Can Robots Make Ethical Decisions?

Not open for further replies. think we humans can match nature in any finite period of time that we may have left to walk the Earth with our slow, trial and error techniques to duplicate that feat and match the genetic potential of humans in man made robots?

Now it seems that you dont disagree that its posible... you'r jus quibblin over the time-line.!!!
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Now it seems that you dont disagree that its posible... you'r jus quibblin over the time-line.!!!
Maybe it is just a time-line issue. As technology advances it does so at a compound rate, or at least has so far. But I going on the premise that life was generated here on Earth through a natural process and each beneficial change in DNA had to be tested and proven over generations. We don't even know what combination of human genes have to work together to allow the chemicals and energy that develops an individual from egg and sperm to become conscious, let alone to become a thinking being with ethics.

Are you going to give the robot a genetic make-up in order to give it ethics, or are you going to do it with wires and circuits?
...I going on the premise that life was generated here on Earth through a natural process and each beneficial change in DNA had to be tested and proven over generations.

Each change in dna was tested an those which proved beneficial survived to effect future generatons... that natural process takes "forever" compared to a near instentanious man-made beneficial gene manipulaton.!!!

We don't even know what combination of human genes have to work together to allow the chemicals and energy that develops an individual from egg and sperm to become conscious, let alone to become a thinking being with ethics.

History seems to demonstrate... those who thank "we" will stay stuck on stoopid have been left in the dust wit such close-minded ideas.!!!

Do you thank "consciousness" is sompitn other than biological.???

Are you going to give the robot a genetic make-up in order to give it ethics, or are you going to do it with wires and circuits?

What is you'r definition of "ethics".???

In mathmatical terms... if you agree that 126.593 is a answr that solvs you'r prollem... it dont mater if that answr was produced by genetics or mechanics.!!!
Each change in dna was tested an those which proved beneficial survived to effect future generatons... that natural process takes "forever" compared to a near instentanious man-made beneficial gene manipulaton.!!!

History seems to demonstrate... those who thank "we" will stay stuck on stoopid have been left in the dust wit such close-minded ideas.!!!

Do you thank "consciousness" is sompitn other than biological.???

What is you'r definition of "ethics".???

In mathmatical terms... if you agree that 126.593 is a answr that solvs you'r prollem... it dont mater if that answr was produced by genetics or mechanics.!!!
We don't know what brings us to consciousness. Do you thank a mechanical, wires and circuit robot can be conscious?

What "ethics" are is a concept of a conscious and reasoning mind. Until we know how that happens how can we say that we can duplicate it without DNA or genes and in wired circuits?

Are you proposing this robot has man made DNA?
We are spirits. We live in bodies. We have souls (mind, will, emotion.) Robots do not have/are not spirits. They do not have souls. They are incapable of making ethical decisions.
My core beliefs have not changed. I have learned and grown but I still believe as the Bible teaches.

Good for you... we are esactly alike in that reguard.!!!

We are spirits. We live in bodies. We have souls (mind, will, emotion.) Robots do not have/are not spirits. They do not have souls. They are incapable of making ethical decisions.

Thanks you very much Sandy... som people prollly didnt know that robots dont/cant have soles.!!!
We don't know what brings us to consciousness. Do you thank a mechanical, wires and circuit robot can be conscious?

What "ethics" are is a concept of a conscious and reasoning mind. Until we know how that happens how can we say that we can duplicate it without DNA or genes and in wired circuits?

Are you proposing this robot has man made DNA?

I thank "consciousness" is sensory input so complex that many people see it as havin a "mystical" quality.!!!

Do you thank "consciousness" is somptin other than biological.???

I prepos that a "thankin" robot coud be made wit or wit-out dna.!!!
I thank "consciousness" is sensory input so complex that many people see it as havin a "mystical" quality.!!!

Do you thank "consciousness" is somptin other than biological.???

