Celibacy .


As a man I enjoy and appreciate sex very much . It is one of life most interesting aspect . The Catholic church does not allow its priests to get married or to engage in sexual activities . Unless you are sick , it is hard to abstain from sex . Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . I think celibacy is just another religion crap that has no meaning at all . It is against nature will . If we all practice celibacy it will be the end of the world .
I believe it relates to Jesus supposedly being celibate his entire life and the priest are emulating him and the nuns are married to God so unless God comes to them in person then they can't have sex with anyone else because that would be adultery. I myself didn't find celibacy so difficult back when I was in high school, but the idea doesn't sit well with me either anymore. It would be very difficult.
As a man I enjoy and appreciate sex very much .
most people do

It is one of life most interesting aspect .
it also gets a mention in marshall's analysis of economy too

The Catholic church does not allow its priests to get married or to engage in sexual activities .
why do you suppose that is?

Unless you are sick , it is hard to abstain from sex .
Therefore there are many prerequisites for accepting such a life - accepting sex as life's most interesting aspect is obviously not one of them.

Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour .
And many, many, many more weren't

I think celibacy is just another religion crap that has no meaning at all . It is against nature will .
Have you ever wondered what perspective a celibate person might have?

If we all practice celibacy it will be the end of the world .

Therefore you find that lifelong celibacy is not recommended as a prescriptive measure for all ... or even for a majority.

Here is an article you might find interesting ... not so much for repositioning your values (you can eat your own cake) but for seeing what the devil's advocate has to offer

Such sentiments have greatly contributed to the presently widespread movement toward a full sensual awakening through the liberation of sexuality. Given that the body provides our only access to happiness, we must extirpate those constraints upon our fulfillment, those internal impediments inculcated by discarded, life-denying religions and moralities—the repression of desires, the consciousness of guilt, the fear and hatred of the body. Now one cultivates a liberated and expansive life, free from all repressions; one aspires to drink deeply at the wells of pure pleasure, unpolluted by guilt or shame, healed and whole inspirit through a joyous acceptance and celebration of the body.

It shouldn’t take much experience of the actual conduct of sexual relations for an alert person to recognize that this vision of unrestrained, joyous sex is an unrealizable fantasy. Nevertheless, the fantasy still seems to exercise an irresistible fascination. I suppose’ that people must blame its disappointments on repressions still unpurged, residual guilt and shame, and a lack of trust in and surrender to the body itself.

But in fact none of us can wholeheartedly trust in and surrender to the body, because we know, beneath the bluff and the bravado, that our bodies are frail and weak and dying and that the greatest pleasure it gives us it heartbreakingly brief. We find ourselves bound within a complexity of muscle and vein that nature can dismantle at any moment, in any of thousands of horrible ways. Our strength and beauty leak away in daily increments. Our body disintegrates before our eyes and becomes itself a major source of our suffering, and then we die.

Therefore, no one can help but be horrified by his body (even though the mind must repress those feelings in self- defense). This horror is not an artificial hate or fear imposed by some life-denying religion. It is only a sensible reaction to a correct perception.
LG....The least you could have done is offered the guy a link to the Kama Sutra.

actually if people who picked up that book bothered to read the other 6/7th's of it that deals with issues other than sexual positions they might enjoy living in a society with a lower deivorce rate.
actually if people who picked up that book bothered to read the other 6/7th's of it that deals with issues other than sexual positions they might enjoy living in a society with a lower deivorce rate.

Like buying Playboy or Penthouse for the interviews:D
As a man I enjoy and appreciate sex very much . It is one of life most interesting aspect . The Catholic church does not allow its priests to get married or to engage in sexual activities . Unless you are sick , it is hard to abstain from sex . Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . I think celibacy is just another religion crap that has no meaning at all . It is against nature will . If we all practice celibacy it will be the end of the world .
BTW here is an article by a hindu priest who visits a catholic seminary and provides some indications where he sees the problems lie

Celibacy—Exquisite Torture, or a “Yes to God”?

