Can God Violate the Uncertainty Principle?


This is extended from my other thread. I stated there where three major inconsistencies concerning God into a quantum physical picture. To to summerize them again,

''For me, three words can sum God up rather well. He/She is omnipotent. God is also omniscient. He/She is also omnipresent. This sums God up for me... but, before we continue, let us agree on one more aspect. God knows everything. There should not be an atom in the universe He/She is not aware of... hence something similar found in the Bible, ''God knows the number of every strand of hair on your head.''

However, having a scientific mind, i must admit, we must change our views of what God could be - we often take the bible far too seriously. For instance, to say God knows everything, is where the first inconsistency arises, when interpreting God into the theory of quantum physics.

According to the uncertainty principle, to know everything there is about matter, like the location or path of any particle simultaneously is unknowable. To know such knowledge would be disastrous for our universe; it would cause extreme violence. The uncertainty principle states that some of the particles in our universe are potentially volatile. This means that certain particles have explosive tendencies. Even an amount of 10^15 particles would be sufficient in ultimately annihilating our universe in one swift flash of energy, sending our universe back whence it came.

So, the question is, can an all-knowing God be correct? To know the location and path of 10^15 particles at any given time would destroy our universe - God would need to be ignorant of certain atomic behavior.

The second paradox arises when one takes into consideration when measuring an energy of a system. To measure the energy of any system, you need to be separate of it. In Relativity, it indicates that there is no outside to our universe. All that counts, exists inside of it. In just this case, how can anyone measure the energy of the universe, when one needs to be outside to measure it? To do so, God would need to be able to measure Himself/Herself simultaneously; now this might not be a problem if He/She has omnipresence. Of course, there is always the argument that God made it all, thus He/She should know what and how much ingredients were used, just like your mums Sunday apple pie.

The third paradox arises in the wave function. The only time anything real can come out of the wave function is when intelligence comes into the picture. If God is all-knowing and all-seeing, then surely He/She would collapse the wave function for us? Indeed if God did, there would be nothing for us to collapse. ''

Violating the Uncertainty Principle

So, if God cannot know everything, is the noun ''God'' really what we class as God? It stands to reason it can't, unless there is some way God can defy the principle without sending our universe back to whence it came.

Physicists, David Albert, Yakir Aharanov and Susan D'Amato came up with a genuis idea. There is a way to know a particles location and path without violating the UP.

If a measurement on the state of a particle is made in the past determining its path, and another measurement made of its momentum in the future, both the path and position of a particle is knowable in the present, because the momentum of a particle isn't determined yet in the present.

If the first inconsistency is a major flaw in any quantum phsyical picture of God, then it an be removed using the (AAD's) interpretation of UP violation.
My thoughts on the wave function.

The wave function, as i said, also states an inconsistency, since for God to know all the particles in the universe, it would certainly collapse the wave function and matter would not have any wave function at all.

So what purpose would God have with a wave function of possibilities? The only answer i can imagine, is that God didn't want anything specified at the atomic level, so that he could leave himself an infinite amount of possibilities at the fundamental level... so...

... if God wanted to change his creation at any time, He could fix the Eigenstate of a large bundle of particles that they followed plan x instead of plan y. Just like a photon distributed along one path, or the other. With a large enough collection of particles, a change subatomically would have large effects in macroscopic functions.

Its all i can think of.
Yes, God can violate the uncertainty principle, in more ways then one.
:) Yes, i do believe so Jo. I just want to tackle these paradox's so that quantum mechanics can answer for a God Theory. You know, ?

The theological significance of inflationary cosmology is this: It shows how the universe can have formed from nothing, in complete chaos (maximum entropy), and have order form spontaneously, without violating any known principles of physics. That is, it provides an economical explanation of the origin of the universe without creation or design. A creator is not required by the data...

Victor Stenger
Is this supposed to be evidence that a creator is not needed in existence, because i was under the impression there is neither conclusive evidence to suggest it from either side.
Is that it, because as i explained, God cannot be answered to be true or false? The laws of nature, as far as we can tell, could have arisen from a superintelligence.
:) Yes, i do believe so Jo. I just want to tackle these paradox's so that quantum mechanics can answer for a God Theory. You know, ?


I'll check up on this...tomorrow, since time is running low at the moment.
Is that it, because as i explained, God cannot be answered to be true or false? The laws of nature, as far as we can tell, could have arisen from a superintelligence.

Why postulate something unnecessary?
We postulate unecessery thoeries all the time, to answer for the other unexplainable and sometimes unecessery outcomes. For instance, it's uncessery to theorize about a big crunch, because nature doesn't [[seem]] to reflect any crunch at all, but instead an infinite expansion without pause.

Same goes with life.

We don't go through life expecting the usual, or profoundly theorizing a certain thing, but we as human beings tend to sort out through all possibilities. If we don't, then we are dogmatic and narrow.
Well, i would assume he is mixed or smeared into his own creation, which would suggest that the laws we see, are already the things he is doing. Why, is a very good question. We can only assume from a quantum physical view that he is doing all he can, since there is nothing left to the universe which isn't already happening.

For instance, to make what i mean clearer, imagine the universe did all it can... this means that there is nothing left for the universe which it hasn't come to do. So God has allowed everything that can be.