Carbonated Drinks.. Are they really that Bad ?

A dentist friend told me he can smell the fetid odor of folks who drink carbonated acidic beverages such as soft drinks...they have constant low level bad breath. This offensive smell is different from that from decay. He says the stench is in the cells of soft tissues.
I'll second the green tea. It contains several polyphenolic compounds that aid immunity and foster health.
Also, I would suggest using the tea itself rather than extracts. Under natural conditions, less than 1% of tea polyphenols are absorbed; some kinds are not absorbed at all. We don't know why most of them are kicked back out into the colon, but there may be physiological reasons for the poor absorption. Extracts would concentrate the effects of these polyphenols and there are inadequate toxicity studies to indicate safety. (natural != safe).
I'm a heavy caffiene addict. It comes in the form of Pepsi Max (since i don't want to get fat).. It has no sugar. I got fat on coke. Now I only drink diet coke. My question is: What effect will drinking 8 375ml cans a day really have on you?
That's a lot of caffeine. I know heavy drinkers of coffee or tea get the same dose, but it's a lot for them too. Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it narrows your blood vessels. This is why it is a mild analgesic, it simply reduces the blood flow to your pain receptor nerves so it dulls them. Actually more properly called anesthetic than analgesic. This same property can also make it a very mild antihistamine because much of the histamic reaction is swollen capillaries. However, the obvious primary effect of reducing the cross section of your veins and arteries is an increase in blood pressure. Keep track of your blood pressure and if it starts to get too high then you'll have to make some tough decisions.

But your biggest problem is probably one I'm quite familiar with personally: caffeine addiction. It sounds like you're as bad as I am. I had to start backing off 35 years ago because it was interfering with my sleep. Not getting enough sleep coupled with the stimulant effect of the drug made me a real asshole. I flunked out of college, my wife left me, it was a pretty sad period in my life. So keep track of your sleep, your relationships and your performance. Let those close to you do the same thing. I've had to ration my caffeine intake for decades and I go without for days at a time to avoid rebuilding my tolerance and becoming dependent on it again.

You will be better off if you can learn to live without caffeine. That may prove impossible, but you will still be better off if you can reduce it by a lot. Eight cans a day is just plain stupid, nobody "needs" that much caffeine. You're basically a drug addict. (As your elder I can get away saying shit like that. But it's the truth, dude. :))
In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system.
Yeah but he said he's drinking the sugar-free formula. His biggest problem is either the caffeine itself or the unpredictable second-order effects of the artificial sweetener.
I used to drink roughly six cans of Coca-Cola every day for about a decade. Countless cavities and six teeth later, I know that it is unhealthy to consume.
Today dentists tell us that as long as we practice rigorous dental hygeine--brush twice a day, floss, use a proxybrush, get fluoride in our water or a prescription toothpaste--sugar is not really going to send their kids to college.
But i need the caffeine. Caffeinated beer ? Is such a thing possible ? Can you have a stimulant and depressant ?
Why do you think Rum & Coke is such a popular drink? Long Island Iced Tea is the same idea but for younger people: more booze, less cola. Alcohol is not just a depressant, it has a number of psychoactive effects like releasing inhibitions, making all people of the opposite sex really attractive, and creating an intense desire for bowling and country music.
Is there any difference between Iced Tea and hot tea?
Coldness dulls our taste buds so people put a lot more sugar or other sweetener in iced tea than they do in hot tea. I'm sure the temperature affects the rate of absorption of all the chemicals, Sam can probably give us the figures on that.

Try chocolate. It has less caffeine and more theobroma. I mean the good stuff, made from dark chocolate imported from France or Belgium, not the wimpy Hershey's or Cadbury's that's just a pile of stuff under a thin coating of milk chocolate. You might find that it makes you feel good without raising your blood pressure or any of the other side effects of a high caffeine intake. Yes it has sugar so buy chocolate that has the percentage listed and make sure it's up around 80 so it's more chocolate and less sugar and other stuff.
phenelanin as I remember mainly causes problems in often have to go to pee...and than kidneys get some damage as well. Also it affects the vision a bit...makes things fuzzy and makes eyes tired. As for memory loss...thats only with those folks who got syndroms/major problems...not regular folks like us.
I'm in no danger of becoming an alchaholic, Even if my religion didn't forbid it, I've seen what it can do to people and how they change..
Tried my first taste of green tea today.. Didn't taste bad, just different. I guess its because of the tolerance that i wouldn't take to it immediately.

And yeah Fraggle, I probably am a drug addict... According to my parents, I've been fed coke since i was old enough to drink..