
Castration alone won't do anything.

What we need, especially for sexual predators, is intel. Tag 'em, and watch them, after you release them.

Maybe make it so that they are "brain dead"

No, I asking for a study that shows castration to be ineffective, no argumentative logic, just hard facts. No proof that castration does work is not proof that it does not work!
M*W: From my long-term memory, the article was in The Journal of Urology, but that was many moons ago. I learned that from my urological surgery professor. Sorry, but I really don't have the time to provide you with a link at this time.
Note on civil commitment

Electric Fetus said:

Is prison effective than? I rather we find away to make criminals functional for our society so that my tax dollars aren't wasted keeping them alive. We need chain gangs, slave labor of criminals, re-education of criminals so when they get out they make functional citizens ....

A local radio show, The Conversation, recently considered the issue of civil commitment:

Ross Reynolds (host): How many people are being committed right now as sexual predators.

Brooke Burbank (Sexually Violent Predator Unit): .... Right now, there are roughly two-hundred individuals who are committed; there are approximately seventy-five additional individuals who are pre-trial detainees.

RR: How is someone civilly committed?

BB: It's a lengthy process; it begins when they are about to be released from the Department of Corrections on their criminal sentence. The state reviews pretty much every document pertaining to their life: their criminal history record, court documents, any mental health evaluations, any sex offender treatment records. And all of that information is given to a forensic psychologist for review to make a determination if they suffer from a mental disorder. And in addition to the mental disorder, they must be determined to be more likely than not to re-offend in a sexually-violent manner if not confined to a secure facility.

• • •​

RR: How many people have gone through the civil commitment procedure and eventually been let out?

BB: There are apparently about twenty-nine individuals who have been outright discharged. There are an additional fourteen individuals who have made it through the treatment program at the special commitment center and are currently on what is called a less-restrictive alternative placement. And that entails a treatment regime and careful monitoring by either Department of Corrections or other approved escorts.

RR: I guess one way to evaluate its success would be to look at those twenty-nine people who've gone through it and the fourteen who are in less-restrictive environments, and ask have any of them re-offended?

BB: And to my knowledge, none of them have. There have been a few individuals who were released and then committed what's called a recent overt act, and were subsequently sent back to the special commitment center. So, for example, if an individual who has a history of committing offenses against children is found in a daycare center or looking at children in the library, something like that, that may qualify as a recent overt act. So there have been some individuals who have been sent back after being found committing recent overt acts.

(The Conversation (.mp3))

The segment starts about 80% of the way through the program; listen for the Crowded House riff marking the transition between segments.

In general, slave labor won't help; prisoners have in the past been paid a sub-minimum wage, so that they have some funds upon leaving prison. While this in and of itself is an insufficient barrier against recidivism, we would only exacerbate the situation by returning to slavery.

Re-education is a controversial subject. Ninety years ago, Emma Goldman wrote of how prison labor was undermining the free labor market normally reserved for women and the disabled (shirt-making and broom-making respectively). Of course, as an Anarchist, she found her complaints brushed aside. Thus, it was ironic when I heard, on the local FOX affiliate, a news story in which a technology-related business owner lamented that he had to compete with prison labor. Whether it's "giving prisoners what law-abiding folks don't get", or interfering with local market competition, there have, at least during my lifetime, always been complaints about educating prisoners. Perhaps in the 21st century, people are more willing to look at the social investment, the hope of lowering recidivism. But, in truth, the first decade has been so dominated by wars and rumors of wars that I've lost track of the issue.

And we must remember that in many cases, sex offenders suffer certifiable mental illnesses. This is the point of civil commitment; they are too dangerous to be released into the public, yet the applicable sentencing scheme is found insufficient. We cannot arbitrarily extend the sentences, so the criminal danger is transformed into a mental health issue. Indeed, Washington state has altered its sentencing schedules in order to keep offenders locked up for longer periods, but, in the end, we must at least acknowledge that this solution simply throws mental illness into prison.


"How Will You Vote on the Sound Transit Light Rail Proposal?" The Conversation. October 1, 2008.

