Catholic Church about to collapse

Spud Emperor

solanaceous common tater
Registered Senior Member
Interesting times ahead for the Catholic Church.
If the Pope lands in England as planned, Richard Dawkins with the brilliant Australian Barrister Geoffrey Robertson plan to take him to account for obstruction of justice, you know covering up the buggery of orphan boys by his priests, repeatedly, provably. The pope's(de capitalisation of the 'p' intentional in line with his fall from grace) grubby fingerprints, no wait, his signature is all over this.
This will be intriguing.
I'll provide the links if it's really required but, you'll here about it soon enough.
Perhaps the Pope can bring in the bonobos and ask Dawkins if he thinks they are sexually depraved.
Perhaps the Pope can bring in the bonobos and ask Dawkins if he thinks they are sexually depraved.

Sure, anything which deflects from the truth of his guilt is a welcome distraction.

Ratzinger is gonna burn.
I can't see the pope visiting the UK this year, unless he likes a challenge.

Any senior politician that endorses his visit will be commiting career suicide.
Sure, anything which deflects from the truth of his guilt is a welcome distraction.

Ratzinger is gonna burn.

Come now, surely you are not ignoring science in favour of taboo? All the great rationalists of the world have been heavily invested in pederasty. It was the epitome of Greek civilisation after all.
Come now, surely you are not ignoring science in favour of taboo?

Unlike you to go skirting around the edges of a tumultuous religious catyclism.

Do you think Popey boy is about to be crucified. (not to rise again)?
I doubt it. But Ricardo has foot in mouth disease, and there will be plenty of popcorn.
Not Ricardo. in "dat little boy, 'as 'e been a dicked? Dat vun he been a dicked too...him? he benedict? etc, etc. ad nauseum!
It's actually quite amazing to see how big the power of the Vatican is till this day. If it weren't for their priesthood then all of them would have ended up behind bars where they actually belong, but no..instead of that they'll be sent to a different place such as South America where they can proceed with their disgusting behaviour, and the things end up under the rug again.

It wouldn't surprise me if Mr. Pope has engaged in similar activities.
Not sure what you mean SAM?

Anyway, the beeb are on this:

I'll get my eggs and tomatoes ready for throwing at the pope...

I'm no fan of the Pope, the Catholic church, or the things they have allowed. But when I hear the beeb is on it. LOL The beeb is notorious for highly censored and or disinformation. I was once a member of BBC Radio4 forums(international). They censored every single post. If it wasn't Pro Britain, anti Bush, or ref'd from the beeb itself, out the door it went! No outside links or sources of information was ever allowed. For once, I feel sorry for the Pope.
I'm no fan of the Pope, the Catholic church, or the things they have allowed. But when I hear the beeb is on it. LOL The beeb is notorious for highly censored and or disinformation. I was once a member of BBC Radio4 forums(international). They censored every single post. If it wasn't Pro Britain, anti Bush, or ref'd from the beeb itself, out the door it went! No outside links or sources of information was ever allowed. For once, I feel sorry for the Pope.

Balls to the pope.
The beeb is just very careful where they appear to come down on any given issue, since they aren't supposed to editorialise the news.
Perhaps the Pope can bring in the bonobos and ask Dawkins if he thinks they are sexually depraved.

Not sure what you mean SAM?

I believe she is gesturing towards Exhibit A: double standards for those whose religion is Darwinism, and those who happen to believe in a higher, spiritual power, rather than, as is the catchphrase "dead meat" aka non-living chemistry giving rise to sentient beings, by and by.
It might if Christopher Hitchins gets his way....

Nothing says compassion for abused kids like Chris Hitchens

I believe she is gesturing towards Exhibit A: double standards for those whose religion is Darwinism, and those who happen to believe in a higher, spiritual power, rather than, as is the catchphrase "dead meat" aka non-living chemistry giving rise to sentient beings, by and by.

Darwinism is also a religion that puts human beings on the pedestal of ethics. And ethics always necessitates double standards.
Nothing says compassion for abused kids like Chris Hitchens

Darwinism is also a religion that puts human beings on the pedestal of ethics. And ethics always necessitates double standards.

Huh, Hitchens covered up decades of child abuse?

Darwinism is a religion in the same way Islam is a science. ;)