically you got nothing better, then. It's true because it's what's writen in the bible! Pointless. Move on. Next!
Whatever, you've got nothing better, I stated that to confirm whats already been said, just as how you would with anything else, God is the cause of all causes, the basis of all, as Krishna says:
"O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread" (BG 7.7)

"Know that all states of being — be they of goodness, passion or ignorance — are manifested by My energy. I am, in one sense, everything, but I am independent. I am not under the modes of material nature, for they, on the contrary, are within Me" (BG 7.12)

The obsever fits in perfectly (not to mention that Krishna says God is the observer or draṣṭā)
Last edited: a good laugh reading this...if you had any type of intelligence or you had read any scripture this is how God is defined as...unborn, eternal, the cause of all causes, within you, etc....I hope this doesn't disturb your atheistic faith...

Funny how scriptures can define gods, yet one must be unborn, eternal, etc...

Disturbing is an appropriate word.
Funny how scriptures can define gods, yet one must be unborn, eternal, etc...

Disturbing is an appropriate word.
Why is it disturbing? Is it also disturbing that Krishna says:
"Arjuna said: O descendant of Vṛṣṇi, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.

As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust, or as the embryo is covered by the womb, the living entity is similarly covered by different degrees of this lust" (BG 3.36-38)

Biology confirms that all beings act for sexual reproduction or lust, even survival is done for the purpose of reproduction or lust.....
Yeah, same with gravity, electromagnetism, time, dark matter, black holes, etc.......


But, by trying to compare the effects of nature with the effects of gods, you wind up opening a can of worms. You merely have to look at the computer in front of you to know what can be done with electromagnetic radiation.

Of course, no scientist will tell you definitively what is and what is not, yet you'll tell me your god is definitive, as do many others with their gods, and none of you will have a shred of evidence to back it up.

And that is definitely disturbing. a good laugh reading this...if you had any type of intelligence or you had read any scripture this is how God is defined as...unborn, eternal, the cause of all causes, within you, etc....I hope this doesn't disturb your atheistic faith...
A definition is not the same as evidence. My point is that you have not provided any evidence that Gods or Goddesses exist.

Do we agree?
I challenge all deniers of the big purple monster in my broom closet to devise an experiment proving it right/wrong.
If you cannot I would suggest that you are a bigoted fool basing his denial on blind faith.

I have a better plan.
Instead of assuming something doesn’t exist until we find evidence for it, we should reverse the process and make it easier on imbeciles to continue believing in magic.
Let’s assume everything and anything exists until someone proves that it doesn’t.

We’ll call it the pseudo-scientific method of retarded, inverse reasoning or proving a negative.
A definition is not the same as evidence. My point is that you have not provided any evidence that Gods or Goddesses exist.

Do we agree?
A definition defined by religious scripture confirmed as true, or at least having a great possiblity of being true...

I challenge all deniers of the big purple monster in my broom closet to devise an experiment proving it right/wrong.
If you cannot I would suggest that you are a bigoted fool basing his denial on blind faith.

I have a better plan.
Instead of assuming something doesn’t exist until we find evidence for it, we should reverse the process and make it easier on imbeciles to continue believing in magic.
Let’s assume everything and anything exists until someone proves that it doesn’t.

We’ll call it the pseudo-scientific method of retarded, inverse reasoning or proving a negative.
Woah, another person blinded by their atheistic faith....I'm not trying to prove a negative, I'm just trying to gain some evidence so there's some type of medium to work with, right now all there is useless logical arguments on both sides, there's no evidence for nor against the existence of God, so it exists as a distinct possibility....there's no evidence for nor against the many-worlds theory, so it exists as a distinct possibility....

Please either provide some evidence or concede there is none. Not Having any evidence for the beautiful Goddesses named Aphrodite is not the same as Aphrodite not exiting. It's simply that the evidence lacks in existence - which is the exact point you are presently at - no evidence in existence.


VitalOne, did the Goddess Aphrodite pose for this statue?
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No theist has ever been able to answer this question for me, its always dodged.

Of all the hundreds of religions from the past and present, how do you KNOW you have chosen the right one? (Assuming all are equally valid.)
Woah, another person blinded by their atheistic faith....I'm not trying to prove a negative, I'm just trying to gain some evidence so there's some type of medium to work with, right now all there is useless logical arguments on both sides, there's no evidence for nor against the existence of God, so it exists as a distinct possibility....there's no evidence for nor against the many-worlds theory, so it exists as a distinct possibility....
Dear sub-human pseudo-intellectual mind,
I am with you on this.

I say prove Zeus doesn’t exist and if you cannot then we’ll both assume that both He and the many other Gods all exist until proven otherwise.
We’re on the same side, idiot!

Many a time I am confronted with atheists asking me for proof of a living Zeus. They call me a moron and a retard and then they pull my pants down; they accuse me of blind belief in what my daddy and mommy taught me and all my neighbors believe in.
Are they all wrong while these few non-believers are right?
What about democracy?

