
why would you watch that crap:p

Watch a good show like NCIS or the hollowmen or L&O:)
Mod Hat - Just a question

Mod Hat — Just a question

So is this one done, then?
Tiassa the inital propersition of the thread is false, there is no scientific evidence that castration works to lower rape reoffence rates or pedophila.

There for we might as well talk about NCIS and VI's sex life or whatever everyone is discussing
Tiassa the inital propersition of the thread is false, there is no scientific evidence that castration works to lower rape reoffence rates or pedophila.

There for we might as well talk about NCIS and VI's sex life or whatever everyone is discussing

The thread is not proposing it, rather its asking for such evidence for or against castration to be presented, if there is evidence it works then I'm for it, if there evidence it doesn't work them I'm against it, if there is neither evidence I think it should be scientifically tested.

If it were purely about lack of sexual satisfaction, they could simply go to the bathroom and masturbate, like normal men do when they need their 'release'.

If masturbation satisfies all sexual urges, why does sex itself exist? Personally, I feel a LOT more satiated after actual intercourse than masturbation - is it so different for men?
You probably are going to have to repeat that over and over and over again..

Just, so you know, It sinks in.. I think a lot of people still have preconcieved notions about things.

@Asguard: Why is there no token black guy in NCIS ?

Well my tag line now says 'Short legged wolverine girl'...Hopefully people will notice the word 'girl'. :D I think I'll keep that tag line a while, maybe people will stop assuming I'm male. :D