I prepos that a "thankin" robot coud be made wit or wit-out dna.!!!
Do you equate the position that we don't know what causes consciousness to the position that it has a mystical quality? I agree that it is sensory input but if we don't know how the human brain perceives it let alone how it works in humans then how can we know what circuits to wire up to make it work in robots until we figure it out in humans?

Consciousness is biological or at least I know of no evidence to say it is something more, but if you are just saying we could make robots conscious somehow because it is just biological, you are saying that humans can understand nature well enough to duplicate it.

And try to be more specific. Do you need to make this robot with DNA or not? Because though genetic engineering is an infant science and with time we will be able to produce DNA atom by atom, and program it to have ethics if we have enough time and can understand enough with the capacity that our brains have and will gain over time, the product of DNA is life. Once you build life in the lab or manufacture it in a factory you don't have robots any more, you have living units. Are you saying that robots can be alive like humans. Somehow that doesn't seem like a robot to me.
I thank the "consciousness-illusion" coud be duplicated simply thru complexity... a sufficiently complex robot woud be intellectually indestinguishable from a biological entity.!!!
I thank the "consciousness-illusion" coud be duplicated simply thru complexity... a sufficiently complex robot woud be intellectually indestinguishable from a biological entity.!!!
And I think that to get sufficient complexity you would have to produce a living unit, which then is not a robot.
If "ethics" are pre-determined and set in stone then a set of rules can be devised following ethical guidlines that a robot could calculate and follow.

I dont think a robot could follow a non-defined dynamic set of ethics since it wont be able to evaluate its own percieved information internaly on its "own" will? so to speak. Unless somehow someone somehwere finds a way to calculate an equation for "free-will" which if that is ever the case...ill definately be questioning my own damn existance...again lol
If "ethics" are pre-determined and set in stone then a set of rules can be devised following ethical guidlines that a robot could calculate and follow.

I dont think a robot could follow a non-defined dynamic set of ethics since it wont be able to evaluate its own percieved information internaly on its "own" will? so to speak. Unless somehow someone somehwere finds a way to calculate an equation for "free-will" which if that is ever the case...ill definately be questioning my own damn existance...again lol

How do you define "free-will".???
How do you define "free-will".???

See thats exacty it!! I can define it however I want. Whatever definition suits my needs or agenda is the definition I will choose/use/adhere to. Can a robot or will a robot ever be able to do that?

Can we ever "give" robots the capability to do that? We can program to simulate but true free will has to come from somewhere else. I don't know where the I get it.
See thats exacty it!! I can define it however I want. Whatever definition suits my needs or agenda is the definition I will choose/use/adhere to. Can a robot or will a robot ever be able to do that?

Even my calculator can "not" answr the queston i ask you.!!!
See thats exacty it!! I can define it however I want. Whatever definition suits my needs or agenda is the definition I will choose/use/adhere to. Can a robot or will a robot ever be able to do that?

Can we ever "give" robots the capability to do that? We can program to simulate but true free will has to come from somewhere else. I don't know where the I get it.
I agree with you about free will, where ever it comes from. It is just as natural as everything else and we certainly are a long ways from understanding a hell of a lot more than how we get free will.

To give a robot freewill would be the ultimate accomplishment and perhaps the ultimate screw up :D.
I have seen that question posed many times and there are philosophies that take up both pro and con. I don't think we know to what extent predetermination based on physical laws can go and to what extent a conscious mind can interfere with or override any predetermination imposed by natural laws of interaction.

What is your view on the topic?
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
What is you'r definition of free-will.???

I don't think we know to what extent predetermination based on physical laws can go and to what extent a conscious mind can interfere with or override any predetermination imposed by natural laws of interaction.

So you thank free-will is the mind overridin natural law.!!!

What is your view on the topic?

I dont know of any evidence that the mind can override natural law... thout is a psychical thang an can be duplicated... a suffecienty complex robot coud make "ethical" decisions indistinguishable from a human.!!!

Have you ever made a un-influenced (free-will) decision that you know of.???
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