Cats vs Dogs, or Cardboard Approximations vs Real Creatures

superluminal said:
And I can explain all of this to you very simply, based on your own links. People are lazy and sefish. Cat's are independent. Translation: I don't have to do diddly but change the litter once in a while if I don't feel like it. And I can buy a machine to do that for me if I'm so inclined. Most people I've known who are exclusively cat owners have had a well visible streak of self-centeredness.

More assumptions? Tch Tch.
samcdkey said:
The evidence my dearest supe does not support your assumptions.
Remember this?


I would say that cats enjoy socialising but do not have a need for it.

I do not disagree with anything in this article:

I would say that cats can socialize but do not have a need for it.

So the evidence, my charming and quite bedazzling sam, is that house cats are naturally solitary, but at times can form a kind of social group (colony) but are nothing like people or dogs in our fundamental need for the pack.
samcdkey said:
More assumptions? Tch Tch.
Nope. Observations. And anyway, my world is awash with assumptions. Otherwise how would I know to cross to the other side of the street when an "ethnic" person is coming toward me? Sheesh.
superluminal said:
Nope. Observations. And anyway, my world is awash with assumptions. Otherwise how would I know to cross to the other side of the street when an "ethnic" person is coming toward me? Sheesh.

Careful, the white stripe is showing. :D
superluminal said:
I do not disagree with anything in this article:

I would say that cats can socialize but do not have a need for it.

So the evidence, my charming and quite bedazzling sam, is that house cats are naturally solitary, but at times can form a kind of social group (colony) but are nothing like people or dogs in our fundamental need for the pack.

Just shows cats are smart, while dogs are led by instincts. :p
samcdkey said:
Just shows cats are smart, while dogs are led by instincts. :p
OoooK. Super. I have a headache and must get some aspirin. I think it's all the cat hair floating around here...
superluminal said:
OoooK. Super. I have a headache and must get some aspirin. I think it's all the cat hair floating around here...

You're a sweetheart.
superluminal said:
First, read that article. Britons are wierd. Do you want to classed among those that generated those statistics? Not me.

And you disagree with the solitary bit? You can't since it's a sort of, you know, fact of the normal behavior of cats, don't ya know. Not talking about how you or Mrs. Liverwort snuggle with your cat in preference to a human, but the natural behavior of cats left to their own devices.

Why are Britons weird?
There is eviodence that owning a cat can help reduce stress related illness.
wsionynw said:
Why are Britons weird?
There is eviodence that owning a cat can help reduce stress related illness.
Same for dogs.


Preferred partners

The survey also threw up several strange statistics.

Nearly two-thirds of cat owners said curling up with their pet was the best way to beat stress - preferring that to speaking to a friend or going for a drink.

Almost half of both men and women said they would rather wake up with their cat than their partner.

And 98% of women said they would rather date someone who liked cats, than someone who did not.


See? Britons are wierd. But then I'm wierd too. I love Britons actually. My ancestry is all Brit and Swede.
samcdkey said:
I think this says more about the state of relationships than about the cat owners.
Agreed. Probably a relic of the stuffy, upright, victorian british era.
I have news for you. It's happening on both sides of the Atlantic.

Americans are far more socially isolated today than they were two decades ago, and a sharply growing number of people say they have no one in whom they can confide, according to a comprehensive new evaluation of the decline of social ties in the United States.

A quarter of Americans say they have no one with whom they can discuss personal troubles, more than double the number who were similarly isolated in 1985. Overall, the number of people Americans have in their closest circle of confidants has dropped from around three to about two.
samcdkey said:
I have news for you. It's happening on both sides of the Atlantic.

Americans are far more socially isolated today than they were two decades ago, and a sharply growing number of people say they have no one in whom they can confide, according to a comprehensive new evaluation of the decline of social ties in the United States.

A quarter of Americans say they have no one with whom they can discuss personal troubles, more than double the number who were similarly isolated in 1985. Overall, the number of people Americans have in their closest circle of confidants has dropped from around three to about two.
And this is obviously due to the rise of cat ownership. The cats will destroy us all I tell you! Sly, manipulative, devious furballs with access to transdimensional portals.
Its more insidious than you know; and the reasons are deeper and have to do with cuteness and affection. :cool:

Pretty widespread too:

According to the latest statistics from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA), pet ownership is currently at its highest level. They estimate that 63 percent of all U.S. households own a pet which equates to more than 69 million households.

According to the APPMA survey that tracks hundreds of pet ownership trends, Americans own approximately 73 million dogs, 90 million cats, 139 million freshwater fish, 9 million saltwater fish, 16 million birds, 18 million small animals and 11 million reptiles.
Dogs are stupid. Dogs stink, and they eat their own shit.

Cats are aloof and contemptful. It's as if they know something we don't. Cats are slinky and elegant whereas....dogs eat their own shit.

The cat is the purest form of carnivore there is. their own shit.

So in summary, cats are ace, and their own shit.

Case closed.
Cats are better IMO. They're stealthy, independent, complex, and intelligent creatures.

Dogs are doting dopes fore the most part.
G. F. Schleebenhorst said:
Dogs are stupid.
By any measure we've devised, dogs and cats rank about even in intelligence. Dogs are better at learning the kinds of things that fit the life of a social animal and cats are better at the those that fit the life of a solitary animal. Individual dogs and cats differ more from one another in intelligence than the average dog differs from the average cat.
Dogs stink.
They you're not keeping him clean. Cats clean themselves, which is something a lot of people appreciate about them. Dogs need to be bathed.
And they eat their own shit.
Every mammal has to have a way to maintain the bacterial culture in its gut. With all Canis species, it's by eating all parts of their kill, including the intestines and their contents. They can't do that since we stopped them from hunting--or even from scavenging the leftovers from other predators' meals.

All they can do is eat stool. Preferably that of other animals, but their own if they're forced to. They're recycling the bacteria that survive in the stool for a while.

We exacerbate this by feeding them commercial food with preservatives that kill off the culture.

A dog who eats his own stool is desperate and needs your help. First off, switch to a brand of food that doesn't have preservatives. Get him jump-started by giving him a spoonful of yogurt, more for a big dog. You may need to give him regular doses of yogurt, once a week or something like that, if you find him going back to his old habits.

And remember that dogs are creatures of habit. If he's been doing this for a long time it won't be easy to stop. Keep the yard clean so there's nothing for him to find, and eventually he'll get out of the habit as long as he has no physiological need for it.
Sheep cats
Herding cats
Guard cats
Cat pulling teams
Search and rescue cats
Sled cats
Drug detecting cats
Seeing eye cats
Cats for the disabled
Military service cats

Need I go on re the uselessness of cats?