... 100GV is only a mathematical result of a theoretical rewiring of millions of caps.... {many knowlegable poster's} absolute conviction that I can't do what I've said I can do. This is arrogance bordering on absolute stupidity.
... anyone who says that I want to rewire millions of caps in series to obtain 100GV of potential has either a memory problem or a learning disability. FOR THE LAST TIME, it's only a theoretical result, ... the electricity from each HV cap will be discharged one at a time from caps that are STILL IN THE ORIGINAL CURRENT/VOLTAGE DIVIDER.
Speaking of memory problems, here are a few
YOUR posts stating exactly the opposite of what you are now claiming:
Post 35: “I know how to "multiply voltage", I mean that if a lightning bolt has, say, 300 Kv,
the equipment I'll use will be capable of storing tens of billions of volts.”
That's what will drive the economics of my business heavily in my favor. The equipment is a one-time cost, and the cost of the labor, including all the office staff, should be far less than the money
I'll be able to bring in by selling the hydrogen and the oxygen.
Post 36: “Anybody who can generate hundreds of millions of DC voltage from a single lightning bolt and who can
store TENS OF BILLIONS of voltage can certainly spare some of it for a DC-AC inverter and disconnect his whole office from his local electric grid. …
only real problems I see are obtaining all the federal, state, and local government permits to set up and use the equipment and obtaining enough money to pay the employees, buy the land, and pay for the equipment that can and will collect and store this much voltage.”
Post 40: ” Anybody who can generate hundreds of millions of DC voltage from a single lightning bolt and who can store TENS OF BILLIONS of voltage can certainly spare some of it for a DC-AC inverter and
disconnect his whole office from his local electric grid.”
Post 48: “I know how to store tens of billions of volts of electricity, using a single lightning bolt as my source.”
On and on you continue to speak of planning to step up the voltage to gain energy for running a business, producing hydrogen, disconnecting office building from the grid,
totally unaware of the problems with arcs, voltage drop in inductance, terrible economics, and prior voltage step up means.
Nothing in your early posts indicating this is only a theoretical concept.
Your really thought you could do all this
in practice, not theory, and produce hydrogen more economically than current means, disconnect your office building from the grid, etc.!
Now that you realize all this is nonsense as we told you, you are back peddling trying not to admit how stupid you were by now claiming it was only "theoretical discussion." At least you have learned a little. For example, you now understand voltage is not energy and that AC or brief DC pulses voltage does drop across inductance and perhaps a few other things you have learned, but Jeeees, are you a slow learner!