These infidel atheists, completely convinced that what doesn’t make sense doesn’t exist, tell me I’ve accepted Zeus as my leader because I’m a needy, psychologically stunted mind.
So, I’ve decided to turn the tables on these damned to Hades fools.

I say they are blind believers in atheism if they cannot prove to me the non-existence of Zeus.
How dare they accuse me of what they are no less guilty of: that of utter stupidity?

Imagine excluding from the realm of possibility anything I cannot provide evidence for.
What would happen to Santa Clause or Big Foot or the Three-Headed Monkey God from Alpha Centauri, then?
What would happen to ZEUS?!

Are we to say none of these exist either because we cannot prove them or explain them or define them?
How does one explain the inexplicable?

Prove to me that they do not all exist or shut up, I say!!!!

What a drab existence it would be where no magic existed. Imagine thinking that everything has a rational, even if yet unknown, explanation.
How do these people live with themselves?
I mean, when they get sick or face mortality hop do they cope? Who gives them meaning?

I for one am more willing to accept as plausible what offers me a relief from my fear of dying and my place in the world than I am about some cockamamie theory concerning multiple dimensions and ...and...bullcrap!!!
What do multiple dimensions or quarks or quantum physics or vibrating strings ever do for me in return for my absolute belief in them?
Nothing, I say!!!

Fight the good fight my mental brother. Remember we are part of the majority and this by itself is proof enough that we are on the right path.
Don’t let any of these cold-hearted atheists and their rational arguments cast a shadow over your desired answers.
You and I know the answer. All that we need is to understand these atheists and infidels and then figure out a correct question that will give us our required answer.
You, and many others, are an inspiration to us all.

All praise our great Olympian Father Zeus.
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Please either provide some evidence or concede there is none. Not Having any evidence for the beautiful Goddesses named Aphrodite is not the same as Aphrodite not exiting. It's simply that the evidence lacks in existence - which is the exact point you are presently at - no evidence in existence.


VitalOne, did the Goddess Aphrodite pose for this statue?

Yep, Aphrodite was a hot babe!
Some of my favs: Aset(later known as Isis by the greeks).Hetheru (Hathor),
and of course Aphrodite!;)

Please either provide some evidence or concede there is none. Not Having any evidence for the beautiful Goddesses named Aphrodite is not the same as Aphrodite not exiting. It's simply that the evidence lacks in existence - which is the exact point you are presently at - no evidence in existence.


VitalOne, did the Goddess Aphrodite pose for this statue?
But I did provide evidence, the observer in some QM interpretations fitting the exact description of God.....

Instead you come along with a lame Aphrodite logical argument, there is no evidence for nor against Aphrodite's existence, so I neither deny nor accept her existence.....

Dear sub-human pseudo-intellectual mind,
I am with you on this.

I say prove Zeus doesn’t exist and if you cannot then we’ll both assume that both He and the many other Gods all exist until proven otherwise.
We’re on the same side, idiot!

Many a time I am confronted with atheists asking me for proof of a living Zeus. They call me a moron and a retard and then they pull my pants down; they accuse me of blind belief in what my daddy and mommy taught me and all my neighbors believe in.
Are they all wrong while these few non-believers are right?
What about democracy?

These infidel atheists, completely convinced that what doesn’t make sense doesn’t exist, tell me I’ve accepted Zeus as my leader because I’m a needy, psychologically stunted mind.
So, I’ve decided to turn the tables on these damned to Hades fools.

I say they are blind believers in atheism if they cannot prove to me the non-existence of Zeus.
How dare they accuse me of what they are no less guilty of: that of utter stupidity?

Imagine excluding from the realm of possibility anything I cannot provide evidence for.
What would happen to Santa Clause or Big Foot or the Three-Headed Monkey God from Alpha Centauri, then?
What would happen to ZEUS?!

Are we to say none of these exist either because we cannot prove them or explain them or define them?
How does one explain the inexplicable?

Prove to me that they do not all exist or shut up, I say!!!!

What a drab existence it would be where no magic existed. Imagine thinking that everything has a rational, even if yet unknown, explanation.
How do these people live with themselves?
I mean, when they get sick or face mortality hop do they cope? Who gives them meaning?

I for one am more willing to accept as plausible what offers me a relief from my fear of dying and my place in the world than I am about some cockamamie theory concerning multiple dimensions and ...and...bullcrap!!!
What do multiple dimensions or quarks or quantum physics or vibrating strings ever do for me in return for my absolute belief in them?
Nothing, I say!!!

Fight the good fight my mental brother. Remember we are part of the majority and this by itself is proof enough that we are on the right path.
Don’t let any of these cold-hearted atheists and their rational arguments cast a shadow over your desired answers.
You and I know the answer. All that we need is to understand these atheists and infidels and then figure out a correct question that will give us our required answer.
You, and many others, are an inspiration to us all.

All praise our great Olympian Father Zeus.
Great sarcasm...yet another atheistic fool, let me clear this up....if there's no evidence for NOR against something, then it exists as a distinct possibility....I'm not saying "because there's no evidence against the existence of God, God must exist"....that would be equivalent to your "FSM argument"......