Can God love?

I know me, and I know what I have discussed with youl. I also know the sentiments I express, and have explained things you wanted clarifying, to you, over and over again. I've even invited to speak to a female who is advanced in spritual life, and a very good and nice person, to give far better clarity than I could hope to give you. Yet you label as a certain type of person (very nasty not to speak of insulting).

How many abortions has she had, while a devotee? Or is this a topic she and you don't talk about, in all your advancedness?

You're not obliged to do anything, and I haven't told you to do or be anything. Yet you keep projecting this nonsense on to me claiming it is because I am theist. Absolute bollox.

It's clear that you feel offended and angry if I don't think, feel and act in line with your expectations.
Clearly, you do expect things from me.

You pick up what you can relate to, then apply it to your life.

Oh really? Shall we go over all the warnings against picking and choosing and how offensive it is to God?

It's not an academic subject. You obviously don't like theism, or theists, because for some time now, you speak nastily about it and them.

Yeah, I speak so "nastily" about theists and theism that several posters here regularly consider me a theist.
I mean, totally, like, yeah, I so "don't like theism or theists" that I consistenly and persistently argue in favor of them, such as here.

How can you listen to, or respect anyone whom you feel so vehement against? You're in turmoil, and it has nothing to do with theists IMO.

It has to do with God. Theists, as His official representatives (as they claim to be), are the ones I address, since God Himself won't show up.

Citizens against abuse in the name of God!

See? You want me to trust you, but you do not trust me. And you seem to think that this is a fair arrangement.
Another typical theist move: demand trust, but give none in return.

It's true.

What's funny about it?

It's what people who teach by example are engaged in.

Yeah, such as spreading the belief that everything that everyone who is not a member of their organization does, is wrong, unholy, demonic.

Firstly, truth is truth, and it doesn't matter how you acquire it.

What was all that about drinking milk that was touched by a snake's tongue?

With regard to the spiritual teacher, I suggest you go converse with some.

I have. Most require that I first join the organization they are part of. And only then might they have some time for me.

You can realise God even from a child.

And the child then gets to decide whether you have realized God or not, right?

We're all part and parcel of God, therefore we have the same essence.

Pffft. Like you really believe that.

See, the example that you teach, and all the theists that I have known teach it, is that we do not all have the same essence.

You do not even remotely seem to me as someone who would believe he has the same essence as me.

Learning how to discriminate between truth and falsehood (a mere distortion) is the way to advance. This can be done in anyway, as long as we're open to it.

Not as long as people who despise us have the say over whether we have proper discrimination or not.

Actually, we're all different degrees of theist.

You will need to provide scriptural support for this one.
If non-theists are believed to be worthless, less than human - what scope is there for them to have any chance at happiness?
Now prove that is the case.

True happiness can only be with God.
Non-theists are exempt from being with God.
Thus, non-theists have no chance for true happiness.

The African Slave Trade proves my point.

The analogy doesn't apply, because it is mundane.

How many abortions has she had, while a devotee? Or is this a topic she and you don't talk about, in all your advancedness?


It's clear that you feel offended and angry if I don't think, feel and act in line with your expectations.
Clearly, you do expect things from me.

I've given up, nothing I say has any meaning to you.
You wynn. :)

Oh really? Shall we go over all the warnings against picking and choosing and how offensive it is to God?


Yeah, I speak so "nastily" about theists and theism that several posters here regularly consider me a theist.
I mean, totally, like, yeah, I so "don't like theism or theists" that I consistenly and persistently argue in favor of them, such as here.

Which is all the more reason why I give up.
You wynn.

It has to do with God. Theists, as His official representatives (as they claim to be), are the ones I address, since God Himself won't show up.


I like you wynn. I think you're smart. Definately smarter and more intelligent than the fundie atheists. But I don't have any more energy to keep going over the same old shit.
Explain yourself properly once and for all, without these emotional, seemingly baseless statements, and let's move on.

True happiness can only be with God.
Non-theists are exempt from being with God.
Thus, non-theists have no chance for true happiness.

The analogy doesn't apply, because it is mundane.

You wynn. You're all flee-ridden scumbags, with ever-so horrible sores spewing yellowy creamy puss.

There! Are you satisfied now.

It's that theists like you (and all theists that I know) refuse to acknowledge that theism is something personal to begin with; it's something that cannot be taught the way mathematics or geography can be taught.
um..All theist??
apparently you forgot how many times i have said exactly that..
it is personal and subjective which is why there can be NO objective proof.

But when it comes to theistic topics, personal contact and the quality of personal contact is everything.
If a religious/spiritual teacher beats his students, how are the students supposed to believe him that God is loving?

I also do not understand why God set up the world so that we non-theists have to rely for information on God
God didn't set it up like did.
Man created religion not God.
and for the record YOU have the same information available to you as theist do. there is no 'secret' book that only theist have access to.
which begs the question of how much authority do you give theist?
it is personal and subjective which is why there can be NO objective proof.