Goldman, Emma. "Prisons: A Social Crime and Failure". Anarchism and Other Essays. New York & London: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1911.
Is prison effective than? I rather we find away to make criminals functional for our society so that my tax dollars aren't wasted keeping them alive. We need chain gangs, slave labor of criminals

It seems like a lot of ppl who go to prison just get out and commit a crime again, land back in jail and the cycle just continues. I think that some of the jail time they serve is a joke, esp here in Canada. They are wayyyyy to lenient in some cases. They also treat them too well, in a lot of institutions. Hard criminals are able to take courses and get degrees that the average person couldn't afford to do. They get special treatment sometimes because they are afraid to throw them into the general population. Remember Karla Holmolka and Paul Bernardo?
They killed young highschool girls, tortured, raped and then cut them into pieces and buried them in cement.. I remember seeing on the news that they set up a special cell for her because they were afraid she would get beaten up or killed by the other inmates. Her hubby Paul has the same treatment. I say who gives a shit! After what they did to those poor innocent girls and their families, let them fend for themselves in the general population. Karla's cell looked pretty cosy in fact and made me sick to my stomache that they cater to criminals like that. She also came out with some kind of degree.........Who paid for all that????? Yeah WE DID! :mad:

I don't know if castration works or not. From what I have read, it looks like it doesn't.

I agree with fetus they should have to do HARD labor while in jail. You see the size of a lot of those guys. Instead of letting them workout in the gym
for a few hours a day, put their muscles to some real work.
I'm not saying castration works I asking where are the study that show it does, doesn't, or only works on conditions??? If there is no study many should be done, if castration works, use it! If not move on, but we can't just put people behind bars forever, they are a drain on society behind bars almost as much as outside, we must find more effective solutions one in which criminals can be made useful for society even if it deem that some can never return to it.
I am guessing to the parents of the children that have been molested by these perverts, castration is being too lenient. Think of how you would react if it was one of your own children and these bastards come out of jail and just keep re offending.
Lobotomization goes towards science and makes them brain dead. Combine that with euthanasia, and you should be fine.
Lobotomies have their own problems, the subjects usually can no long manage them selves and must be continuously cared for by others. Lobotomy is too ineffective, to hit or miss, and down right outdated technique, advancements should be made in cybersurgery towards the ability to render even the most fiendish psychopath into all caring and giving individuals, I believe it should be possible to manipulate the brain in such a way but it would require decades of study and testing. Here the rub, what if we make high lever criminals into test subjects for such technology? If they die or are horribly brain damage in the process what ever they were on death row anyways.
The death penalty is more humane than a lobotomy - far more humane.

I once saw an interesting documentary on chemical castration, it can be a bit hit and miss but many subjects lost pretty much all sexual desire and drive.
Rape is mostly due to not being sexually satisfied.


If it were purely about lack of sexual satisfaction, they could simply go to the bathroom and masturbate, like normal men do when they need their 'release'.
If it were purely about lack of sexual satisfaction, they could simply go to the bathroom and masturbate, like normal men do when they need their 'release'.

Does masturbation actually satisfy you sexually? If so, you're a very small minority of men in the world. It's almost a proven fact that the more a male masturbates, the more he "needs" to do it.

Baron Max
Does masturbation actually satisfy you sexually? If so, you're a very small minority of men in the world. It's almost a proven fact that the more a male masturbates, the more he "needs" to do it.

Baron Max

I would disagree :D
Does masturbation actually satisfy you sexually? If so, you're a very small minority of men in the world. It's almost a proven fact that the more a male masturbates, the more he "needs" to do it.

Baron Max

I think the more he does it the more its the only way he can get off.
Something seems familiar about this

Baron Max said:

Does masturbation actually satisfy you sexually? If so, you're a very small minority of men in the world.



I'll let someone else explain what's wrong with that statement. After all, I might have my facts wrong on this.
Does masturbation actually satisfy you sexually? If so, you're a very small minority of men in the world. It's almost a proven fact that the more a male masturbates, the more he "needs" to do it.

Baron Max

I'm a female.
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I'm a female.

We are all sexless on the internet, although it usually assumed we are male, this is because those the claim they are female are sometimes just men with really small dicks. But if you want to prove your female then please do :D , if not then don't care if someone says your not.
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