

Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
Should Pedophiles and Rapist be castrated? How severe does the crime have to be?
Should Pedophiles and Rapist be castrated? How severe does the crime have to be?

I believe this thing of "castration" is foolish as they do not deserve such a penalty. Do women rapists deserve to be mutilated in their private parts?

Oh let me guess there is some reason why they should not (there are fewer).
When the crime is the same.

Foolish logic.
I believe this thing of "castration" is foolish as they do not deserve such a penalty. Do women rapists deserve to be mutilated in their private parts?

Oh let me guess there is some reason why they should not (there are fewer).
When the crime is the same.

Foolish logic.

I'm asking the question not stipulating the answer, so don't blame me!

Wait, how does castrating a women mutilate their private parts? A hysterectomy is not visible externally, unlike like removing a guys balls.

What about chemical castration? The goal may not be to make them infertile rather just reduce the sex drive, considering woman's average testosterone levels I don't think chemical or physical castration would have much effect on a female rapist or pedophile sex drive.
Rapists and peadophiles chose their own fate. They need to be held accountable for their actions and suffer the consequences.
Rapists and peadophiles chose their own fate. They need to be held accountable for their actions and suffer the consequences.

What nonsense.
They go to prison, they get out rape again, what's the difference??

Rapists deserve prison time, and then more and more prison time. Idiots should be able to notice SOME of their own fate.

Castrating them is simply cruel. Can anyone explain to me what someone thinks about when considering it? I didn't think so.
ElectricFetus, there is no scientific evidence that castration works period.
Is prison effective than? I rather we find away to make criminals functional for our society so that my tax dollars aren't wasted keeping them alive. We need chain gangs, slave labor of criminals, re-education of criminals so when they get out they make functional citizens, and hey lets see if sex offenders can be rendered safe for society by cutting out their sex drive.
as i said it doesnt work, try PROPER (not the limited that apears in the prision system) clincial mental health treatment. Your much more likly to get a better result
Is prison effective than? I rather we find away to make criminals functional for our society so that my tax dollars aren't wasted keeping them alive. We need chain gangs, slave labor of criminals, re-education of criminals so when they get out they make functional citizens, and hey lets see if sex offenders can be rendered safe for society by cutting out their sex drive.

I hope you apply that to the women who raped me as well :mad:
as far as i know there have been studies done which show the reoffence rates are the same. For rape this is because its more to do with power than sex, pediophilia is more complicated again.

I dont have the studies on hand and i dont have the time to try to find them im sorry to say
I hope you apply that to the women who raped me as well :mad:
Sure, why the fuck not?

as far as i know there have been studies done which show the reoffence rates are the same. For rape this is because its more to do with power than sex, pediophilia is more complicated again.

I don't have the studies on hand and i don't have the time to try to find them im sorry to say

Well I would like to see the studies! Because "as far as I know" castation is far to rare of a punishment to actually test if it works, but I don't know that for sure now do I?
I'm asking the question not stipulating the answer, so don't blame me!

Wait, how does castrating a women mutilate their private parts? A hysterectomy is not visible externally, unlike like removing a guys balls.

What about chemical castration? The goal may not be to make them infertile rather just reduce the sex drive, considering woman's average testosterone levels I don't think chemical or physical castration would have much effect on a female rapist or pedophile sex drive.
M*W: You are right. Sex drive is in the brain. Surgical castration does not prevent an erection, and pedophiles and rapists will continue their perversion.

Chemical castration, as in the case of prostate cancer, used to be used by administering estrogen to suppress the high testerone levels in cancer patients.

No, I asking for a study that shows castration to be ineffective, no argumentative logic, just hard facts. No proof that castration does work is not proof that it does not work!
Is prison effective than? I rather we find away to make criminals functional for our society so that my tax dollars aren't wasted keeping them alive. We need chain gangs, slave labor of criminals, re-education of criminals so when they get out they make functional citizens, and hey lets see if sex offenders can be rendered safe for society by cutting out their sex drive.

Tax dollars! Tax dollars! All the money the government takes in is less than 3% of what they spend. WHY are you so concerned about where YOUR tax dollars are going??? Income tax doesn't even go to the government.

as far as i know there have been studies done which show the reoffence rates are the same. For rape this is because its more to do with power than sex, pediophilia is more complicated again. I dont have the studies on hand and i dont have the time to try to find them im sorry to say

That is an unfortunate myth. Rape is mostly due to not being sexually satisfied.
It's like saying bank robbery really isn't about the money.
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Tax dollars! Tax dollars! All the money the government takes in is less than 3% of what they spend. WHY are you so concerned about where YOUR tax dollars are going??? Income tax doesn't even go to the government.

If you want to be frugal with money, you have the be frugal with ALL money.