Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?

Once again you're using a false argument.
Because something hasn't been shown you automatically assume that the opposite therefore must true.
That's not true at all. Science has come up with this idea on their own. It is not something that makes sense, but if science can show that, that is what happened, then OK. But to go against the facts and the evidence, and then not be able to show that they are correct, is ridiculous. Some are now calling evolution a fact, when science themselves don't know the first thing about their own theory.
That is why science and creation are the same. But scientists and creation differ. They really should work together, if what people are looking for is truth.
But religions have been no better. They talk about three headed Gods and and the universe was created in six earth days, and spirits come out of you when you die. Is it no wonder scientists think religion is a joke.
But like I said earlier , this system is designed for misdirection.
Evolution is a fact. Natural selection may be doubted as the operative mechanism, but evolution itself is a fact.

How does creationism show life coming from non-life? As far as I know, they only have a book.
That's not true at all.
Actually it is true.
Because science can't come up with an answer you'll accept you ASSUME that your version must be the ONLY CORRECT answer.

Science has come up with this idea on their own. It is not something that makes sense, but if science can show that, that is what happened, then OK.
You don't what "making sense" means.

But to go against the facts and the evidence, and then not be able to show that they are correct, is ridiculous.
There are no facts and evidence to support your view. Science is not going against facts OR evidence.

Some are now calling evolution a fact
It is a fact.

when science themselves don't know the first thing about their own theory.
Can you see how utterly ridiculous that statement is?
Maybe not...

That is why science and creation are the same.
No they aren't.

But scientists and creation differ.
Of course they do, because science and creation differ.

They really should work together, if what people are looking for is truth.
You personally are in no position to discuss, let alone decide, what truth is or how it should be found, bearing in mind your wilful ignorance and continued efforts to ignore evidence.

Is it no wonder scientists think religion is a joke.
Because it is.

But like I said earlier , this system is designed for misdirection.
Another statement you've failed to provide evidence for.
Evolution is a fact. Natural selection may be doubted as the operative mechanism, but evolution itself is a fact.

How does creationism show life coming from non-life? As far as I know, they only have a book.
Actually science can not show that evolution is anything but an idea.
How can science say it is a fact? What is it that is a fact?
You personally are in no position to discuss, let alone decide, what truth is or how it should be found, bearing in mind your wilful ignorance and continued efforts to ignore evidence.
What evidence does science have?
Jesus dude, read a book.

Science can show evolution at work. The domestication of animals proves what evolution can do in mere centuries, and the Earth is over 4 billion years old. Imagine what evolution can do in millions of centures.
But like I said earlier , this system is designed for misdirection.

Another statement you've failed to provide evidence for.
Every four years the people in the US for example, vote for a new government. They want a new direction , because they don't like the direction the president before took them. Many other countries are the same. We have religions say one thing science saying another. There are so many religions which is the correct one or is there any? This all misdirection. Mean while the earth is going down the tubes. We hear one thing from the media, and another, from government, intentional information is put out to mislead. There is alot of evidence for misdirection of information.
Actually science can not show that evolution is anything but an idea.
Once again displaying your total ignorance of what evidence is.

How can science say it is a fact? What is it that is a fact?
See above.

What evidence does science have?
You have been given links MANY times to discussions and data showing the evidence. That you are still saying "what evidence" is yet another display of your wilfully bigoted attitude toward reality.

You aren't here to discuss anything, you aren't here to learn anything, you aren't here to pass on information.
Your sole purpose in this forum appears to be that you want to promote a deliberately ignorant viewpoint, and get others to share that ignorance.
In short you're trolling.

You're correct in your view if, and ONLY if, one is prepared to accept stupidity and totally ignore reality.
Every four years the people in the US for example, vote for a new government. They want a new direction , because they don't like the direction the president before took them.
So you're also fundamentally ignorant of the reasons for elections too?
No real surprise there either.
That isn't the point, or the purpose, of electing a new government every four years.

This all misdirection.
Yes, you would see it as that.
Which is not to say that you're correct in that view.
Jesus dude, read a book.

Science can show evolution at work. The domestication of animals proves what evolution can do in mere centuries, and the Earth is over 4 billion years old. Imagine what evolution can do in millions of centures.
Please not Dawkins's books. He has some comments on false religion that are pretty good, but when it comes to evolution, he is the same as other scientists, no evidence. This is a great example of misdirection.
The domestic animals were a special creation, and the earth and universe could be billions of years old, that is not a problem with creation.
he is the same as other scientists, no evidence.

This is a great example of misdirection.
The only misdirection going on here is your own.

Dawkins wasn't mentioned by anyone except you.
Go read an actual text book.

The domestic animals were a special creation
More of your specious misdirection.
Domestic animals weren't mentioned except by you.
There is a 20 year ongoing experiment with e. Coli for instance.

There is a recent study of lizards transferred from one island to another that was free from lizards. The lizards developed bigger jaws to munch vegetation, since the "mother" island had more insects. They also developed organs of digestion that enabled them to digest vegetable matter better.
This is not evolution, this is a change because of adapting to your surroundings. There is great variety in humans for example. If tall humans were more successful in a certain area, and being tall was more favored, eventually there would be taller humans in that area. But they are all still human, not evolving into something other than human.
For evolution , as the way scientist say it, there would have to be evidence of failures, before anything would be a benefit, to a host. You would need a single cell to produce a bit of bone material, in different ways and shapes and placement on the cell, before you would get anything that was useful. But there is not record of this ever happening. This is the same for evolution in later stages as well. What is found is , four footed animals with their four feet on the ground , not all over the place , until the correct placement is found.
All science has to do is get an single cell and watch it evolve into all we see today. That would prove it.
What is found is , four footed animals with their four feet on the ground , not all over the place , until the correct placement is found.
I didn't think it was possible for so much ignorance to be contained in one single person.
Tell me, do you also take lessons on how to breath or is there a team of people there doing it for you?
You have been given links MANY times to discussions and data showing the evidence. That you are still saying "what evidence" is yet another display of your wilfully bigoted attitude toward reality.
I have read a lot on this. Instead of sending me to read more stuff, why is it you can't use your own words and give the evidence?
My apologies, I didn't see the link.

I already have some of his books.

But haven't read or understood them, apparently.
That's OK
I have read them, he has some good points, when it comes to religion, but he doesn't have the evidence for evolution , just as the rest of science doesn't.
I have read a lot on this.
And either ignored it or failed to understand it.

Instead of sending me to read more stuff, why is it you can't use your own words and give the evidence?
Because there's no point in giving MY words if you're ignoring the words of the people who've actually done the work.

This is typical example of your disingenuous attitude.
You yourself have previously stated that you won't even look at information on the grounds that it's someone else's opinion of other people's work and now you're asking for exactly that...
In other words you're taking every possible measure to preserve your precious ignorance.