God didn't set it up like did.

As it is, God is tolerating it. For some reason.

and for the record YOU have the same information available to you as theist do.

Prove it!

which begs the question of how much authority do you give theist?

Find me a theist who doesn't get angry and who doesn't threaten to take offense if I don't instantly and completely subject myself to him or her.
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what does that have to do with anything?
Prove it!
you do have a bible correct?
If not, get one and read it your self...(a concordance version comes with Loads of historical notes)

Find me a theist who doesn't get angry and threatens to take offense if I don't instantly and completely subject myself to him or her.

yur talking to one..

Inappropriate? Inappropriate??
"Sanatana Dharma" is a patriarchal, misogynistic system. It is reasonable to expect its adherents to say one thing and do another, to gross extents.

Just like the Catholics. They say that sex is for conceving children. Yet the vast majority of Catholic women use some form of contraception and have abortions. It's an "open secret." They say contraceptives and abortions are wrong - but they use them anyway. Because the man must be pleased! The woman must subject herself to her husband!

Why would Hindu devotees be any different? Women are, after all, "less intelligent" and all that, so why care about them! Especially once they are old, or if they're not pretty!

How am I supposed to unconditionally and instantly trust someone for whom I don't know whether they actually walk the talk they preach?

I like you wynn. I think you're smart. Definately smarter and more intelligent than the fundie atheists. But I don't have any more energy to keep going over the same old shit.
Explain yourself properly once and for all, without these emotional, seemingly baseless statements, and let's move on.

I've explained myself. You simply and continually refuse to acknowledge my points.
You said this about theism:
Such subjectivism is solipsistic.
which has nothing to do with your point of:
It's that theists like you (and all theists that I know) refuse to acknowledge that theism is something personal to begin with;
so i show you that i do not refuse to acknowledge,and in fact go on to admit that it IS personal.. then you divert against your own saying it is solipsistic.
So is your opinion solipsistic?

you said:
"Find me a theist who doesn't get angry and threatens to take offense if I don't instantly and completely subject myself to him or her."
nowhere in your link qualifies as me being 'angry' 'taking offense' or 'expecting someone to be subjective to me..'

In fact the subject matter from me was addressing the other person who was taking offense because i disagreed with them. not me being offended or angry or whatever..
which has nothing to do with your point of:

so i show you that i do not refuse to acknowledge,and in fact go on to admit that it IS personal.. then you divert against your own saying it is solipsistic.
So is your opinion solipsistic?

Do you remember when we talked about epistemic autonomy?

you said:
"Find me a theist who doesn't get angry and threatens to take offense if I don't instantly and completely subject myself to him or her."
nowhere in your link qualifies as me being 'angry' 'taking offense' or 'expecting someone to be subjective to me..'

In fact the subject matter from me was addressing the other person who was taking offense because i disagreed with them. not me being offended or angry or whatever..

Projection. It's very offensive to project, you know?

I didn't "take offense because you disagreed with me." That is what you project into me, read into me.

You never asked me how I felt, or what I thought, you just jumped to conclusions, and then expected me to defend myself against them.

you said:
but the underlying issue is, is it ethical/moral/acceptable to not like someone just cause they don't agree with you?

in comment to what I said:

me said:
I do not seek to be friends with people who disagree with me on the things I find important.

If you have a problem with that - then you apparently wish to be friends with someone else, not me.

You're underestimating the role of disagreement on important issues.

not me being offended or angry or whatever..

Because people who are not angry and not offended totally say things like -

just give signal enough rope..he will hang himself..

i want so bad to join Lori in her rant against signal

i proved my point..

its not my fault you do not wanna hear.

It's not your fault that I don't want to subject myself to you, yeah.

You turn spirituality into a power game, just like so many other things.
So typically theist.
For the record wanna catch me being angry..go look in the thread 'should we ban the religious forum' started by Epic...
I seriously just stepped in it..
You wynn. You're all flee-ridden scumbags, with ever-so horrible sores spewing yellowy creamy puss.

There! Are you satisfied now.

Look. I generally have no mercy for theists or anyone who directly or indirectly claims to know the Absolute Truth.
I am that way deliberately.

Can you give me a good reason (or more) why I should change my approach?

Can you give me a good reason (or more) why I should change my approach and view theists as mere humans?

Look. I generally have no mercy for theists or anyone who directly or indirectly claims to know the Absolute Truth.
I am that way deliberately.

No mercy?
What do you want me to say?
There is no reasoning to be done.

Can you give me a good reason (or more) why I should change my approach?

As you hold me in such low regard, I will pass on that offer if you don't mind.

No mercy?
What do you want me to say?
There is no reasoning to be done.

As you hold me in such low regard, I will pass on that offer if you don't mind.

So you continue to demand to be treated like royalty and to be given infinite credit?
You take nothing less?
And you continue to demand that I trust you, while you don't trust me?

Where did I say that I hold you in low regard?