Can you really blame these people?

Oh BTW bells did you read the artical by the former chief magistrate whos son? was killed in the bail bombing
oh and one last thing bells, dont just read the court case but read the news paper articals around at the time too
Well, Orville and Wilber hadn't gotten around to inventing the plane yet. So bombing from 35,000 feet wasn't an option. General Sherman did devastate a broad swath of the confederacy\ during his "march to the sea"

But he didn't open the Howitzer's on Confederate weddings.
There's a difference, I think, in waging total war directed at people's stuff vs. at the people themselves. Or callous disregard of civilians.
But he didn't open the Howitzer's on Confederate weddings.
There's a difference, I think, in waging total war directed at people's stuff vs. at the people themselves. Or callous disregard of civilians.

There's also a sort of cognitive dissonance when one calls a drive-by shooter a coward, but commends pilots who bomb civilians.

I wish there was more consistency. Why bother justifying American "collateral damage", and bitching about terrorism? Why not embrace the slaughter of an enemy population, or condemn any civilian deaths? Not this picky-choosy bullshit. Come on, work on your ethic.