Carrot and Stick Morality

Whilst i can understand leo's point of view its rather exaggerated, more women do sleep around than ever before. The reason for this is that we live at a point in time where society is more equal than ever before and where they are free to whore around like men do, and some exercise the right they have to live that way, but not all. If your unlucky enough not to know anyone who isnt like that then i feel sorry for you leo you are missing out on something special and increasingly rare, but dont complain about it, if men do it then so will women, no matter how much anybody disapproves of it, its a primal instinct few can resist.

Now lets compare that to a real Morality in which girls would feel ashamed to imagine themselves having premarital sex, and that they entirely expect to remain faithful in marriage.
Leo please refrain from comments like this where you single one sex out, both do it, men aswell, and theres nothing immoral about premarital sex.
M*W hellarious song. that was outstanding.

Leo my advise would be, get some Viagra find a chick in a bar, or a whore house and get laid.



The problem with sex and religion has nothing to do with women. There were some statistics published several years ago although I can’t find a link now, but they found that young men think about sex about once every 6 minutes and young women about twice a week.

The real issue in a male dominated religion such as Catholicism is that men are being taught to feel guilty about their constant sexual desires where women are the objects of those desires and then they blame women for their own male lack of control. Islam has similar serious outdated views on sexuality.

And the quite unnatural requirement for priests to be celibate has seriously backfired with widespread sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests (about 1 in 25 priests in the USA are affected) and now I believe recent findings show that some 50% of Catholic priests are homosexual.

While homosexuality itself is not wrong, it is after all a natural biological variation in humans as it is everywhere else in the animal kingdom. But the problem with Catholic priests is that they believe it is wrong. Hypocrisy run rife again as we see so often in supposed pious religionists.

But sexual abuse of children and apparently almost all were young boys is unforgivable.

And then Leo has the nerve, audacity and hypocrisy to say that all girls are sluts – holy cow what a mess.
It has been necessary to edit out a number of insults posted to this thread. Keep it civil, please, or the thread will be closed.
Lemming3k said:
Leo please refrain from comments like this where you single one sex out, both do it, men aswell, and theres nothing immoral about premarital sex.

I single out the Decline of Feminine Morality because it is a Decline. That men act like animals is probably not much of a change. But when Women toss out Virtue, it is a Treasure they are throwing away, and I think it fair to regret their loss, even if it only brings them to the same level as the Men who had impoverished themselves long before.
James R said:
It has been necessary to edit out a number of insults posted to this thread. Keep it civil, please, or the thread will be closed.

My apologies where I contributed to the nastiness. I suppose I can get my point accross equally well with those who are intelligent enough to appreciate it, if I use a degree of euphemism.

At the time I thought that being plain in my language, even if it were shocking, would serve the purpose of revealing to these Modern People exactly in what terms their Great Grandparents would describe them.

But once shocked I suppose I lost their attentions. When the Blast travels faster than the Bullet, the startled Bird is always Missed.
Leo Volont said:
But once shocked I suppose I lost their attentions. When the Blast travels faster than the Bullet, the startled Bird is always Missed.
I read a few of your posts, you lost them when you, started talking about visions.
I wiil continue to read your post just for the amusment factor as I dare say most other members do.

Much talking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune. The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, fly freely about.
I single out the Decline of Feminine Morality because it is a Decline. That men act like animals is probably not much of a change.
But perhaps it should be changed, perhaps men should be the ones setting the example? Why should a woman be expected to behave better than a man? Men have declined in morality too, gone are the days of the gentleman, neither sex should be singled out.