Carrot and Stick Morality

Bells said:
No it's not true Leo. Not all girls sit there wanting to have sex with as many people as possible. You view women through your own skewed mentality.

Look at your defense of them -- that they are not scheming every waking moment to get laid. Is that the most you can offer. Now lets compare that to a real Morality in which girls would feel ashamed to imagine themselves having premarital sex, and that they entirely expect to remain faithful in marriage.

More details of how it used to be. A boy had to be properly introduced to a girl. There was always a chaperone. "Walking together" was considered an 'engagement'.

Now I would be surprised if 2% of the girls who get married had not slept with less than 10 boys already. I would be surprised if 20% of the girls getting married for the first time are not already mothers.

If I had a son, I would tell him to hold his nose and walk past the entire stinking lot of this filthy generation.
Bells said:
And you simply have no idea of how things actually are.

Isn't that what I am talking about.

Oh! I get it! I am talking about what easy sluts girls are, while you apparently are not getting any of it. Well, I have news for you. It is the same few Good Looking Bad Boys that are getting them all. Of course the pointy headed geeks aren't being let in on the action.

Go to a club. yes they won't let you inside, but stay out front and pay attention to the action. All those couples leaving and getting into cars are going off to get laid. And yes, you are not one of them. Sometimes being funnylooking and socially awkward has the same result as Virtue, but you throw it all away by being envious of them.
Godless said:
And you make this assumption by the VERY few that you've might of had? Your heart been broken Leo, that you persist to take it out on women. And why the hell not can a woman enjoy herself sexually for the mere pleasure of living?

If you were to get laid every week-end by different women would you call yourself a MALE SLUT?. Or a stud? (doubt that you are getting any) Perhaps this is what what you need.

Go get laid Leo, and quit bashing women. Or are you so old that perhaps you've got problems in that department?. Then for god's sake man go get some Viagra and get a pice of ass. ;)


I am a man who was in his prime at the height of the Sexual Revolution. I can look back and largely conclude that it is a myth that women can find happiness and fulfillment in life by being promiscuous. More often then not it makes emotional cripples out of them. It is what we call, nowadays, "baggage".

I can't help to feel I am being lectured by a seventeen year old geek who didn't receive much of a liberal arts education. You simply do not have any idea of how things used to be.

Wrong on all counts, Leo.

Go to a club. yes they won't let you inside, but stay out front and pay attention to the action. All those couples leaving and getting into cars are going off to get laid.

Get your mind out of the gutter. You're making a whole lot of assumptions based on nothing more than your own fantasies.
James R said:

You're making a whole lot of assumptions based on nothing more than your own fantasies.

I'm not some young kid full of fantasies. I've been there. College, Army, and I travelled the World. I've dated. And I've never been just some pinhead. And so I actually might have more of a perspective of what is going on then people protected by the shelter of their natural geekiness.

Again, all you need to do is take a good honest look at Popular Culture. I know they are horrible but read a few modern novels. Go to the movies. Watch some TV. What, do you think that they are not presenting some likeness of Our Culture?

Condoms now sell better than Beer and Birth Control Pills to unmarried women represents over 50% of the market. And you still think I am making it all up when I question the Morality of the Modern Woman.

You know, if you think you can get more action by defending the girls from mean old Leo, then go for it. But I hope you don't take yourself seriously.
Who are all these immoral women having sex with, Leo? It wouldn't (shock horror!) be men, by any chance, would it?

Why are you fixated on women? Why not rant about modern male culture?
Leo Volont said:
A splendid argument for a Traditional and Monolithic Culture. It is only amidst a system of Cultural Relativisms where anything is tolerated that contradictions and incoherencies arise.

A coherent and non-contradicting Moral Monolith does take time to arise. The Catholic High Middle Ages was a product of almost a Millenia of Moral Cultural Refinement.

I would disagree on this point. Contradiction and incoherency arise from
human error (mistakes). Mis-comprehension, mis-interpretation, and
acceptance of assertions as 'true' without considering actual fact are
some of the primary forces for contradiction and incoherency.

I would agree that a reasonable, coherent, and non-contradicting set of
behavioral expectations can be designed, developed, deployed, and
enhanced over time.
Leo Volont said:
Isn't that what I am talking about.

Oh! I get it! I am talking about what easy sluts girls are, while you apparently are not getting any of it. Well, I have news for you. It is the same few Good Looking Bad Boys that are getting them all. Of course the pointy headed geeks aren't being let in on the action.

