Censorship of Science.

In general, it's a fact that any cultural institution that even frowns upon free investigation (let alone tortures and kills, like the xian one) will have a retarding effect on scientific progress. Today, it's science nerdism. How many potential young scientists don't even consider a cereer in science just because of peer pressur to conform to the ignorant status quo?

Kind of a shame, really.
VitalOne, I meant to say that Protestantism began to be a force near that time, and the Roman Catholic church then no longer had the monopoly which it had maintained for a thousand years.

What innovations have come from the Middle East during the last thousand years?
The fundamentalists are still repressing scientific advancement. The evidence is post #43
What innovations have come from the Middle East during the last thousand years?

Parabolic Mirror 1020 Arabia from polished silver and iron by Ibn al-Haytham

Sugar Extraction 1025 Arabia from sugar cane by the Seljuk Persians

Mechanical Calendar 1050 Arabia

Seven Colour Printing 1100 Arabia

Smoke Grenades 1128 Arabia

Crank-shaft 1206 Arabia by al-Jazari - converts rotary to linear motion

Cannons, Guns 1304 Arabia

Artificial Insemination 1320 Arabia for animal breeding, especially horses

Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi (born 1201) invented the linear astrolabe

Refinement and dissemination of algebra, distillation, astronomical techniques...
IAC you already have a thread titled: 'Darwinism Benefits Scientific Method?' in another forum.
Why not discuss your obsession there instead of hijacking this thread?
OK whether fact or theory....is it an example of a science that has been held back by religious ideology - yes by Creationism.

Can anyone think of other examples of scientific progress being held back by religious ideology?
It is obvious that the Church held back scientific progress by centuries. Discoveries like the orbit of the Earth around the Sun were made under the threat of death as they exposed the false notions in religious texts.
Does anyone have more examples of instances where scientific progress has been censored by religious ideology?
you could try www.atheists.org for more answers
Is there a specific link to examples please? The thread is about examples of where scientific progress has been held back by religious ideology.
Sir Isaac Newton was a strong Christian who wrote about Biblical prophecy.

He also had read that the Great Pyramid dimensions are Earth commensurate, and sent a team to Egypt to investigate.
He also said the trinity was blasphemous and believing such will send the soul to hell-fire for eternity!

2060 is when he said Armagendon will being.
WhoHooo almost here!