*************About to collapse? About damn time!
M*W: This evil has been going on for a long time within the RCC, and not just since modern journalism has uncovered it. Why? The RCC is just another organization created of men, by men and for men (and not women or children). Does anyone remember what happened to those good folks down at the Inquisition? Let history charge the RCC with those crimes first, and then charge them with their crimes resulting in faulty celi-cough-bacy and sexual deviance for those who can bear witness against this papal bullshit today.
My guess is that when the RCC falls (and it's already been tipped over), it will be like a domino effect, and they will all come falling down. And this is for those of you out there who remember the Dark Ages and keep them holy...
(Sung to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down...):
by Medicine*Woman(c) 2010
entitled The Patriarchy's Falling Down
The catholic church is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
The catholic church is falling down,
Good bye fair la - dy.
(...and now the round)...
The Church of England's falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
The Church of England's falling down,
Good bye Re - for - ma - tion.
(... and the refrain)...
All relgion's falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
All religion's falling down,
Burn them at the stake!