Go to a club. yes they won't let you inside, but stay out front and pay attention to the action. All those couples leaving and getting into cars are going off to get laid. And yes, you are not one of them. Sometimes being funnylooking and socially awkward has the same result as Virtue, but you throw it all away by being envious of them.

It sounds like there is an entire market for geek-clubs. You should
patent this idea Leo.

do you or dont you believe in God Godless
just letting you know that you make yourself look like
an asshole when you mention God as if he existed

I said it as mere expression!! dumb ass.

Leo Volont said:
Look at your defense of them -- that they are not scheming every waking moment to get laid.
Well being a grown woman Leo, I know that I do not spend every waking moment scheming 'to get laid'. I don't know of any woman who does. Unlike you who spends every waking moment thinking that is what women think about and then running to your visions as some sort of confession or to repent yourself of your sick and perverted thoughts.

If I had a son, I would tell him to hold his nose and walk past the entire stinking lot of this filthy generation.
Instead you have a daughter, who forms part of 'the entire stinking lot of this filthy generation'.

Oh! I get it! I am talking about what easy sluts girls are, while you apparently are not getting any of it. Well, I have news for you. It is the same few Good Looking Bad Boys that are getting them all. Of course the pointy headed geeks aren't being let in on the action.
Oh I understand fully where you are coming from. You see all women as being unclean and sinful. Maybe your hatred of women stems from the treatment you received from your mother, or maybe a pretty girl spurned you in your youth. Maybe you were not one of the 'good looking bad boys' who ever got any, therefore all women are sinful.

Go to a club. yes they won't let you inside, but stay out front and pay attention to the action. All those couples leaving and getting into cars are going off to get laid. And yes, you are not one of them.
I have been to many clubs Leo. And seeing that I usually leave the club with my partner to go home, I guess that for you I would be one of them. And seeing that we usually have to drive home, I guess that a little old pervert such as yourself would stand outside and look at people leaving and getting into their cars and think to yourself that you bet they were going home to get laid.

Sometimes being funnylooking and socially awkward has the same result as Virtue, but you throw it all away by being envious of them
You really shouldn't talk about yourself that way Leo. You are the one sitting there saying that all women are slutty because they get into a car with men to drive home. For all you know, some of those women may be going home accompanied with their brother or friend after a night out. Do not project your social inadequacies and perverted fantasies onto others.
. I can look back and largely conclude that it is a myth that women can find happiness and fulfillment in life by being promiscuous.

I can relate to that, and agree to it, Leo however I dont see myself as some ritious holier than thou person to dictate to others what morality is or should not be. If a woman is sexually liberated, that's her perogative to be as promiscous as she likes, all I'm saying Leo is; Who the hell do you think you are in order to judge?.

For what we've have seen here at present your dillusional, take your dreams literally as divine messages from agels, hear voices, a male shobinist, (b-carefull even your own daughter might not always keep her pants on) on who you keep calling sluts, specially when you came to this world via Sex, If most women are sluts are you including your own mother with this generalization?. your daughter? See where I'm getting at Leo?.

I had a similar experience once. A young woman going through a divorce kept telling us at work "that all men are assholes" she kept saying to the point were I just got pissed off, I knew she had two sons. So I stated to her; If all men are assholes, when your kids grow up to be men, are they going to be included in the asshole catogory sinse they will be men?" She ofcourse got deeply insulted but I was right.

Godless said:
I can relate to that, and agree to it, Leo however I dont see myself as some ritious holier than thou person to dictate to others what morality is or should not be. If a woman is sexually liberated, that's her perogative to be as promiscous as she likes, all I'm saying Leo is; Who the hell do you think you are in order to judge?.


In the Sixties and Seventies everyone thought that Free Sex would solve all the problems of the World. It only made things worse.

Who am I to judge? Why not me? Do you think everyone should shut up and there should be no Moral Dialogue in Society? Do you think we should just let everything drift aimlessly and hope for the best.

Dialogue is better than no dialogue. Thought is better then mindlessness.
Thought is better then mindlessness.
welcome to the world of atheism.

Fundamentalism Leo means never having to say "your wrong."

The mind of the fundamentalist is like the pupil of the eye:
the more light you pour on it, the more it will contract.

