Can Robots Make Ethical Decisions?

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No I'm saying that "morals" is the term we use for something not completely understood.
And since we don't know the entire "programme" then it's impossible to say that we can go against it because we don't know what the programme "allows".
Humans go against stated (visible) morality: there's no way at all you can claim that we go against our "inner programming" since you have no idea what it is.

No you are right that I dont know what the whole program is in the case of humans. How ever a program at it's base is a set of instructions that allow for the handling of variables, that generate an outcome either wanted or unwanted. As for going against our inner programing lots of people do it every day. Thrill seekers suisdal people race car drivrs, all these types of people go against the internal programing of fight or flight self presurvation. That is known to be in a wide variety of animals and some plants by puting themselves into the situations they know can cause death and or injury.
Grim_Reaper said:
As for going against our inner programing lots of people do it every day.
That's an assumption since, as you have agreed;
No you are right that I dont know what the whole program is in the case of humans.

And since morality varies with culture and time it could be argued that what we call morality is most definitely NOT the underlying "programme".
In some cultures anthropophagy is moral.
At one time women showing an ankle was immoral.

We simply do not know enough to determine what the actual "programme" is well enough to say that it's possible to go against it.
Sure we can break society's rules, but they are purely a social construct.
Robots and computers are often designed to act autonomously, that is, without human intervention. Is it possible for an autonomous machine to make moral judgments that are in line with human judgment?

This question has given rise to the issue of machine ethics and morality. As a practical matter, can a robot or computer be programmed to act in an ethical manner? Can a machine be designed to act morally?

Morality is a relative term and differ from person to person.
You can cause a robo to perform a moral action in the eyes of some. But face the fact its still deterministic programming. I really don't think it is possible to program consciousness of a soul into the robot. So no is probably my answer.
Morality is a relative term and differ from person to person.
You can cause a robo to perform a moral action in the eyes of some. But face the fact its still deterministic programming. I really don't think it is possible to program consciousness of a soul into the robot. So no is probably my answer.

What is a "soul".???
I really don't think it is possible to program consciousness of a soul into the robot. So no is probably my answer.
Why would you need to programme consciousness of a mythical thing into a robot?
Do they need to be aware of unicorns as well, before we consider them capable of ethical decisions?
Why would you need to programme consciousness of a mythical thing into a robot?
Do they need to be aware of unicorns as well, before we consider them capable of ethical decisions?

Shallow comment. This reminds me one of our discussion b4 when you said it is wrong to murder and kill people and rape women and I said lets do it. You seemed to support the notion of humanity. So what makes a living thing so special dum dum - a soul perhaps.
Shallow comment. This reminds me one of our discussion b4 when you said it is wrong to murder and kill people and rape women and I said lets do it. You seemed to support the notion of humanity. So what makes a living thing so special dum dum - a soul perhaps.
Hardly shallow, perhaps it's your understanding of the question.
There's no evidence for a soul. NONE.
Hardly shallow, perhaps it's your understanding of the question.
There's no evidence for a soul. NONE.

Of course there isn't an evidence dum dum. But by the same logic it would mean that there isn't much difference between a living and a non living thing. So there is no reason for me not to rape and kill if I can get away with it. Right?
Of course there isn't an evidence dum dum. But by the same logic it would mean that there isn't much difference between a living and a non living thing. So there is no reason for me not to rape and kill if I can get away with it. Right?
Sense of morals?
Do try to learn what logic is, and how to apply it.

Nothing at all to with living and non-living.
What do you thank "consciousness" is.???

Consciousness is self awareness if one is conscious then one must be self aware. It does not mean there is a soul no one has proven that as no one has proven the existence of a God being that is all knowing and all seeing. SO who could you program something that is intangible into a robot AI.
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
What is consciousness.???

So you do thank that consciousness is supernatural.???

I can only explain this subjectively through analogy. I do no like to see others sad or hurt others. Why do you think that is ? I think this is caused by something transcendental best described by the intangible word "soul". I think this is the most important thing which separates me from non-living. This comes inbuilt in living organisms. I do not think it is possible to program it into a machine. If I was not possessed of it I would become an intellectually driven uncaring machine in an instant. So there is your answer.
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
So you do thank that consciousness is supernatural.???

No it is not it is a state of being alive nothing to do with a supposed soul.

Do you thank the state of bein alive is supernatural.???
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