I was appalled by the amount of sexual frustration these men were giving voice to. It was wrong. So I started to question them about their life in the seminary, and it soon became quite clear why they were having such immense difficulty. To begin with, they had large stretches of idle time on their hands. And then, they freely read novels and magazines, habitually watched television. All these activities certainly agitated their senses. There was nothing spiritual about their eating habits. It was strictly for the tongue, and they were accustomed to drinking beer and smoking. They had lots of idle time, their senses were kept continuously under the bombardment of materialistic stimulation, and then—they were told to be celibate!

No one could be celibate under those circumstances. They were being cruelly, exquisitely tortured. Then I remembered the monsignor with his perverse syllogism: “Everything God has made is good. God has made alcohol… .” (He made arsenic, too, but you don’t ingest that!) I became angry. It was criminal to do this. These seminarians were not ordinary men: they wanted, and wanted very badly, to dedicate their lives fully to God. But nobody was showing them how. They were living in a way to agitate all their senses, and then commanded to be celibate! Of course they were always falling down, always laboring under a huge load of guilt. No wonder they were so cynical, so bitter and resentful. I wondered why nobody was teaching them. They didn’t even know the practical ABCs of spiritual life. They were being criminally betrayed.
I remember seeing a cartoon once of a monk sitting in a church library looking at a very old scroll and crying. He was saying, "It says celebrate! CELEBRATE!!!"
lol, damn typo
Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . I think celibacy is just another religion crap that has no meaning at all . It is against nature will . If we all practice celibacy it will be the end of the world .

Kids are more likely to get abused in school by teachers, bus drivers etc.

In fact many, many, many more. Asa a matter of fact it happens every day. Not just in schools but in their own homes. Of course these kids dont get big lawsuits, they get shit and it doesnt even make it in the last page of the newspaper.

I dont agree with celibacy unless that is your personal decision but celibacy alone has nothing to do with molesting children.
As a man I enjoy and appreciate sex very much . It is one of life most interesting aspect . The Catholic church does not allow its priests to get married or to engage in sexual activities . Unless you are sick , it is hard to abstain from sex . Many innocent children were abused by some priests and some popes apologized for this sick behaviour . I think celibacy is just another religion crap that has no meaning at all . It is against nature will . If we all practice celibacy it will be the end of the world .
Yet another reason why I never turned to Christianity. Forcing celibacy on a priesthood is stupid, I think. It should be a personal choice, not something irrationally forced on you.
In Wicca, sexuality and love, in all its forms, is sacred and cherished as an important part of life. Rather than demonised, it is a key part of our mythology and rituals, regardless of if it is actual or symbolic.
This edict was never strictly enforced. In "A Distant Mirror", Barbara Tuchman describes it as expected that a priest would have a mistress, in fact, more than most people, since he held almost as much power as a nobleman, and they didn't marry. They simply paid the appropriate fine and got away with it. Illicit love was looked upon with some admiration in all circles, since marriage was more often than not, loveless.
Yet another reason why I never turned to Christianity. Forcing celibacy on a priesthood is stupid, I think. It should be a personal choice, not something irrationally forced on you.

Isnt it a personal choice to become a Priest?
Priests also often chose to marry someone, and left the priesthood, it's not like you were doomed to a sexless life.
And it is a reasonable thing. Actually, I believe one would be more sensible in his priest's role once his basic desires are attended to, than when he is a pent up pressure cooker.
And it is a reasonable thing. Actually, I believe one would be more sensible in his priest's role once his basic desires are attended to, than when he is a pent up pressure cooker.

But statistics DO NOT bear out what you believe. People that you would or rather society views as normal seem to molest or rape even more. That is the point with the priests and with single males in general.

History and statistics prove that there is absolutely no relationship or profile of the pressure cooker theory.

That is my understanding from reading papers mostly derived from FBI data.
What is meant by celibacy?

From websters:

1: the state of not being married
2 a: abstention from sexual intercourse
2 b: abstention by vow from marriage

This does not seem to exclude self gratification which can be used to effectively relieve those temporary natural urges.

Sex in all its various forms has been intertwined with religion for many mellenia. In past Eastern religious cultures it is celebrated and in the West the religious confuse it with feelings of guilt and repress it.

The connection between religion and sex is unclear to me.
The early catholic church foisted celibacy on their priests not because of bible teachings but to save the church money. A celibrate man does not need a wage large enough to support a wife and children and no support is needed should that man die.