Catastrophism and explaining the Bible


Why do people find it necessary to come up with outlandish explanations for every freaking catastrophe in the Bible, many of which are only recorded there an no where else?
Because it makes the bible even more scientific and therefore even more believable, duh.
1. Because people will make up anything.

2. Because people will believe anything.
Why do people find it necessary to come up with outlandish explanations for every freaking catastrophe in the Bible ...

The above statement is in itself outlandish - and disingenuous.
Why do people find it necessary to come up with outlandish explanations for every freaking catastrophe in the Bible, many of which are only recorded there an no where else?

whats the explanation for Lot's wife turning to salt?
As MW posted in the other thread, they made it up after finding the rock formation that looked like a woman - near the dead sea.

but that's not a natural catastrophe. If believers say the city was destroyed by volcano/methane, how was she turned to salt?
Why do people find it necessary to come up with outlandish explanations for every freaking catastrophe in the Bible, many of which are only recorded there an no where else?

Frankly, even though I think the interpretations and nearly all the handmedown dogma is a pack of lies...the bible sure gets a lot of history and events and even peoples that IS missed everywhere else(remember we live in a post great library of alexandria world). There are few other "documents" of these events sooo far in the past - that alone tells you it's value to ancient people. Many things that scientists regarded as myth in the past, have been since proven. Hittites, Jericho(disputed yes), Philistines, the pool of Bethesda and collaborated other histories.

Early Archaeology was basically guys looking for places described in the bible. They certainly got some "hits".

Anyways, I would prefer some good old german note taking to the Hebrew 'word'. But in most cases it's all we got.
but that's not a natural catastrophe. If believers say the city was destroyed by volcano/methane, how was she turned to salt?

ok bascially the formation happens thousands(millions) of years before the S&G event. After the event, they made up or changed(as someone posted the Islam version of lot's wife is different) the lot's wife story to suit that formation. "Hey lets go see lot's wife" - a time honoured tradition.
but that's not a natural catastrophe. If believers say the city was destroyed by volcano/methane, how was she turned to salt?
M*W: Well, 'believers' say S&G was destroyed by god... ho hum, but it is very likely there may have been some kind of eruption from the earth that was recorded by the ancients of the area. The mountain peak that is known as Lot's Wife was probably a natural formation in the salty mountains of the desert. I would guess that this mountain peak is probably looking in the direction of where S&G used to be, but there's the possibility that they never existed at all.
Christians are now trying to use science to explain the Bible. God made an earthquake/volcano/methane explosion...whatever, to destroy the cities.

What scientific reasoning do they come up with a woman turning into salt? A fissure opened up and a hot salt blast coated her...etc? Because I'm tellin you right now, my Mom isn't ever gonna believe its just a salty mountain story.
Christians are now trying to use science to explain the Bible. God made an earthquake/volcano/methane explosion...whatever, to destroy the cities.

What scientific reasoning do they come up with a woman turning into salt? A fissure opened up and a hot salt blast coated her...etc? Because I'm tellin you right now, my Mom isn't ever gonna believe its just a salty mountain story.
M*W: Here's a link from the University of Georgia explaining the myth of Lot's Wife.
... What scientific reasoning do they come up with a woman turning into salt?

Why bother trying to come up with a scientific explanation for a supernatural event? Scientific i.e., natural philosophy, explanations are shackled by the limitations of the premise of naturalism.

These two distinct spheres of ontology are not to be reconciled.
Indeed. Why think for yourself or bother with wanting to know anything at all about the universe when you can simply utter the phrase GODDIDIT.

Or, we can simply acknowledge that the superstitious Bronze/Iron Age goat herders of antiquity didn't know they head from a hole in the ground and made shit up to explain the universe. What's truly amazing is that there still exist in plentitude those that could be qualified to do nothing but continue herding goats.

There's no reason at all to believe that Lot's wife was "turned to a pillar of salt." Indeed, if it were true, then it would mean that Lot was the abomination that biblical mythology makes him out to be. After all, he's the asshole that offered his own daughter to a band of rapists in exchange for not butt-humping a complete stranger. Wow. Good call bible-hero. I'm glad comic books have come a long way since the Bronze Age and modern fictional heroes at least have some morals.
Indeed. Why think for yourself or bother with wanting to know anything at all about the universe when you can simply utter the phrase GODDIDIT ...

Such philosophically naiive conclusions just go to show how much faith a naturalist has in his superstition.

... There's no reason at all to believe that Lot's wife was "turned to a pillar of salt." Indeed, if it were true, then it would mean that Lot was the abomination that biblical mythology makes him out to be. After all, he's the asshole that offered his own daughter to a band of rapists in exchange for not butt-humping a complete stranger ...

Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt is independent of Lot's conduct.
Such philosophically naiive conclusions just go to show how much faith a naturalist has in his superstition.

That comment made no sense at all. Expected, however.

Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt is independent of Lot's conduct.

The bible is inerrant.
Lot is described as behaving reprehensibly.
Lot is favored by the Christian god.
Thus, the Christian god favors reprehensible people.

I think that was the point he was trying to make.

On the other hand, if we accept that the mythical story of Lot's willingness to have his daughter gang-raped is a confabulation, then we can likewise say the same about the "pillar of salt," which is completely devoid of any scientific basis. And since magic hasn't been shown to exist outside the minds of the deluded, we needn't bother with applying it to the myth as an explanation.