Censorship of Science.

How do you get a human to morph from an amoeba?

You assume that this "morph" happens immediately like in XMen, that's why you think it's tragically flawed. You also assume that this "morph" is like sublimation, with no in-between entities.

Not only does Darwin's theory address the extremely slow evolution of simple to complex life forms, it also handles behavioral aspects especially - but not restricted to - those that can be shown to be related with physical developments (like ears instead of earholes).

Read an article even.
I've always wondered why we have ears instead of earholes. Was too much dust getting kicked into the earholes of our ancestors, so the flaps grew out? When did the earflaps grow out, "Cretaceous, Permian, Cambrian?"
I've always wondered why we have ears instead of earholes. Was too much dust getting kicked into the earholes of our ancestors, so the flaps grew out? When did the earflaps grow out, "Cretaceous, Permian, Cambrian?"

God just wanted to pull Adam by his ears.
Or, for the practically minded, cut off your pinnae ("ear flaps") and measure how much louder everything has to be for you to hear it.

Please stick to the topic of the thread, or go somewhere else.