Canadian man forced to support kids that aren't his

Parenthood is not about the parents

Betrayer0fHope said:

This case is an outrage. Roman is right. There's no way this man should be forced to pay ANYTHING, and should be reimbursed with all the money he paid.

But guess what? Parenthood is not about the parents.

Doubts about paternity? Sixteen years in is a little bit late to be getting the test. The idea that one could look at a child after that long and say, "What? You're not mine? Fuck off, brat, I don't love you!" is insidious.

So call the mother whatever you want to. Doesn't make much of a difference. But he's the only father these kids have, and maybe that doesn't mean much to you. But to them, it's everything.
So, biology is the only basis of fatherhood? The pitiful thing here is that he should have to be forced to take care of them. Why would he abandon them after 16 years?
So, biology is the only basis of fatherhood? The pitiful thing here is that he should have to be forced to take care of them. Why would he abandon them after 16 years?

Why would anyone want children, and fuck all- teenagers, if there's no biology?

You can preach compassion, but don't legislate it.

But really, what a nasty trap. If you get tricked for 16 years, you've got to keep paying?

I guess the good news is, he only has to pay for two more years.

Worse, though, is how he hasn't been spending the last 16 years finding a woman to mate with, seeing as how he failed to actually produce offspring. This man had his human right to 2.5 brats robbed by some slut-cunt. So much for living forever.
Now, instead of telling me how to live my life, can we talk about why India didn't become monotheistic like most of the globe?
Sooooo Whaaaat?

First of all, there is something fishy in the story. Why did he ask for a DNA test?

Maybe he found out he's shooting blanks.
Sooooo Whaaaat?

First of all, there is something fishy in the story. Why did he ask for a DNA test?

The way I interpret it, it was because his ex-wife was trying to squeeze his balls harder. From the original link:

htt p://
But after Anciolina asked for an increase in payments and a reduction in the time he spent with the children, Pasqualino demanded a DNA test.

The DNA test was simply a way of fighting back against a woman exploiting the anti-male family law system.

He is not their sire.

He is their dad.

Only because he was conned for the last 16 years.

He may be their dad, but he has no biological connection to the children, whereas the mother does. So it only logically follows that he also has less responsibility to them.
basically any woman who gets pregnant can tap any guy on the shoulder with a magic wand and say:

"you the daddy"
So, if your ex-wife asks for more maintenance, this is a sign the kids are someone else's?
So, if your ex-wife asks for more maintenance, this is a sign the kids are someone else's?

If your ex-wife asks for more maintenance and attempts to deny you time with the kids, it's a sign that you need to fight back instead of just bending over, handing her the lube and going 'Yes maam!'.
Roman - you seem to have missed the point somewhat - the point the judge made was that the "father" had brought these children up as if he was their parent for 16 years, and therefore deemed issues of biology to be irrelevant - the father had made a lifelong commitment to be their parent so regardless of biology or marital commitments, he still had that responsibility.
Seems pretty fair to me.
Fair? How the hell is that fair? He made that commitment based upon a lie. He assumed the children were his. Being tricking into raising another man's children by a lying whore of a wife is not the same as adoption. As to the issue of why the guy never demanded a paternity test before, I assume he only recently found out his wife was a whore and so previously had no reason to ask for one.

They should track down the guy who knocked up the wife and get child support from him.

On the other hand, if the guy still wants to act as a father it would be reasonable for him to pay support. He can't ask for visitation or joint custody or anything if he's not willing to pay support. I say he should be given the choice. Continue to be a father to the children and pay support, or renounce them and get out of support.