THE PSYCHOPATH - The Mask of Sanity

Antisocial Personality Disorder

an extract leo

"Likeable," "Charming," "Intelligent," "Alert," "Impressive," "Confidence-inspiring," and "A great success with the ladies": These are the sorts of descriptions repeatedly used by Cleckley famous case-studies of psychopaths. They are also, of course, "irresponsible," "self-destructive," and the like. These descriptions highlight the great frustrations and puzzles that surround the study of psychopathy.

Psychopaths seem to have in abundance the very traits most desired by normal persons. The untroubled self-confidence of the psychopath seems almost like an impossible dream and is generally what "normal" people seek to acquire when they attend assertiveness training classes.

Socially Adept Psychopath

quoted from the novel

'John had one overriding dream; to become a judge. Here was the greatest reward possible for a psychopath: to put on the royal robes of the judiciary - to become a demigod - to have others plead to Him and beg His indulgence, to have everyone rise in awe and respect when He entered the room, for His word to literally be law, to be able to create an almost endless amount of human misery, just because He could, to punish summarily anyone who, quite correctly, displayed contempt for Him, to have the power of life and death over people, to be granted the only royal title available in the United States: "Your Honor".

What is it that S.A.Ps are attempting to achieve? Once again a quote from the novel may explain that.

'John House slept soundly. In his dreams he and his kind had finally succeeded in reshaping the world into the image they wanted: the dark ages had returned. Once more the plague swept unchallenged over the country side. John could hear the voice crying out in the mud street in front of his hovel: "Bring out your dead!"

John was in his glory. This was life the way it was supposed to be. He was the new Torquemada: randomly selecting anyone who was unscarred by smallpox for a session on the rack; since anyone who had escaped disfigurement had obviously signed a pact with the devil. Here at last was an era where John and his kind could feel good by comparison: with so much misery around him John knew he was better off than those he could see dying in squalor and ignorance. John reveled in the suffering of all about him. He did what he could to make that suffering worse; no agony was so great that John House could not add to it.'

It is difficult to believe that huge parts of society have been built with the guidance of the mentally ill; but they have been. The average person is heavily invested in doing things the way Psychopaths want them done, and is unaware that the things that the S.A.Ps have them doing are psychopathic.

you wont see any resemblance to you, leo, but others will.
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Leo Volont said:
I can look back and largely conclude that it is a myth that women can find happiness and fulfillment in life by being promiscuous. More often then not it makes emotional cripples out of them. It is what we call, nowadays, "baggage".


And your conclusion is a model based on observable, testable, and
reproducible fact! Kudo's to you Leo. You've embraced a sound line of
thinking here that has led to a well supported THEORY!

There are a few revisions to the theory that I will propose. There exists
a timeframe every month where human females have a significantly
increased drive to have sexual relations with a different partner. Satisfying
the drive tends to sustain hapiness and fulfillment if there is a stable,
reliable, and agreeable primary partner existing at all times. The choice of
side-partners during this monthly sexual drive is heavily influenced by
symmetry. Male sweat can be interpreted by females. The more summetrical
their bodies are, the more satisfying and arousing a famale finds the scent.
Apparently, symmetry is an indicator of health and females would be
attracted to partners whom would have increased chances of producing
healthy babies.
Well, as for old novels: In "Jane Eyre", a man says to a Jane Eyre:

"You were made for labor, not for love."

Because she had a plain face and wasn't regarded as beautiful -- she was thought not to deserve love.

Makes me shudder everytime I think of it.
Bells: [deleted]
M*W: Bells, you hit the nail on its head! [deleted]
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Bells: [deleted]
M*W: Bells, I got to thinking about this, and I've come to the conclusion that Leo suffers from vagina envy. It was unfortunate that he was born without a vagina, and he's jealous of all those, young and old, who have been blessed with one! The vagina is Leo's fatal attraction. The vagina is a very powerful God-given thing. The vagina lures innocent men to their death! [deleted] Not only that, Bells, [deleted] believes he is a superhero who has been sent to Earth by angels to stamp out all non-virgins and other fornicators, both male and female, who have had sexual relations. [deleted] comes to save humanity in the name of the Queen of Heaven, whose vagina he believes is his! Now, let's all sing [deleted] superhero song... anda one, anda two:

[deleted] ~ Lyrics by Medicine*Woman

Here he [deleted] to save the day!
You know [deleted] is on his way!


Being fearless as he fights,
You know [deleted] has got the whites!


His alter-ego is the [deleted]!
His other name -- [deleted]!

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M*W: love your song, about [deleted], especially the rhyme with [deleted] excellent.
bells :[deleted]
mustafha:read your post, and the similarity's are uncanny.
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