Canadian man forced to support kids that aren't his


So what do you all think? Should women be allowed to lie to men to get them to take care of other men's children, and when caught, get the government to force child support payments?

Roman - you seem to have missed the point somewhat - the point the judge made was that the "father" had brought these children up as if he was their parent for 16 years, and therefore deemed issues of biology to be irrelevant - the father had made a lifelong commitment to be their parent so regardless of biology or marital commitments, he still had that responsibility.
Seems pretty fair to me.
Furthermore the woman concerned claimed to have no knowledge of an an extramarital affair ( I'm more that slightly dubious of that claim though)

So to put your question in another way that frames the particular circumstances more accurately and fairly; do you feel that in the event of a divorce, one or other parent can renege upon child support payments if their children are adopted?
Certain questions come to mind

Roman said:

So what do you all think? Should women be allowed to lie to men to get them to take care of other men's children, and when caught, get the government to force child support payments?

The court's ruling regarding the kids' best interests—e.g., to have a father they know—makes a certain amount of sense. To the other, what are the applicable fraud statutes? Are there limitations?

And how did he come to wait so long before demanding a paternity test?

That last might be relevant in the court's decision or not, but it's an interesting one.
The court's ruling regarding the kids' best interests—e.g., to have a father they know—makes a certain amount of sense.

It does make some sense, but look at this particular case. His ex wants him to pay more money while getting fewer hours with the kids.

I think it's pretty fucked up.
fewer hours with the kids? I'm thinking that's not all his ex's fault. 16 yr olds usually don't want to spend a lot of time with a parent on the weekend.

So what do you all think? Should women be allowed to lie to men to get them to take care of other men's children, and when caught, get the government to force child support payments?

Yes, I believe that women should be allowed to lie to men to get them to take care of other men's children. I mean this in the sense that while I think that in many circumstances it's morally wrong, they shouldn't be jailed for it.

I also believe that the government should force child support payments if, as in this case, he'd already taken care of them for 16 years. Personally, I'm not so hot about genes. Many people adopt and do just fine. I also strongly believe that the most important thing is not the genes, but the memes, a term that Richard Dawkins' coined- that is, ideas passed along from one human being to another.

While I believe that there are some advantages if the children one raises look like you, I find children in general to be a joy and would love to have some even if they weren't biologically mine (it'll almost definitely have to wait until I can find a job and a woman I love in 'that way'). Yes, I'm aware that perhaps I feel this way because I haven't actually had any. But I think it's clear that my parents are quite happy with the fact that they had 4 children despite all the arguments us children have had with them and I believe it'd be the same with me.
Roman said:
But they sure do want his cash.
Fuck that.

ah yes. its why you make sure they spend time with you first and then you give them the money.

Lol :). I liked spending time with my dad although I think that many people will eventually get tired of actually living with their parents or a single parent after a while and I'm no exception. I miss him a lot now because he's living in Mexico and I came back to Canada in April. I've always had a more distant relationship with my mother. In part I believe she's just distant in general but I also believe that it's because we have been known to get into arguments and I believe we both want to avoid this.

I definitely agree more with how she manages money then my father, but I believe she also has this weakness when it comes to 'investments'. Anyway.
ah yes. its why you make sure they spend time with you first and then you give them the money.

Actually, you don't spend time with them and you give them your money. If you do it any other way, that bitch judge will have you arrested.
Yes, I believe that women should be allowed to lie to men to get them to take care of other men's children. I mean this in the sense that while I think that in many circumstances it's morally wrong, they shouldn't be jailed for it.

I also believe that the government should force child support payments if, as in this case, he'd already taken care of them for 16 years. Personally, I'm not so hot about genes. Many people adopt and do just fine. I also strongly believe that the most important thing is not the genes, but the memes, a term that Richard Dawkins' coined- that is, ideas passed along from one human being to another.

While I believe that there are some advantages if the children one raises look like you, I find children in general to be a joy and would love to have some even if they weren't biologically mine (it'll almost definitely have to wait until I can find a job and a woman I love in 'that way'). Yes, I'm aware that perhaps I feel this way because I haven't actually had any. But I think it's clear that my parents are quite happy with the fact that they had 4 children despite all the arguments us children have had with them and I believe it'd be the same with me.

And I feel like if cuckoldry is encouraged by law, rape should be too.
Actually, you don't spend time with them and you give them your money. If you do it any other way, that bitch judge will have you arrested.

well, as a child of divorce, I know we didn't spend a lot of time with our Dad after the divorce. It kinda cut into his new swinging bachelor life. He didn't know when any of our birthday's were and he got my name wrong in his will.

I would have rather he knew my name and birthday than gotten anything in the will. Its not always about the money. I bet those twins are crushed that he wants to deny them because the money was more important.
I think if women fail at marriage the next male that wants to mate with them should kill and eat the children from the previous relationship before coitus.
This is what I desire to do when I come across single mothers, I believe I'm biologically tuned to perform this act, and I think it would be the most logical and beneficial course of action for such a situation.
This and that

Roman said:

It does make some sense, but look at this particular case. His ex wants him to pay more money while getting fewer hours with the kids.

All things being equal, they should take the kids off her hands and put him in charge. Sounds to me like she is, to some degree, more bonkers than normal.

• • •​

Dr Lou Natic said:

... I believe I'm biologically tuned to perform this act ....

That would explain a lot.
what a load of horse shit. she cant take this guys kids away then demand more money from him(child support should be just that, why should he have to pay ex-wife support?).
You guys think Canada has less freedom than U.S.

sometimes liberal ='s less freedom. and where, where is the balance?
The court's ruling regarding the kids' best interests—e.g., to have a father they know—makes a certain amount of sense. To the other, what are the applicable fraud statutes? Are there limitations?

And how did he come to wait so long before demanding a paternity test?

That last might be relevant in the court's decision or not, but it's an interesting one.

This case is an outrage. Roman is right. There's no way this man should be forced to pay ANYTHING, and should be reimbursed with all the money he paid.
well, as a child of divorce, I know we didn't spend a lot of time with our Dad after the divorce. It kinda cut into his new swinging bachelor life. He didn't know when any of our birthday's were and he got my name wrong in his will.

I would have rather he knew my name and birthday than gotten anything in the will. Its not always about the money. I bet those twins are crushed that he wants to deny them because the money was more important.

But he's not their fucking dad!
So what do you all think?

If you don't want a judge determining the fate of your money, don't get a divorce until your kids are of age and before you get a divorce make sure your spouse is taking care of her own finances instead of being dependent on you.

Its called a "trial seperation." Get her, her own place, her own job and be generous upfront. If you just dump her the judge will make you pay for it.

If you are getting DNA tests after 16 years of marriage, you are twice the fool. The cow is long out of that barn. They are your kids just as if you adopted them or sired them yourself in any English common law country (like the US and Canada). Suck it up and drive on for 2 more years.